2005-689 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20050689 Application Number: A20050689 Tax Map No: 523400-239-007-0001-034-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: STF,VF,N CARDONA For property located at: 175 ASSEMBLY PT. Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: STEVEN CARDONA Dock $20,000.00 397 ANTHONY St Total Value $20,000.00 SCHENECTADY, NY 12308-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency SHAWN CALLAHAN BOX 137 KATTSKILL BAY_ NY 12844 Plans&Specifications 2005-689 DOCK REPLACEMENT $30.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date. Dated at the of Qu sb ry; uesday, October 04, 2005 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement 0'� Permit No. v )-PO 5—6 Building&Codes Office-Department of Community Development-Town of Queensbury Fee Paid `Q 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Dave Hatin,Director codes@aueensbury,et Phone: (518) 761-8256 FAX: (518) 745-4437 Accessory Structure Building Permit Application Application & Plans subiect to review before issuance of a valid permit for construction Any structure other than the principal structure (i.e., house), typically a garage, shed, greenhouse, dock, deck,4"11- . etc. (not necessar4y limited to the list below). Refer to attached Informational Brochure No. 3 x. i Instructions: A permit must be obtained before beginning construction. No inspections will be made untirthe applicant has received a valid building permit. All applicants' spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on the application form. Applicant/Builder 'J 4 c�,Q C< 1 k �5 Owner: ��ve- cc. G'-- Address: B .x 13 7 Address: i 75 !—c,Y, l✓� Home Phone: Home Phone: 51� 6 93 tS Email Address: Email Address: Cell Phone: 51 Q 75 d Cell Phone: FAX Phone: FAX Phone: S i g 3 7 Person responsible for supervision of work with respect to building and codes compliance: Name: S wn (-,q ) I4 Address: B(�t 137 Kr, r 11 i Phone Sil/ 79- �75'�� Location of proposed construction: Lot No. Legal Address: �� Tax Map Number: a--�'9,7, — ) "— Subdivision Name: Estimated Cost of Construction: $ 261 y d Does an accessory structure currently exist on the property? Y Yes / _No If YES, list all existing accessory structures: �k�J� ins C,1^e/,weC ig-d Proposed Construction 1,'floor 21d floor Total Proposed Height sq.ft. sq.ft. Sq. ft ft.&in. Open Porch Covered or Enclose5l Porch (considered floor area&must comply to FAR [Floor Area Ratio] requirements If the structure is located in the Waterfront Residential zone. 3-season porch is considered an enclosed porch. Deck Boathouse Boathouse with sun ck DOCK Shed 6^1 n�f P__e e,It Pole Barn •.� �-- �• Detached Garage 1, 2, 3 car Other Accessory Structure: Applications are subject to Zoning Administrator, Code Compliance, and Structural Plan review. 'he Building and Codes Office will allow commencement of your proposed project only after ssuance of your permit. )eclaration: Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement: o the best of my knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and pecificafions submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described )remises and that all provisions of the Building Codes, the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the Doposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. :urther, it is understood that I/we shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance )eing issued, as requested by the Zoning Administrator or Director of Building and Co an As-Built Survey by a censed surveyor, drawn to scale, showing actual location of all new corrpu cti )ate: 6 -00-05 Applicant/Builder Signature: N., 1r 'he application of dated is hereby approved and )ermission granted for the construction, reconstruction or alteration of as building/and or accessory structure as set orth above. Date: �--- �-'1 � Authorized Signature:c \Sue Hemingway\Building.Permit.FORMS\Accessory Structure Permit Application.doc V:12/28/04 STATE OF NEW YORK S LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION PO Box 749, 75 Fort George Rd TOWN OF QUEENSOURY I Lake George NY 12845 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT tel (518) 668-9347 fax (518)668-5001 RECEIVED UILL www.lgpc.state.ny.us info@Igpc.state.ny.us SEP 9- 2005 NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY FOR REVIE�c ZONING NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION&c PLANNING EXEC.LAIR, Date: September 08, 2005 Application: 5234-17-05 Applicant: Type: DM Minor Steve Cardona 175 Assembly Point Rd Lake George, NY 12845 Project Location: Assembly Point Parcel#: 239.07-1-34 Project Description: Town of Queensbury Remove an existing dock and construct a new 40' long, 28' wide, U-shaped wharf with an open-sided boatcover/sundeck and construction of open-sided, rock-filled timber cribs to be used as support for wharfs in accordance with plans attached SEQR Lead Agency: None Designated SEQR Determination: 1 - Type II Action, no further review under SEQR TO INTERESTED PARTIES: Comments Due: September 23, 2005 This notice is being sent to allow you an opportunity to comment on the proposed project. Written comments must be received by the "comments due" date above and should detail specific reasons for your interest, support or opposition. If you have no comments you do not need to return this form. Return this form and any comments to: Molly Gallagher, ext. 17. LGPC, Box 749, Lake George, NY 12845. Phone: (518) 668-9347. Reviewer Comments: 0 No Comments 0 Comments below or attached cc: Town of Queensbury J. Gardner& Martha Harris Prepared by: Peter, Mary& Jeffrey Thomas Address: Telephone: O Date: r STATE OF NEW YORK FFSEP 75 Fort George Road, P.O. Box 749 Lj ) — O 20D� n Lake George, New York 12845 I) TEL(518) 668-9347 FAX (518) 668-5001 j r� .lgpc.state.ny.us permits@lgpc.state.ny.us LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION APPLI ATION FOR PERMIT FOR DOCKS, WHARFS AND MOORINGS THIS APPLICATION IS FOR THE: R Construction of a New Dock or Wharf ($200) ❑Placement of a Mooring ($100) ❑Modification to an Existing Dock or Wharf($50) ❑Modification to an Existing Mooring($50) ❑Article 15 Excavation/fill(Repair, replacement or installation of cribbing as part of wharf construction)-No Fee APPLICATION FEE ENCLOSED: (check or money order only) 1. OWNER IFS INDIVIDUAL ❑PARTNERSHIP ❑ASSOCIATION ❑CORPORATION ❑MUNICIPALITY ❑AGENCY NAME �- i/ �a r��n PHONE MAILING ADDRESS S C,.t•,10 -- CITY Q --7STATE (�j_y ZIP CODE /Z4 If this is an association or if o er parties have deeded or contractual access to this lakefront,please provide names and mailing addresses of all involved parties on a separate sheet. 2. AGENT ❑SAME AS OWNER ❑PRESIDENT OR CEO LP(CONTRACTOR ❑ATTORNEY ❑CONSULTANT ❑CONTACT PERSON NAME 5 �.-�✓1 1G 4 PHONE ?q- S- 795 MAILING ADDRESS .,3Q k 3 7 CITY jC,:z— k, / STATE /i�.4Jj ZIP CODE /ZQ 3. PROJECT LOCATION /?S 4:5s t/h c} P�r �► TOWN ❑TICONDEROGA ❑DRESDEN SECTION 23c1 TB LOCK LOT❑FFORTANN ❑HAGUE `11 E ZQUEENSBU Y ❑BOLTON STREET , 1�� /�ssc��) �Ut✓�T � , LAKE FRONTAGE 100 feet NUMBER OF WHARFS AND MOORINGS CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY according to V'Tax Map ❑Survey(attach copy) f DOCKS MOORINGS 4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION � l PROJECT 30 r'Crn a Vlf C'SC d �jdc�`Llays 2 �1v� �Gt� a •1�e L--) I d s `f`• l l V ' s-L r-n CC--� wi a Gn b oa A.a,_35 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑STAKE SUPPORTED 5�/CRIB ❑OTHER PROPOSED USE ®'RESIDENTIAL ❑COMMERCIAL ❑ASSOCIATION ❑ PUBLIC PROPOSED STARTING DATES 0 S PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE �Ss IS ANY PORTION OF THIS ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS SOUGHT NOW BEGUN OR COMPLETED? Yes lo?�No (if yes, please explain) IF COMMERCIAL, IS THE FACILITY AND ITS ASSOCIATED LAND USES IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS? ❑Yes ❑ No (if no, please explain) M:\User\moliyl\forms\application forms\wharf mooring application.wpd 3/18102 Page 1 Of 2 _ t 5. ADJOINING LAKEFRONT PROPERTY OWNERS NAME NAME TAX MAP# TAX MAP# MAILING MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS 6. SITE INSPECTION During the processing of this application Lake George Park Commission (LGPC) personnel may need to visit this site for the purpose of inspecting, measuring and/or photographing any existing docks, cribs, moorings, property lines, or other in-lake structures on the site. ,,// I authorize Commission staff to conduct such a site inspection Vyes ❑ no I wish to be contacted prior to any site inspection ❑ yes kh"o 7. CERTIFICATION I hereby affirm that the information on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. As a condition to the issuance of a permit, the applicant accepts full legal responsibility for all damage, direct and indirect, or whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. SIGNATU E�PW (N title ' gning for a corporation or association) DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT(Both signatures needed only if agent will act for owner) DATE INCLUDE WITH THIS FORM: ❑ Application fee ❑ Site location map ❑ Project plans on 8 '/z X 11 size paper ❑ Names and legal mailing addresses of all co-owners and parties with deeded or contractual access to this lakefront ❑ Short Environmental Assessment Form if needed The construction of a single residential dock, wharf or mooring and construction which alters, modifies, enlarges or expands an existing dock, wharf or mooring, provided that the structure is not located in a wetland, fish spawning area, an area of significant wildlife habitat, or an area of unique scenic, historic or natural significance does not generally require this form. Failure to include any one of the required items will result in an incomplete notice and delay in processing your application. M:\User\mollyl\forms\application forms\wharf mooring application.wpci 3/18/02 Page 2 of 2 pECE ] WE SEP - 8 2005 _ LAKE'GEORGE PARK COMMISSION oo ♦R16♦ �• ,t ..r� tiri sr t I c ,...._ f i E i ' �iraf' URY TOWN OF ��EE�1SB f- DEPT BUILDING O r si\TE , ' t S , R FT ' 44, iL Ni f ; "" VV -may A_ vi K Y : i 71i lo. r cS V. � ,,....� S E P S 2005 Vi --- LAKE GEORGEPARK COMMISSION STATE OF NEW Y ORK LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION C PO Box 749, 75 Fort George Rd Lake George NY 12845 tel (518) 668-9347 fax (518) 668-5001 www.lgpc.state.ny.us info@lgpc.state.ny.us Bruce E. Young Michael P. White Chair Executive Director September 27, 2005 Steve Cardona 175 Assembly Point Rd Lake George, NY 12845 Permit#5234-17-05 Wharf Construction Parcel #239.07-1-34 5234-18-05 Excavation/Fill Activity Town of Queensbury Dear Mr. Cardona: Enclosed is your permit which was issued in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Park Commission's rules and regulations (6 NYCRR 645 & 646) and the Environmental Conservation Law. Please review the general and special conditions included in the permit; these are intended to minimize any environmental disturbance associated with the authorized activity. The Article 15 approval was issued under a special delegation agreement with the Department of Environmental Conservation who normally issues these approvals. This eliminates the need for separate application forms and fees which would otherwise apply to this project. Please note that it is the responsibility of the permittee and the permittee's agent to comply with all permit conditions. Further, the permit is valid only for the activity expressly authorized. Work beyond the scope of the permit shall be considered as work without a permit. The notice enclosed with the permit must be displayed in a conspicuous place near the project site during the entire period of construction and must be suitable protected from the elements. Any failure to comply with the terms of the permit may be treated as a violation of the Environmental Conservation Law. Questions regarding this permit should be directed to the undersigned. Should your plans change, you must contact this office to determine whether a modification to the permit is required prior to initiating construction. Please note the expiration date of the permit. If further time is required to complete the project, you must request renewal of the permit prior to this date. Your interest in maintaining the environmental quality of Lake George is greatly appreciated by the Commission. Sincerely, e Molly a2gi r4 cc: Law Enforcement Deputy Permit Administrator Town of Queensbury Shawn Callahan LGPC Permit Number State of New York Effective Date 5234-17-05 DM LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION 09/27/2005 5234-18-05 EF Modification or Renewal Date Type of Permit Expiration Date ® New '� e�Eu,o_¢�-- 09/27/2006 ❑ Renewal PERMIT ❑ Modification ❑ Variance Under the Environmental Conservation Law ❑ Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.1 Z Article 15, Title 5, 6NYCRR 608.5 X Construction and Modification of Wharfs Excavation and Placement of Fill in Navigable Waters ❑ Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.1 ❑ Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.2 Placement of Moorings Operation and Modification of Class A Marinas ❑ Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.4 ❑ Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.4 Recreational Use-New Recreational Use-Parasail ❑ Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.4 Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.4 Recreational Use-Seaplanes Recreational Use-Tour Boat Article 43, Title 1, Section 43-0117 Operation of ferries ❑ Article 43, Title 1, 6NYCRR 646-1.4 and certain other boats, barges and vessels restricted, Stormwater Management 6 NYCRR 608 Water Quality Certification Permit Issued to Telephone Number Steve Cardona 656-9315 Address of Permittee 175 Assembly Point Rd Lake George, NY 12845 Contact Person (if not permittee) Telephone Number Shawn Callahan 761-1272 Facility Name Private Lakefront County Warren Town Queensbury Parcel# 239.07-1-34 AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY Remove an existing dock and construct a new 40' long, 28' wide, U-shaped wharf with an open-sided boatcover/sundeck and open-sided, rock-filled timber cribs to be used as support for wharfs in accordance with plans attached as Schedule A and made part of -ttiu s Kr n­cv. By the acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the Environmental Conservation Law, the Navigation Law, all applicable regulations, and the General and Special Conditions included as part of this permit. Deputy Permit Administrator: Molly Gallagher Lake George Park Commission, PO Box 749, Lake George NY 12845, 518-668-9347 Authorized Signature / Date Page 1 of 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict 10. The permittee has accepted expressly, by the conformance with the plans attached as Schedule A and execution of the application, the full legal responsibility of made part of this permit. Modifications to the project all damages, direct or indirect, or whatever nature, and by require prior approval in writing from the Commission. whomever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and has agreed to indemnify and save harmless 2. The permittee and any contractor, project engineer, or the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every other person responsible for the overall supervision of this name and description resulting from the said project. project shall read, understand and comply with this permit, including all special conditions to prevent environmental 11. The State of New York shall in no case be liable for degradation. any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future Inspections operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or 3. The Commission and/or the Department of improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no Environmental Conservation (the Department) may claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such conduct such on-site surveys, investigations, damage. examinations, and evaluations from time-to-time as it deems necessary to ensure compliance with the terms 12. Regulatory fees are due April 1 of each year for and conditions of this permit. docks,wharfs and moorings. 4. A copy of this permit must be available at all times at 13. Wharfs and moorings authorized herein are for the project site during performance of the authorized residential use only and shall not be used for commercial, activities. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon association or marina purposes. request by a Commission or a Department representative is a violation of this permit. Environmental Protection 14. Disturbance to the bed and banks of Lake George Permit Modifications & Renewals shall be kept to the minimum necessary to complete the 5. The permittee is responsible for keeping the permit project. active by submitting a renewal application, including any forms, fees or supplemental information which may be 15. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude required by the Commission, no later than 30 days prior to contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended the expiration of this permit. solids, sediment, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paint, concrete, leachate or any other 6. Any change or modification in any of the activities environmentally deleterious materials associated with the authorized by this permit is subject to prior review and project. approval by the Commission. Any modification of this permit granted by the Commission must be in writing and 16. Heavy equipment, including bulldozers, backhoes, attached hereto. payloaders, etc., shall not be driven in the water. 7. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other 17. Any material dredged in the prosecution of the work permits, approvals, land easements, and rights-of-way herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving which may be required for this activity. large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of a waterway or fioodplain or deep holes that may have a tendency to Other Legal Obligations of Permittee cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks of a 8. Granting of this permit does not relieve the permittee waterway. of the responsibility of obtaining any other permission, consent, permit, or approval from the US Army Corps of 18. Any debris or excess materials from construction of Engineers, US Coast Guard, NYS Office of General this project shall be immediately and completely removed Services, NYS Department of Environmental from the bed and banks of all water areas to an Conservation, NYS Department of Health, Adirondack appropriate upland area for disposal. Park Agency, or local government which may be required. 19. There shall be no unreasonable interference with 9. This permit shall not be construed as conveying to the navigation by the work herein authorized. permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rights, title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. LGPC Permit#: 5234-17-05 &5234-18-05 Page 2 of 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS 20. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the 29. No rocks for use in construction are to come from the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the lake bed. permittee shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Commission The following specifications apply to the construction or or the Department may require, remove all or any portion replacement of rock-filled cribs. Existing cribs may be of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to repaired. its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or 30. The size of any individual crib shall not exceed 8 feet alteration. by 12 feet. 21. If future operations by the State of New York require 31. Spacing between cribs shall not be less than 8 feet. A an alteration in the position or the structure or work herein minimum of 6 feet of open water shall be maintained authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Commission or the between the shoreline and the first crib to allow for free Department, it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to circulation of water, the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the 32. Completed cribs shall be of the"open-sided"type State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural construction and provide for at least 40% unboarded resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the water contact area to the rock fill. Commission or the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby 33. If granted under 6NYCRR Part 608, the Lake George without expense to the State. Park Commission hereby certifies that the subject project will not contravene effluent limitations or other limitations Wharf Construction Specifications or standards under Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 The following conditions apply to all newly constructed of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95-217) provided that wharfs which have not received a variance from any of all of the conditions listed herein are met. these limits: Moorings 22. The location of the mean low water mark must be The following conditions apply to all new moorings which field verified prior to construction. In no case shall any have not received a variance from any of these limits. part of the wharf extend further than 40' from the mean 34. Moorings shall be placed so that vessels moored to low water mark. them, at the full swing of their mooring or anchor line, will be no closer than twenty feet to the projection of the 23. The maximum surface area of any dock or wharf shall property lines extended into the lake along the axis of the be seven hundred square feet, including any walkway. property lines as they intersect the lake, or a line extended at a right angle to the mean high-water mark, whichever 24. The maximum width of any pier shall be eight feet and results in the greater setback. the minimum width of any pier shall be two feet. 35. Moorings shall not be placed so that the full swing of 25. The maximum width of any dock or wharf, including the vessel extends more than one hundred feet offshore all lateral projections, shall be forty feet. from the mean high-water mark. 26. No structure shall be constructed on a dock, wharf or 36. Moorings must meet the following minimum mooring which exceeds sixteen feet in height above the specifications: At least one cubic foot of buoy is to be mean high water mark and which is not in compliance above the waterline; a one inch strip of reflector tape is to with local zoning. be placed around the upper part of the buoy; the buoy shall be all white with a one inch blue strip placed 27. Every dock or wharf constructed shall have a horizontally around the circumference above the water minimum setback of twenty feet from the adjacent line. property line extended into the lake on the same axis as the property line runs onshore where it meets the lake, or at a right angle to the mean high-water mark, whichever results in the greater setback. Crib Work 28. Stone used for filling shall be clean (not contain any material than can pass through a No. 8 sieve). The stone shall not be less than six(6) inches in diameter. LGPC Permit#: 5234-17-05&5234-18-05 Page 3 of 5 i i f c„ C C 'E I V E SEP - 8 2005 LAKEGEORGE PARK COMMISSION; i , t X e - _ , ,. , t {f 1 7 # i , t F uuys i k , } , , i S 4 � v t } a t t DR i lit i } AJ 4 I , , s , S t V ( i , Schedule A , Page 4 of 5 , Permit#5234-17-05 & 5234-18-05 Schedule A - - Page 5 of 5 Permit #5234-17-05 & 5234-18-05 all 15 ; +4 .. ,. � rIr a wryi e., .rM.:.«':...,a....u�...-_...,,:,.. s �..�.... .,_:...�..a<»..,....i...�::._s,.... .,,.....x..,..�:.:';.�:...�_i.....,«..,.i..,.._,.;..w.::....�,.a.:...:::.,.t�.,,.:.:�..,...,:,....r.,�a.,.,: :r.«•::,�'r,�.:ti.t.w:.,�..a.« . . .,.•�mwwa,.awa.. ,. ,: i Y g yy 6X ... • -. _.�.. ...'.". � p:: r. N.uu�, meww+rwow'nu wm+x..au. urw�w un e - � � i. ' v ..,�.n r... Y d t-,r,,�A +kWi i M x,,+. Y..wY+...uii,Yfir vµ,aWA•v... }.....wA W .��'r"' i.:. 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