1963-08-14 Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury he1.d at QueBIlsbury Can tral. Sahoo~ Wednesday, August 1.4-71 1963 at 7:30 P. M. '- Presid1ng: George J. Kushner Present: Absent: Kirkpatrick, Norton, Deant: Simmonds Glass, Robe:rtson. "- 1. Norton gave a report on his: attendance'at a meeting of the Glens Falls Urban Area Transportation Coordinating Committee. including a discussion of the New York State "Origin and; Destination" survey. 2. Board reviewed the revised uSe-ope of Activitiestl prepared by Candueb Flessig Assoaiates incI-uding the Appl!.cati-on for Urban Planni'l'Je, Assistance. Board app,roved the sub mission and it will now be subm1.tted to the Town Board for appr'oval, signature and transmission to the State of New York. 3. Next meeting Sap It II at 7.30 P. M. Adj ourned M. H. Simmonds Secretary