1963-10-02 "--- Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queensbury Central Schoo~ Wednesday, Oetober 2, 1-963 at 7. P.. M.. Presiding: Ac.ting Chairman, H. Robertson Present: Glass,Norton, Dean, Kirkpatrick,. Simmonds. Kushner. Absent: \/~" 1. Mr & Mrs Nelson Griggs presented a map of a p.ropa:sed subdivision off Glen Lake Road at rear of' the Warren County Munieipal Bldg. Mr Griggs stated that deeds to purchasers of lots will provide by ~ovenant that; a. Trailers will be prohibited. b. Minimum area of dwelling will be specified. c.. Comp~etion date of building. d. Provide for' off stre.et parking. "-- Board gave preliminary approval to the proposed subdivision. 20 The Board briefly discussed uRural NumberingU but tabIed the matter pending discussion with the Power Co. 3. J. Glass proposed the fol~owing resolution; ResoJLved that the annual meeting of the Planning Board af' the' TOwn of Queensbury shall be ìts first regular meeting subsequent to action of the Town Board in appointing a member to the Planning Board to replace the member whose term of office has or is about to expire. The resolution was adopted unanimously. ~. A Trailer or Mobile: Home Ordinance ,qaS briefly discussed but tabled until the next meeting to give members of the. Board an opportunity to study the matter thoroughly. Next regular meeting Wednesday, November 6 at 7. P. M. :H. H. Simmonds, See I Y'o