1963-07-17 -- Meeting of the Plannfng Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queensbury Central School- Wednesday, July :t7,:- ~963 at 7030 P'. 1-1., Presìdi~; George J. Kushner PRF-CONTRACT MEETING Present; Attending; Kirkpatrick, Robertson~ Simmonds. Glass, Norton, Dean. Mr Darwin H. S. Field and Mr Leroy GonnelJLa o:e-' the Bureau of Plavning, Dept of Commerce, State of New York. John Webster, Supervisor, Councilman Turner, Akin & Lampson. Planning ConsuI.tants W.. Sorrention & Denton Wayman of' . the firm of Candue:b hessig & As so I s. 32 Greene St. Newark; 1. Mr Field and Mr Sorrentino discussed certain changes in· the scope of activities and in the terms of the proposed c.ontract. 24 Mr Sorrentino revisad the c.ontract price from $22: 000.00' to $23,5 500.00 based an extensio of the c:ontract to ~4 months and inclusion of a Util~tu land use survey. Absent; -- 3. Mr Field gave maximum 'costs as follows; Cantract price, $23,500;00: N. Y. State costs ~~574.00 Federal. costs ' iO~';' 00 Maxim'tml costs $2.6,37 .0.0 Under the 701 program -Federal Gov1t win pay $17584QO New York State; II II lr396~OO Que ens bury tt II 4396.00 4. Mr Sorrentino will. submit revised "Scope of Activities" to the Planning Board for review and submission to the Town Board for approval and signature. 5 Next meeting Wednesday August 7 at 7.30 Queensbury Sehoal. Adjourned. H. H. Simmonds Secretary