1966-01-05 (2) ,):f ,',..... J" Qu'eo])..£ibrI';f' Pl¡'7.!tJ1ing- Ik)ard ÇJt:,,~~en:ibu::y Publ.tc Sd1001H ~!edn(~sday.. ~ranua:::-:}r ~), 1966 at 8:15 P. N.. PX"E!sid:t1"1ç; :; C--eorq<2! KUlihner )?;¡:esent: :: Cus11i:n';J t KiJ.:-kpEl. t:ri ck t I..Iaakso t Nori:;on 1'\):IEJent ~ Dembf)skt, Si.nno't:t. G\:.asts ,~ Zundl';:!, Hekler, HHyner~r EIU.ngswor-th l'iE),aq'JJs ()f t~omen VoterE:¡. _L: J4;'" 1. i'-1inut.f:iB of ·::.he pJ:evio1J.~:; meerd.ng ';¡¡ere app:n::"119<1., 2 ~ I..ICi.a};;.so mðd(~ a mot;.im'l that a copy of the le'::.ter ::>f élpprecif:J'i::.ion 1:.0 So:rin'?ntino should be E:en'!:.: 1.:0 ~his n€~w firml ~laJ:cou, 0' Leary' é',nd A.nsocié:t.(~:s~ 1?'3!5 K Si:'1."{;!I.:rt, N. t~.. Wa.slÜng·¡::.cn 6, DoC... F,<::1.rkpnt.·,* rj,cJ¡: ¡:>econd(~d t curried. 3 ~ ;gel:J..€!JC an.I'l()llnC(,~~d lrrJ!1 is) :lea·,,~L:rjg tJ.1e ~;tate !)(!::?ãl:-i:.- mc:nt. of Commerce t.o join tb~;¡ firm of l-1arc~o1J,t )1 Lt~a.ry and ASf~O,ci~¡'Î:es and '!;lll1 be replaced by i3aorge Haynl3s.. K.irkpéL't.J:ick ::nade a mot:ion i;'J ~3e!né ,51 l(~tt:er of apprf:;cÜ.ltion. to :aekler I Laa}ŒO :seconë.,- !9d, c:Etrried ~ 4, ø :J:!..scv,Bsed 1:.he :neHd for i:.he proposed su1:.d.i.v:i. sinn. :t:'ti!gtllations as t()ols for th(J! proper pE~rfc¡r'In8nCe of our du"t:.if:!S jn cClnnec\;ion 'W'i th sulxUviE;ion re- vie'Yi and appr()vals. 5.. :Zunde pre6(~j>rteÓ í:.hE) popu1.at:fJ..on Survey.. '1'11:15 B1~to'~'l'j i!t projected populat:ion by 1985 of 2S, 500 P\~C'P:;.€) 'IiIH:h no a 11o'¡,.r-:tnc{: for ¡;1. major nenq :industry. 6. ~Zundt:! prest~l'lted '¡:.h€! ~tnd Use and Traffi.c Plann j.r ·i:ext:. and map forms. v~í(~ disc1J..ssed t.hese ë.nd will st.udy thel"/\ on ,:tanu.s\ry 20th.. Generally the land '~lSe il:I div:Ld'ed int.o R€Ji35.den"cial, In.dust.r:lal, Com:,,- l~rci.Bl and i?ublic and S(m!.i--Public zonøs.. ~rhese ~.7;:-e f\U;'1:hE')r su1:;;di"\Tid~:d as nece5f~ary'. 7 .. Ne~ct: meetin.q. C}uHensbï..l:t*y Sd"1oo1. t wednesdëy.. F(:~b- .l"uary 2, 1966.. Aâj ()j.;1,rned ,)'. Artb.ur Norton Secretary