1964-01-08 L Neeting of 'the Planning Beard of the TO"l.1Il of Queensbury held at . Queensbury Public School Wednesday, January 8, 1961t at 7:30 P.14. Presiding: Chairman, George J. Kushner Dean, Kirkpatrick. Norton, Robertson, Simmonds \. Present: . Absent: Glass - 2. 1. Kushner reported .tha t our pr.oposal tor a l.fob1le Home Ordinance has been p,resented to John Webster, Super- visor. Should ha\'e opiniQn from Town Board a·t next meating. Discussed plat approvals dec1ded: a.. ~i9 should have one < 1) copy of prel1m1narJ drawings. ." 1 .... ~ 4- b. fJorton is authorized to obtain a rubber s'tamp tor use on final plat approvals. 'Jol1n Van Dusen presented tor preliminary approval Subdivis10n Section Two of West Mountain Park for Frank Bronk. Gave prel1minarJ approval with request ·that we see deed restrictions regarding trailers, re- sidential use only, and a reasonable completion date. It-. Decided to consult I~. Beswick, to'fmS attorney, as to what restrictions 'tie can legally require. 3. L ,. Bezon.arð Codner~ Superintendant of Highways, w:1.JJ, be invited to our next meeting to discuss street require- ~ents in subdivisions. 6. Next meeting, Queensbury School, Wednesday FabruaI"lJ " 1961l-o Ad jourr"ed J. Arthur Norton Sacre tar:J '-"