1966-05-04 ~ .. ../ ý of ,:7.' ..i.. :::\ ¡ i 'J:;' c.f: O'l..lee¿lsb\D':51 "heLd at QU9<eDsbury PU.blic School'" ,!\1onday, .May 4, 1.966 at 7 :30 P. M.. Presiding: G,eorge Kushner Present. : Cushing, ])emþoski 1 Kirkpatrick, Norton, Sinnott Absen.t~ Laakso V:tsitors: ;~'~:rs. O"C~ Bearnan, league of Women Voters, McIlvaine of Post Star 1. Approved minut'':i:¡ of last:; meeting. 2. Bob:ind I<athe G'uyette appeared to ask that. their entire property on Bay Road be ~!:oned residential. 3" Griffin a,ppeared re #11--66 Edge'''ocd Park Section l. We ~:()ld him he haa prelimilì\ary approval and we need Healt.h Depa:ctme:nt. app:coval to ç:.¡:L ve final.. 4'\. Gharles King, G(E;orge Linpes, HaJ:-old Brothers, Jr., and ~like Steamer appeared regarding the area North of Aviation Road being zoned Resident:ial. 'rhey feel their property alonq Aviation Read sholJ.ld be comrrercial.. We asked for a peti{don showing the fe{:'ling of t.he area. residents. 5. DeSantis gave us drawin{;iH for Hillcrest revision #5-660 He sugg~3sted that '1:.be I~ight: Industrial zone in the Big Bay Area he extended sout:h to inc:Lude property he and Charles Wood own. 6. C:hasi3 app;eared i:e: FrankJ.yn Manor Section 2 #6-66. He felt \lye should hold ·¡;:.his until "'fa consider carrying his street t.hrough to tie t:o Aviatjon Roa.d as suggested on our trans- portation study. He off(!red to fly Kushner, Norton and Codner over the area.. 7 0 Recessed for 701 meetinÇ,:J' and reconvenieð 0 8" Discussed Community Beautification Committee and felt we did not need representation but could keep in£onned with their minutes. 9. Discussed Old Orchard Section 2 -!f:l-66 and Edgewood Park Section 2 #~-66o No action taken. 10.. Next meeting', Qu.eensbury School, Wly,10, 1966. Adjourned , J. Arthur Norton Secrstary. _\