1964-04-29 lk:o (:~:1g of ~Ìle 1'12.1Üng EJ 9.rj of t.h,z TC1'ffi of QUge:':l,.bu:r:l held at ,!uecll::tury ?1,f::>lic Echool \'iednesè'J.y,) April 29 !I 1964 Absent: Glass Presiding: Present: Chairman, George J. Kushner Kushner, Dean, Robertson, Simmonds, Kirkpatrick, Norton ,.<, 1. Kushner presanted letter fro:n Crangle of N.Y.S. Dept". of Comoerce 3tating that the Housing and Home F1nan~e Office in Ne~ York City has assigned our 701 pro¡ram application a number - Project # P-76. Disappo~ntme~t was expressed by several board members in the ::..engt'.1 of time it is taking for our 701 appli- cation. 3. Lake George is having a public meeting on the Zoning Ordinance April 30, 1961+ and it was that some of our members try to attend. ·4 2. Pierce development was reviewed and rejected or inf'ormation. 4. It w~s suggested that we accept plats at our, "'!,' ,ìif!;:,,;;t;;,~ mee"CL"1gs only for review at an unofrici~l:;:et1ngo We would report our results at the official møø\)bgahd ask for revisions it required in time for unott~ial mee-ting. Possibly assign a couple members to~!ew each plat. We should assign application number,s receive a new plat. ",\ ii, Ali applications should have a complete road>" ..... general plot layout of conplete area which thè' er might develop. Only section applied tor' ceive final acceptance although more is sho~ ..",:,/~' Discussed the problem ot developments ,mere it!: '. e p-, er only sells under five lots a year. We f'ee).im,at ..~he i TO'tvn Board can refuse to accept a street" wher~)tbe c!'e- veloper of the street could have a developmen.. ...t.'...:....K...'.,J.'.·.!...1V.......e... or more lots, unless the Planning Board has a.R~'-~7d,,,,..,~he , plot .'~'.!~~;'~1it'.. .'. J ,. 6. ," "','i': '-7 l. ()f ..L. '." ~. ~_J.,' 3'1.1f ;33te( Cllt'.ï: '¡:1C 2'Gv:Lml .At'¡;crncn J3!~s-:¡:r.cks e:;CC¡3zoþtS ~. ",-;.- "'1..... '¡"'., Q "'e -'t: nee î-'; r' ~ "....Io..&..~"....t.J. 1...t......c 4.J. ...),,~ ...~. \,¡J..., \J,;() .;. J '_';,1.:: 8. Hevh~'¡,'m5. tl:e 14ob11e home ordi::.ance of tliā‚¬ To\·¡n of Moreau, ,All .Jl~¡Dbers are to study this further ar1è! He '¡fill rêv1ew same ,::,1; our next meeting. 9. Next ::leetin.g h'e(ìnesday ~ Ha~' 6!t 196t;- at 7 :00 P ~H. 1\è j û'lIn'3d J Q ,Þ.I'1;hur ~Torton Secr~!ta!"y