074.99 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING JOEL CLUGSTONE TO CARRY OVER NINE UNUSED DAYS OF VACATION TIME RESOLUTION NO.: 74.99 INTRODUCED BY: MR. PLINEY TUCKER WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: MR. THEODORE TURNER WHEREAS, Joel Clugstone, Building & Codes Enforcement Officer, has requested that he be rd allowed to carry over nine (9) vacation days beyond his April 3 employment anniversary date to facilitate adequate coverage in the Building and Codes Department, and thrd WHEREAS, Mr. Clugstone will utilize these nine days from April 13 through April 23, 1999, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes Joel Clugstone to carry over nine (9) vacation days, such vacation days to be utilized prior to December 31, 1999. st Duly adopted this 1 day of March, 1999, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Irish, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Merrill, Mr. Turner, Mr. Champagne NOES : None ABSENT : None