Debriefing Notes for 9/22/2020 PLANNING BOARD DEBRIEFING NOTES September 22, 2020 Members Present- Traver, Hunsinger, Magowan, Shafer, White,Deeb, Valentine Alternate Members Present: Alternate Members Absent- Dixon,Jackoski, Administrative Item: SUB (M) 6-2019BARRY & JACQUELINE LASHINSKY, Moon Hill Rd.7:01:7:02 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to modify an existing subdivision “Imperial Acres” (April 1990). The application has been revised to show 8 lots where seven lots are residential and one lot is for stormwater management. The stormwater management has been updated in regards to grading and adding basins. The project has been further revised to address lot line adjustment with adjoining properties. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, modification of an approved subdivision shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved with additional plantings at each stormwater basin. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit plans for engineering and then final plans for Zoning Administrators signature. SPDES: Y SP 44-2019 & FWW 4-2019THE GLEN AT HILAND MEADOWS, INC., 39 Longview Dr.7:03-7::04 Ward 1. Applicant proposes three projects for the Glen at Hiland Meadows. Proposed is a 20,897 sq. ft. (footprint) two story 41,794 sq. ft. (floor area) addition to the main building with 28 independent living units. Also proposed is a 5,016 sq. ft. (footprint) single story wellness center addition to the main building. Separately, a 25,268 sq. ft. (footprint) single story new building for a memory care facility for 30 residents. Property also includesassociated site work for the project. Project occurs in an existing PUD and The Glen at Hiland Meadows Health Facility. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. [[1797,1703,2044,1760][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]Applicant [[2007,1703,2205,1760][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]requests [[2187,1703,2448,1760][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]a one year [[150,1760,1268,1817][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]extension. The Planning Board approved Site Plan 44 [[1243,1760,1293,1817][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]- [[1260,1760,1335,1817][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]20 [[1310,1760,2064,1817][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]19 & Freshwater Wetlands Permit 4 [[2039,1760,2089,1817][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]- [[2055,1760,2403,1817][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]2019 The Glen [[150,1818,683,1875][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]at Hiland Meadows, Inc. [[659,1818,975,1875][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]on 10/15/2020 Status: Applicant was granted a one year extension.Extension granted 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit plans for engineering and then final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. SPDES: Y SP 70-2014JAMES VARANO, Lot 62 Montray Heights7:05-7:18 Ward 1. Applicant proposes construction of a single family dwelling Pursuant to Chapter 179-8-060,-070 of the Zoning Ordinance, installing/maintaining a buffer less than 50 feet between zones (CM & MDR –10 feet is proposed) shall be subject to Planning Board review.[[1312,2278,2450,2335][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]Request for additional one year extension (fourth). [[150,2335,790,2392][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]Original approval October 20 [[765,2335,2451,2392][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]14. Previous extension granted in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Applicant [[148,2393,797,2450][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]granted a one year extension [[763,2393,814,2450][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]– [[805,2393,2450,2450][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]October 2020. Board requested staff to inform the applicant there will be no [[150,2450,691,2507][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]more extensions granted. Status: Applicant was granted a one yearextension. Extension granted 4-3.White, Traver, Valentine Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. SPDES:N SP 37-2020CKT ENTERPRISES, LLC, 11 Lafayette Street7:19-7:20 Ward 2. Applicant proposes to enclose the existing 2,627 sq. ft. pole barn building with a 436 sq. ft. addition for overhead doors for a storage building. The project also requests to maintain a buffer of an open fence and lawn area between the commercial use and residential use where a 50 ft. buffer is required. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance new commercial construction and modifications to an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Reaffirmed approval due to Warren County NCI response received on 9/16/2020.Reapproved 7-0. Follow Up:. Applicant to submit final plans for the Zoning Administrator to sign SPDES: N Old Business: SP 41-2020WILLIAM & KATHLEEN BOSY, 53 Assembly Pt. Rd.7:21-7:23 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to demo existing home of 2,537.3 sq. ft. FAR and to construct a new home of 3,065.3 sq. ft. FAR. The project includes construction of a 384 sq. ft. detached garage, installation of new lawn area, patio areas and driveway. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-6-065, 179-6-050& 179-8-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50 ft. of shoreline and shoreline buffers shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. th Status: Application tabled to November 24pending ZBA review. Tabled 7-0. th Follow Up:. Applicant to submit revised information by October 15 SPDES:N SP (M) 35-2020SHERWOOD ACRES CONSTRUCTION, 3 Glen Hall Rd.7:24-8:01 Ward 1. Applicant requests to maintain 617 sp. Ft. of hard surface in the driveway area. In addition, there is 107 sq. ft. of new concrete sidewalk with retaining wall for the parking area of the home. The parcel was part of previous approvals for a new home construction and associated site work for area variance and site plan (1,019 sq. ft. footprint and 2,035 sq. ft. floor area). Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 and 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance Site Plan Modification to an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit plans for engineeringsign off then final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. SPDES:N New Business: SP (M) 38-2020HUDSON HEADWATERS, 27 Carey Road8:02-8:09 Ward 4. Applicant proposes to modify an approved site plan for the 3,750 sq. ft. building. The 5,000 sq. ft. building to remain as proposed with offices, etc. The 3,750 sq. ft. building will amend location and number of bay doors for storage of the RV units and general storage for HHHN. The project includes construction of 3,446 sq. ft. of sidewalk and driveway area. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance, modifications to an approved site plan shall be subjectto Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit plans for engineeringsign off then final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. SPDES:N SP 39-2020HUDSON HEADWATERS, So. Western & Holden Ave.8:10-8:21 Ward 2. Applicant proposes site work on six properties including building demolition, removal of driveway area, tree and shrub removal, revegetation and installation of thirty new parking spaces. The new parking is associated with 309.7-1-58 having an existing medical office building with thirty spaces. Project includes merging six properties. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, site development work shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved with condition two deciduoustrees to be added along Nathan and South Western, then 2 Coniferouson Nathan and South Western.Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit plans for engineeringsign off then final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. SPDES:Y SP 40-2020ADIRONDACK IMAGING, Corner Corinth Rd. & Carey Rd.8:22-9:01 Ward 4. Applicant proposes to construct an 18,200 sq. ft. medical office building including an imaging center. The lot is located in the Carey Industrial Park and is a corner lot. Access to the site will be from Carey Road but will have frontage on Carey and Corinth Roads. The building has the imaging center of 15,000 sq. ft. and then 3,200 sq. ft. area for a future tenant. Site work includes installation of parking area, landscaping, stormwater management and lighting. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial constructionshall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved with condition to reduce light levels to the Town’s guidance, applicant to bank some parking spaces for the future (determined by the applicant), existing trees on the south and eastern property line to remain to the extent possibleApproved7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit plans for engineeringsign off then final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. SPDES:Y Recommendation to the Queensbury Town Board for adoption of Local Law Establish renewable energy systems and facilities regulations9:02-9:41 Planning Board recommended favorable with clarification of items submitted by Staff in a report to the Town Board.Favorable 7-0. Other item -9:42- 9:43 Brad asked everyone to remind10 people to complete the 2020 Census. Adjourn:9:44