1966-02-02 J f ¡- K ./ ¡~1eet.:i.n~1 of thl:; f'lannÜ:q E¡o¡~rd ,:;f the 'rO~¡m of Oueerlskrur:r . held a ury Publ! chao 1 ruary 2, 1966 at 7 :3Q J:' ..M. Presiding: George Kushner Present: De1nboski, Kirkpatrick, Laakso, Norton, 5 inn.o't:J:.. Absent: Cushing Visitors: , Robertson, MCIlvaine 1. Minut:.ea of last meeting were approved. 2. VanDusen appeared for Hewitt #12-65 off Dixon Road. Requesteðlarger loot.sizes.. Adjourned and reconv1êndd after 701 Program. 3. Discussed Franklyn Manor #10-65. We do not. have prin~:.s, or letters :from .Highway or \va.ter.. Kirk.- pat.r;;"ck made a resolution t.o 91 va final apprc)val sub- to receipt of these approvals, Laakso seconded, rj.eà . 4. I I I ¡ I I '1 ì I ¡ ¡ 5. Kushner sa1ã we bave been invi tad to present a program at. the Republican Club Meet.ing on February 22nd at t.he 14unicipal Center at 9:00 P.M. Next meeting, Queensbury School, February l5, 1966. Adjourned J .Arthur Norton Secretary'