004.99 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE RESOLUTION NO.: 4, 1999 INTRODUCED BY: MR. PLINEY TUCKER WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: MR. RICHARD MERRILL WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury wishes to designate Robert’s Rules of Order as its official rules of procedure, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in accordance with the authority granted by §63 of the New York State Town Law, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby designates Robert's Rules of Order as its official rules of procedure for the year 1999 except when these Rules are not in agreement with Town Law or any Resolutions of this Board. th Duly adopted this 4 day of January, 1999, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Turner, Mr. Irish, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Merrill, Mr. Champagne NOES : None ABSENT: None