1963-11-21 G - o 50 '0/ Meeting of the Planning BcarC1 of tÜe To\·m of Queensbury helò e. t Queensbur.l Public Schoo:L 'rhursCiat, November 21, 1963 at 7 :]0 P .H. Presic1ing: ('hairma.n~ George J. Kushner Dean, Glass, Kirkpatr1èk, Norton, Robertson Present: libsent: SirnJJons 10 Discusse0 trailers vSc mobile home recowmen,ëlat:'o'ns anè' iiec1è'eð to get mobile home regulations first., Possibly let zoning take care of Trailer regulation. 2... Revieueël anc'i ðiscuszer Part 1,2, ¿) 3 of Chapter II of the .New York: State Re~ormnenèl.eð l:.ousing loCi'!" 'Oecic'!sr1 to use as iso 30 Revie'Ñ aüð ð1scusseð the mobile, home o::-foinance prepareè' by Ganðu'3b F'leissig ¡~ssoc1ateso Reviseð partia.ll;'. 40 Bob Dean offersCl to have t~he coè!e t:{ped in total using the parts of the Housing Goèe anð the sllggesteCl orðin.a-nce. Autl';orizeð the e:genè!a.turEJ of. any nece:3sary funels neeòeè to have ttÜs ordinance èlrafteè 0 .~ 60 Ne::.t meeting, f~ueensbt1rj School, irJeClne:~(Ì ay, December 4, a.t 7=30 P.M. Aëljourneð Jo Art.hur Norton Secretary