SEQRA.Neg.Dec.Resolution regetye :,i r iZen—x SEAR IFs 17.21 Appendix F yL State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance Project Number Ay 43- 1992 Date 8/25/92 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (Slate Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The Town of Oueensbury Planning Board as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Polk Subdivision SEAR Status: Type 1 ] Unlisted ❑ Conditioned Negative Declaration: ❑Yes ® No Description of Action: Three lot subdivision in a CEA, Assembly Point, Lake George. Creation of 2 substandard lots, and two lots without required road frontage. Location: (include street address and the name of the municipailtylcounty. A location map of appropriate scale is also recommended.) East side of Assembly Point, on Assembly Point, Queensbury, NY 12804 Warren County ` SEQR Neyalive Declaration �I Page 2 nonsons Supporting This Determination: (:lee, fi 17.G(g) for requirements of this del I7.0(b) for (;cin()ilioned Negalivo Declaralion) liavino considered and thoroughly ana having considered the s criterialyzed till relevant areas of environmental concern and impact as the same is set forth for determining whethr e a Project has a significant environmental h in Section 617.11 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules tate and Regulations for the S of Alew Yor•I:, thi.v Poard finds that the action about to he undertaken by this Poar•cl will have no significant environmental x nd the Chairman of the Planning Board is hereby authorized to eecute a si n non-significance and file -is may be necessary a statement or a negative declaration fli, may he required by law. of If Conditioned Negative Declaration, Provide on atfact,I, eut the specific mitigation measures imposed. ror Further Information: Contact Person: Lee York, Senior Planner Address: Bay at Haviland Roacl, Oueensbrn v, llew York 12804 lelophone Number. (518) 745-4437 For Type I Actions and Conditioner) Negative Declarations a Copy of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner, Department of Environmenlal Con.^.ervntinn 50 Wolf (toad, Albany, New York 12233-0 Of 001 Appropriate negional office of the Doparlmenl of 1 nvironmenfal Conservation located."lice the Chief Executive Officer of the polilic�al ';nbdivision in which the action will be principally Applicant (if any) Other involved agencies (if any) I 7)-7c 617.21 SEOR Appendix A n ' (1 i Stale Environtrontal Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM rpnse: The full fAl k designed In help apph(nnh and agtm u•+ deltnnme. ui an orderly mannt•r, whether a project r action may be signihi ant the question of whether an a, urn may [it- ,igndn ant is nut always easy In answer 1 requent Iv. there are aspects of a projet t that are sedile, twe• fir unnu•,isure•eble It is akt, untlerslood that those who delr•rmme >ignitu.ance nr•fy have little or no formal koowle(lg,• of the t•nvunn,uenl ur inav be technically export fit envuunmenial dn,elysis. In addition, many who have knowledge it,one Imm(uLrr area nfdv not be aware of the hrnader roncerns affecting the question of signilf(ance. Ile full I Al is intended to provide a nu•Ihod wherehy applfc ant, and agent u•% tan he assured that the determine non process has been orderly, comprehensive of nature, yet Iltxlblt to,Blow introdw nun of information to fit a project or action Full EAF Components: Tile full I-AI is (ongntsed of three pail, Part 1: Provides objective clad and ntlurin,Won ahout a gi,,,•n projet t and its site Isy identdying basic project data. it assists d reviewer fit flit •in.dysis Ili,,( bike, plat ,• in Park 2 and I Part 2: focuses nit edtntrlytng the Fang,• of pussihle utpat Is heat may if, i ur fruit a prup•e I or a( lien It provides guidant a is to wliethe•r an impat t is likely to bt , mi,nitred +moll It,flit ider,eIf-()r whether it is a Potentially large umpa(I I he form ahn altliltlle% wbelht•r an flnp,u I tat lit, mdigdted or reduced Part 7: If any impact in Part 2 is identified ds potentially Loge, then Pall I is used to evaluate whether or not the impact rs actually important DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE—Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identity the Portions of EAF completed for this project: X Part 1 I I Part 2 ❑Part 1 Upon review of the information recordt-d on tills t Al (fart, 1 anti 2 and I if appropriate). and any other supporting inhmnalion, and considering both the nt,igdude and hnport.m(e of tat It nmpm t, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: 1-1 A. The prole( t will not resrdl in any large and important inr )at Its) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant inrpa( I on flit envuonnec•nt, thomlore a negative declaration will be prepared. 1-1 D Although the fouler t could have a signifo ,flit eftet f nit the envuunnienl. there will not be a sigmfi(ant effect for this Unlisted Action because the nnUgdtlon me,istues(lest filled Oil PAR f I have been required, therefurt• a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' I. I C. The project may result in one or more large and unportant unpm Is that tray have d significant inipacl on the ,•nvnooment, lheretort a positive declaration will be prepared. A Conditioned Negative Uet lardtion n ()lily v,ehd flit Unlisted At loons JOHN L . POLK , JR . AREA VARIANCE APPLICATION - ---------Name• of A, lion - -------- -wevnty �rrt"A SL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TONING BOARD OF APPEALS _ Nafne ()I Lead Agent y -T-he-edere-T ="r Chairman Pant or I ype Nartie of Responsible Officer fit I earl Agvm y I ale of Responsible lhNt er i , aturtul Respunihle t)tlf.ef Init'ddAgtn, y 'itgo,hurt•(lPrep,uer(11 different from responsible officer) ag _�aq�