1966-11-02 ~, f' I !~ ;;. 7*, I>1F~~:.;t: B,o;:¿· r ,d ¡'own of Qi..lrt!:ensl)t':C~¡l he~~.at. Q'U.re~t~nsbury '¡'own Office B\:::i.lding ''J~~n.esd;:iy' NOVeIlîber :2 p 1966 at 7:; 30 P ..11. Presi.ding: Georgie Kushner Present: Kirkpatrick # ~orton, Late-c\1shing, Demboskl Slnl'lot.t Absent:! 1,. Hay¡:i7"þpea.red 'co ask.bput. t.heComprehensive Plan bei.~19/( ~çc~ptad by 'Us.. '.' ,'. ~f.!. tOld,þlm we had not. accepted i~ ~~~h9ugh W~~ nave many çopte$_ 2.. }j()rmaqCharles.a~è1 f/¡¡arkB;ronspn ªppear~ re:. Plug Mtll.. Mr" Bronsc¡n bought t.hi s about 3 y~r$, ago to, use as a business investmen't" He is moderni.Zing and hopes to hE: ~bl~ 'r()?~~"1nd,m<:>+e i:::hal'f 40%. He feels he cannot. continue t~lebµ~~,:Qess wi,thoute~pap.din9. See ill. 3" Clemêp.~....Ridg~. ~ndMeª~O\'1ÞÎ'OO1t ,wants C-l area 'here - he has liquor store and real estate. (Cu~~n9"anqDeniboski ,cau¡e1nÇlt;thi:3 time) .. :a:(~ says the}:"s 'are .9 businesses from MeadQwbroo~ t.o Quaker Road¢ His tW()p a ,gunsmith, Meads Nursery, Dr. FOsson, Winn..~~~eJ:Dis~èribµt.ort Ja çra.s st~t.ionand, an, (}f~ice.. Asked NortQ~ tQ, ch~ck wi'thMf.Whitnej? of th\'!City !?lannin.g Board as to their feeling about this area Þe~ng classed commercial. We asked Clemens to get a petition from pro- ~J:'ty/ (,)'Vinera '111119·, couJ.d,,'~~,ñi~ business 'but he doesTl' t feel, be should.. See #14. ., , 4. Mrs. DuBois appeared with Codner on beri9-66 Developuen:ì:: on Gl~~ ( ~;ake. ,The DuB0~~ .wal1t,. to conneçt;J, their year round home to Bi.tðsall Road. The town has improved Bir4sall Road to where another property owner wlll not deed' enoug11 land for t"t'letQwn t() accept a road. The new road wpuld,accoromodat:e abo~tJ,O exis'I::1.ng families as well as the developmen.t. We asked for development and street names, contours and copy of protective C~fients. , . 5. D1.stC1'AAed Mr::¡~ Runnals pr.oblem in West Glen.s Falls. 6~ Approved the minutes of. the last meeting" 7" Discussed letter from Bill LaPann and others opposing the C-l district for Slims Market on Dixon Road.. Cushirtg made a motion to delete this designation, Demboski seconðed, carried. " \\ I. ~ i- ~. Jl (2) 8.. Letter from Star::ley Miller regreting the abuSé w~had received at the hearing and th~~ so few propon~n~~were there.. "-'.,", 9.. Received Béð.lth, H:tghway and Wâtè:t:' Dßpts. apPt'øwl e,f Sleight's #7-66.. Evergreen Development. Kirkpâ~t:t.cktnade a motion to give final approval. Norton seconded., carried. 10" :Ktlshner télf~~dto . l-iathew s about t'he ,~uc;Jgestion'of includil'lg me)dical bu.~]."~n9'S in R-4 zone.. .we ~~sçUssed w~herthis should be limited ito medical orbep~~fessionalbuildil').gs' and possibly in R-5 and R-4.. Will ¢onsider furt.ner.. 11.. DisCUSSE!d't;¡.l1~þlU9' mill further an.d ãecided no't to c;ha¡,,>.ge classificatlon. 12.. Dj,SC\lSSed,t::'f¡!.problem of t.wo farn11y~ellinq$<.in theR...3 ¿astrict ~1():ng,La](e George.. Demboski made a mot1onto tlllow two,:f~il1b\1ildin.gs in t11e (R-3 distr:t.çte,xcept '1Nit.h- in t.he area of the Lake George ParK, ... Cushing ·seconde¡d, ca:C'r led .. 13.. "Ull cons~.~fJr Article 6-2a in the ZóninqRegulat10nsi at. c.ur n~~xt meet.:i.ng. 14" DiscusseCi $1~Inen.s. , Actually Ogden·s office, CletnenE¡ bus- iness an(l 't.'þe 9'\.U).smi th are the oues not. in C-3.. No action taken," . 15" D:1.scussed R...l. Cärusonelikes thl',(oribis land in t:he! northern area of t,:>wn.. We are co,ncerned about the interior areas bein9blocked off. ,16.. Next rneeti~g, C)ueensbury' Town Óf'fic~ Building ,November 9, 1966.. Adjourned J"Arthur Norton secret.ary -.. I -T