1964-02-05 ·.~3'(.:..< ~\ ,-,. ~ - ... . _; .'.i. ..... _ .. , ....:- '~~-:. ~~ ::;~~ .. ..., :: .~rt :T.. rLlC1G.J.:.1-~1.· ~~..: L h~l¿¡ E,t qii.censbu..:jr ?1.lbllc Sch:Jol ·l·;";'''~·····f.)S,., P'-. Tt'e}··-·u'P"''~ ~ 19:-'1. -:>t ~, -3r P "1" I.. -..Þ_t,.,..r.......J 1-",.;;;: _ :I.......... -_, ..'s -..,-r" -.. \.r...1; \."r r~ 1'" 0 Presidil1g~ Chair¡:¡HUls GSGl"ge .j I: Kus&"ler Present:; De~~, G:ass, Kirkpatr1ck~ Norton, Robertson A bse1'l t : S1rn::;ondr; Guest: B9r~arð Co~ner~ Superintendent cf Highways ~-..... 10 KusLl1.ex· reported tha.t the State has finished processing ow: application and \:111 send it on for Federal appro'.7al. Thif. ",..111 probably talte 3 or 4 months. Received Gr:'ggs Development Plan. Robe:rtson moved that the plans be ;:~cceptea; Kirkpatrick seconded, carried~ Nor~"on to ask Coulter to ask Griggs for a copy of the deeC covena.."lts.. 2Q I .... fD3 G Received the restrictions for Etronk~:s West Mountain. Park Dev(~lopmen t ,,' l¡." Discussed with 111'. Codner. the Department of Highways re- quiJ.ements~ 30 {a) would llke a m.inimum of 7,' diameter turn aroUI'..d. SUggested :~ developer owns land beyond the develop- mentr. the town could take a temporary easement for a tu.."'"'Zl around on this land. '" (b) Woulc1 like a slight drainage ditch at the side of the street or roadtl Perhaps need right ot way for drain- 6.ge ditch between two lots. "- (c) Wculã prefer not to have single loaded streets. Suggested \fa study, asking the to'Wll tor an ordinance requiring both sides of the street be usable before the street would be accepted. " ,. Discussed the BroIÎk development. Decided we should see all of Bronk holdLTIgs to determine the possibility of \.J ; G ,. .;"c.:..""" '¡.',';',-" r,~,j" ..,:;ç.,?;cl....,·.·'r:J"".~t qno~ +-h~ POC'!·g.f.'h!'-;t'T O-Þ '¡'''''mpt·.".c,,,.,y _ ..,_.. .....,\;..¡.!.... ..~-,"" v.,,,. """'J"...\JA.J. t;.,,- "'. \;;; .......J.......&--.T ..L \Jov ...i..¡. ~ 6éiSU!te:1t r:>:r ~-;i::':L·n. 3!'oun,ð off prope:rtjr $ No:...'ton 1;0 te.1k to 1 :rœlk. as tC' pç's3:1.bilit~l of (a) 't-arn around outside ~'l""" <:r.>.rd-~",¡'." (b) '=tf',O "'·""\S61'>':(.:),-,t "'lc''j¡:f ,·~,,·t j·t""e -!'or u ":'.'.. .....\:,.,'" t,.IJ.......··..~s ';') ..I...., vW I~....,._.,· --. j..-c:t VI\.;i"";¡ .............¿ .L S ''--r>{ ð "- .::> '" .......,.~ ""'! '" .-, ~ 'TI~' 0,.. (c) tIle S t'f' '=Ie·· t '~urning to t1:"e "-h'... . 'V t.-' J..::J..:.. ,....,........;....~Jo c. J.. .¿ \ ... (:J +. '" J. ..1. 1'.1"'".... ~r. "'"r".....~ t}-·") W"'C"t l·~n·.~ f·or...~n~=·1... UTIt ...t \,.$.. ,.~ ~_';"J{;.J:,:, ..tt.,# 'ij';"¡,.u .V;;; lJ,i.I. Q -........ J" ,, 6;> Dc (~: (Gel 1!? ~ :<b~\u~è take the 30 è. a3'~r. we legally have to ['ov:o'\"; £'1::.I:;:;¡ :¡.v:u::.:?.ons. 7.. ~J8:{': IDeeti~lg, qUG<3rlsbury Sc..1-:loo1, vl'3dnesday, }ldlrch ltth at 7 i3( p "::'<1,, ~ Ar1jrJvxil9C} J.. .l\rthur 11 orton Se~r6 ta.~ L " " " .. \.....J ,.