1966-02-15 J \ "" l Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queensbury Public School Wednesday, February 15, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. Presiding: George Kushner Present: Demboski, Kirkpatrick, Laakso, Norton, Sinnott Absent: Cushing l. Minui~es of last meeting were approved. 2. Reviewed #7-65 Blind Rock Road Estates. Laakso made a moi:10n and Demboski seconded to give final approval SUbjE~ct to Health Dept. and Highway approval. Carried with Sinnott in opposition. 3. Reviowed #1-66 Old Orchard Section #2.Sinnott made a motion to give preliminary approval, Kirkpatrick second- ed, c:arried with Laakso obstaining. 4. Kushner presented #2-66 Slopey Development on Pitcher Road west of VanDusen Road and north of Corinth Road. ~)ski and Kirkpatrick will look at it. 5. We have no objection to becoming a Zoning Commission. 6. Norton is to get a written opinion fr~~ Beswick on GriffinDevelopment. 7. Reviewed the proposed Zon8ing Ordinance. 8. Reviewed land use map. a. Area west Mountain, Road 't,o Northway may be too restrictive. Maybe use 1/4A or ~ l/2 class. b. Between Rt. 9 and Country Club go to l/2A. Keep lA North of Round Pond Road. c. Keep road Mountain View to Road back of Queens- bury School. 9. Next meeting, Queensbury School, March 2, 1966. Adj oli.rned J. Arthur Norton Secretary