1964-04-15 L- 1,- '4 G "-../ 1"·,1 .~ ~..' . ," "1 f'7 nJ./::· !.~'...;.,;i t,,,,..... L:) 10-,," -(:].1;3 ¿)1,a~:jJJ.i~~~g :aOE.I~Ù (>i; the '.l.':D~:t:-:j. ():C QU.£¡eIisl--;·~~_::,¡:1' held Ð.t Q~eansbury Public School Wecnesday, April 15, 1961~ Presiding: Chairm~~s George J.. Kushner Present: Kushner, Glass! Robertsons Simmonds, Kirkp~trick Dean a':1d Norton Ab~ent: John Hughes preaented sub-division plot for approval. (Bay Road) Beard deferred preliminary approval pend- ing contour map including certain changes. 241 John Webster informally presented some ideas and personal thoughts reproposed Mobile Home ordinance. 3Q Ne:~ meeting, TbuI'sd~y! April 30þ 196* at 7=30 P.M. lfþ Adjourned M.H. Simmonds Secretary - Pro-tem '" " "