06-16-2009 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda Meeting # 14 Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 7 PM, Queensbury Activities Center 742 Bay Road 1.0 Approval of Minutes 1.1 April 21, & April 28, 2009 2.0 Recommendations to ZBA Linda Dator: Requesting an Area Variance for road frontage for a subdivision 3.0 EXDedited Review: 1''';:~~;f~~~L Agent(s) Location __m..m_.m1mmw, W. ALLERDICE:.__........ I Same N/A I 345 Cleverdale Road 1_. 226.12-1-47 'I' AV 25-06 4/26/06; BP 06-194 . 1/23/96 Public Hearing I 6/16/09 APA, CEA, DEC, ACOE 'II Proiect Description: Applicant proposes constructicm of a 338 square foot boathouse / deck. _.~l1m~I.lowed use subject to Site PI(~n Review and approval.._. Tax 10 No. Cross Reference Zoning Classification Ordinance Section Warren Co. Planning _. ..~~t~..PI911.~?m:?QQ9 Type II 0.37 +/- acres WR-1 A ._............... 179.:?-050 .._.~___._._-I 6/10/09 -.-i L G CEA, APA Wetlands Boathouse / Sundeck in a WR z 4.0 Scheduled Items Appl ica nt( s ) Application Type Subdivision 3-2008 ...mEiI191.~~9g~.. ~ _SEQR Typ~________I. Unli~tecl 8.05 acres _9wner (~ I Same 'm. Agent( s) ~ __Charles Scudder I Location I West Mt. Rd. opposite I I.. Lehland Estates I _..._...._........................._m. ...........~ .m............_.......m.._............................_. ....-....... 1.....T92S...I.P.m~9..:...m_m.m.m_m......_.._...m...J ~~?~.1Q.:.1.=~U..m.._.__'C:c,:....__=... I Cross Reference I A V 19-08 1 ~ I Public Hearing / Meeting I 11/18/08; 1/20/09; 3/24/09, I Date J 5/19/09, 6/16/09 I I Proiect Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of an 8.05 acre parcel into two lots of 1 acre & 7.05 acres. I requires Planning Board review an~roval. Zoning Classification Ordinance Section ~..^......_mm^...._....___...m............~.......m~.._.n.n.._......_., Warren Co. Planning I . J SFR-1A / RR-5A Subdivision of land I I ~......_.....u_......_........_..._n.._. 1~lican~ I I Owner (s) Same I_Agent(s) N/A \. Location 928 State Route 9 I Tax 10 No. 296.13-1-14 1 u..........n._.......m.......................m_..... .n... .m._..._.~.._...._........... ....................--..........<. 1...S?r<::l~s_I3El~~l1c;El......_...... .................._...., .~P_~.9.::Q?,...A'!...~.~=Q~. I Public Hearing 1_f!!16/09 Proiect Description: Applicant proposes conversion of a residential rental to use as an Ice Cream Shop. Proposal includes new I parking configuration and new access deck with handicap lift. New Restaurants in an HC-MOD zone are an allowed use subject to .. J-:1911I1il1g~<::l9EQEElyi~"Y..9I1cl~ppr9.y.91:_...__..- ..__._.. _...'-_ ___mmm"__'_'_"'_ EUGENE TIMPANO I ~lc;9tion Type SEQR Type Lot size Zoning Classification Ordinance Section ...........__ ..........m...___mM~.... ...........__...... mm......J m\fl!.9.1!~I1.gc:>,pI9.I1I1.il1g_....... _. _Site P!9..11..?8:2009 _______, . __Q}l. acres HC-MOD J]~=~:Q1.Q,J?~=Z::Q?Q 5/13/09 ..m..m.........."~ I 1 r~---"~---~~-~~--_.~~~~ 6/10/09 I }~~'~ I Location Tax 10 No. Cross Reference Same Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Rhodes 820 State Route 9 296.18-1-47 AV 21-09, AV 77-08; SV 74, 75, 76-08 I Public Hearing i 11/25/08, 1/27/09,3/3/09, I .__~ 3/24/09, 5119/09, 6/1~!09 I Proiect Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 14,500 square foot Walgreens Pharmacy and a 4,642 square foot Chili's: I_Rest9urant ~ith,assqGiate9 site wor~. Ne~~m'!1erci.9.!J?uildi~,~~uire pla.l1ning.13oard Site Pla.11 review.9.l1_cL.9.!?prov9!:_______1 Applicant( s) Owner (s) Agent(s) NPA II. LLC Application Type SEaR Type Lot size Site Plan 48-2008 Unlisted 22.87 +/- acres Zoning Classification Ordinance Section Warren Co. Planning HC-Int 179-4-020 11/12/08 I-....'.......m_.......................-............. Applicant(s) Owner (s) PYRAMID Application Type Site Plan 29-2009 j'----.~~~~~~ I Agent(s) 1.......-....... ... .....................-.... ... I Same I SEaR Type Previous EIS, adopted by T B , .JV6/01, aqQ!?~~~!:~_9!4/01 _I 3.14 ac., 37.49 ac., 1.74 ac. Peter Romano, Chazen Co.; . Lot size ........,!2119t.!1J!I1J".9F-!?~~L.~.P.$.R...._...........1 II' Location 578 Aviation Road & Mall out parcels L Tax 10 No. 302.5-1-92.4, ~~~~._^' Ordinance_$ection Cross Reference SP 40-08, 400 permits since Warren Co. Planning I Public Hearing 1 ~~;:09 I Proiect Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 10,950 sq. ft. mixed use building. 1_ ESC zone .i~ire Planning,!?oarc! review and 9Q!?!Q..~al Zoning Classification ESC-25A 179-9-010 ~------- 5/13/09 New construction in Applicant(s) CES HOLD I Application Type Same J. Lapper Bartlett Pontiff Stewart & Rhodes; Vision Eng. Location Ridge Road Zoning Classification SR-1A ....___~__ 1_ Tax 10 No. ..__lm....~~0-1-21}..l...?~..__....._..J Ordinance S~ction _.___.......--1?9-9-.QJQ__.._..~_.__._.._1 I i Cross Reference I S~.4.:0J.._._m ..ml.._Yl/.c:lr:r.:~Il..gQ'-plc:lrll1ll1g__....__.... .._5/13!Q~_mmm_..m.._mm.m ; ...............,.....................,...-...... ...... ........_.... L!:LJt>lic::...ti~9~rlgmm....m ~!..1..~(C!!!....._..m_._..__. _m..! 'm~PA,g~f\,P.E:gJ..AgQE:.m_..__ mA.90E wetland~.mmm.. ! Proiect Description: Applicant proposes a four unit apartment building, paved parking area, private roadway extension and i associated stormwater devices and landscaping. Multifamily in a SR-1A zone is an allowed use subject to Site Plan Review and 1.....9PPE()Y91.:......FE~!ih.~.9..t~E..~~tI9rl.cl~..p~..~iLn.~~<:i~.c:I...f()r.c::()I1~trLJc:;~i()rl..~ith[I1....1..QQ...f~~t...qf9":!~t.1.9!l..cl....t>qLJrl.c:I9.ry:............................... Owner (s) Agent(s) SEaR Type Lot size Site Plan 31-2009 Freshwater Wetlan.<:i.l-2~; Unlisted 18.05 & 13.39 +/- acres - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board - 2