Modification 2009 Lands Now or Former/y of \ / / ='_ U _ Jere Jr. & Cynthia Bennett / Lands Now or Formerly of Book 647 Page 494 Patrick Burke p Map Reference 2 Book 1174 Page 159 0 - a on Wood Stockade Iron Pipe ' N4806WO "E Fence Found Map Reference 3 =: , \ 8.95 N48°00'10'E - *- ° RodCapFo d1rou 119.22 Tar Parcel?9514-1-95 CTtain Link Fence Note.-Setbacks Shown on This Map Are Lands to be Conveyed^n1 _ Wood Stockade Qu ury � V" Based on The Town of eensb Zonizt Area=.2261Acres f o ".._ Fence Encroaches Requirements and/or a lhrlarab'on of ta° 2o0',J rnN�\ Area=.402±Acres 0.8't Restrictions Filed in The Warren County ----� T"Pame1295.14-1-86 \ Qerks pffice on April26,1966in Book "' I 472ofD edsatI*r372. O-S—Cd Iron Pipe Found, -- N61-34YI4'ryi;0.27 $ ' Sq.Ft W \ Capped Iron from Comer 1'rotwsed o1 g ui 110ver Rod Found D:rk Hang(7yp) � (ZY ;�J, \ � MAPNOTFS � hon\pe �0�ryry %2Story % 1. Boundaryinfonnananshrwnhereon was compiledfrom an actual Found y Electrical Lands Now or Formerly of �PIn field survey conducted on October 11,2009.. Ponpead q 'sfructun Meter zancwtra,�t % 401" Rod Found ��g 2 North orientation and bearing base permaprefermce 1. Y m" Bound '`� �3' Concrete 2,CantileverF - L'Indy M. Gorham 3. Warren County taxparrel295..14-1-99&29514-1-86 P-p—d w LeaehField ' „ Book 958 Page 132 4. Thelocadon ofundergroundimpto e ents crencmaduments,ifany G vl� o Radius=150o0' exist,orasshownherecn,arenotce hied. Meremaybeother (jQ tU v 111 Length=9026' I Iron PpeFound, underground unlit es,the existence of wh ch are unkz own. Sze and b �yry �, 1 C7+ord=S43 5379"W,BB.91' 579�05TE 0.54' location ofaB underground uti7itiesmustbe verified by the Ja fieuno1 uaaar,, K K /ory ti from Comer appmpnoteauthorldes. The Underground-lac0hes Protective �.� `f e;,�vn� h q 1328 C� c 1. IRF SpBtRall Fence 10 Organization must be notified prior to conducting test borings, 7g7a1"1 :�uf:7t r Sq.Ft ' ` excavation and construction. acad Plamer \ \ / _ 5. This survey wasprepared without the bene&t ofan up to date NCO © \ abstractofhtle. Radius=16.26' Radius=150.00' \ IrmPpe y p, 6. Reproduction orcopy1hgofthts documentmaybe a violation of Len =12.49' Le d=3252' Found ("", v... Chord--N88°50'05'W,12.19' Charr --S20°2624"W,32.46' � Cg3 <<,fr;' ( hold�' sion of the autharand/orcopyright s obt Radius=1676'� � F/0F Length=15.08' �Q \ _eI AV f' 7. A ropy of this document without proper application of the Utility 00 Chord=S42°3536"W,14.55' \ "f surveyor's embossed seal should be assumed to bean unauthorized Pale(TJP) COPY DEEDF FERENCF �d SFR-lA Single Family �l Resident al S. Sephemformahon based on an assumed 3 bedroom house and an 1. Conveyance to Kathleen f Daly by deed dated Febuary21007,Sled is the Warren County Clerks Office on © Catch Basin f'Lp Lot Size 1 Acre assumed perorate of between 1 and 5minutes. Febuary M 2007m BOok3I95ofDeeds atpage 142. 01' Iran Rod Found Lot Width 150' Mtnurom Setbacks MAPREFERF.NCES Q) FJerlrica/Meter Front 30' Ap r9ved under authority ofa resolution adopted Edge of woods Side 20' to U/4K� /4 , z oy 9 by Planning Board of the 1. Mapenhtled SEC'7TONEWOODLAWNPARKSUBDIVlSIONLANDSOFCHARLES7.SINGER",preparedbv Rear Town ofQueensbur7�New York Gwinnan• Pi t-Frost Associates,dated May26,1967 filed m the Warren County Clerks Office on November IO 1967 t : 2. Map entitled'MAPOFA PROPOSED SLTBDIVLSIONMOL/NTAW VIEW ESTATES';prepared by John B. van f Dusen,dated October L 1974 filed the warren County clerks office on Jan uary23,1976as map number 'ou ,..,"osossz Dare REVISIONS RECORD/DE.SOfOPfIDN DRnf1ER ,�„�„;, ;,,,„,;, Map ofa Proposed Lot Line Adjustment BOOk 101 Ofmaps Page 51. ! 1 t/oe/ae i 1 clam,.R 4 ck w w pn Tom e<oo. U xo s a mw Zar�da'N°wmFormalvof Jr,Iz �Op a ,« Duo o zap Kathleen j Daly 3. Ma emitled"MAPOFSL7RVEYoflandsofCMRLE5P.SR.&BEATRICEA. TISINGER'' rz aredb W. . m—h u"a sW..�" P P P Y I AFrrzove¢DCD MnWOF PUPEANNuY W.Le,ZLWcVArJY AEV YOPX ROURKEAS.SOCIATES,dated August8,1996,Sled m the Warren County Clerks Office on October24,1996 asmapnumber979--151. ' cveom:mxD _ Darrah Land Surveying;PLLC 8095 x -r 63P4nSb tCInsFaDs,NewYork12801 Prsolt�a aAs S/= ZOFI 4olce:(518)7984692 Fax'(578)743-0601 eovxoAkv svkvevuneswrn'rtaamvemasam¢® SCALP:seeknee oemnxe avenrm wexxr me�cre>�axverrms d"' ;�P, Wevertaum,NewYvnt 12986(SYB)251-2911 PRO/Na 8095 ow�w.aowc.vmommxv. •-�� 9I / .. �C.� - / DAM.-13/XI^0/LO