1966-01-05 ',-- ~l<::H::;'t,ing o:E t:'h¡:, PJ Gnn.i.nq Bo~ì.rd of 1::.1ìß TONf! of QU{;HmsJ.::iL.t.'X held a.t Q1J,eensbuxy Public School ¡-lednesday. J'anuary 5, 1966 at, 7: 30 P ø M.. PresidiI1ÇJ:: Georg\~ Kll.s1hner Present: Cush:tng, K:Lrkpatrick, Laakso, Norton A:bsent :: Demboski " Sinnott: Guests:: Ellil1,;swor::h of League of i.'iomen Vot:ers 1. 2.. t4inut.es of last meetin'~ were approved. Mick Griffin apþ~ared for #11-65 Edgewood Park.. Discussed the connection to Laakso's Old Orchard Development... Di:scussicm on this matter 1:abled. Kirkpatrlck made a mot.ion 'tC) 9'1 ve prelimtnary approval .(;.() Section 1, Cushing seconded, carried.. 3.. Cushing to t.alk \~Ti th the T011m Attorney Boswick as ~:.c¡ wheth·er we can legally refuse to aGcept Sect.ion 2 of Edgì:Jwood park for failure to provido cOnl'leetion to Old Orchard. 4" Next meetÜ:1g ø Qu,sensbury School, 'rhursday, Jan·- uary 20, 1966 to discuss Land Use and Triifftc Plilns. ,Adj ourned J. Arthur Norto11 Secretary