1964-05-06 ~ ~ Hoet:Lng of tho Pl(,:3.D,ning Boa,I'd of t'ne ~:own of Queel1sbtu'y held at Queensbury Public School WednesàaYj May 6, 1964 Presiding: Present: Absent: Chairman, George J. Kushner Dean, Kushner, Norton, Robertson, Simmonds 'Glass, Kirkpatrick 3"~o/ Roberts & Prime presented Hiland Development. Robertson moved that final approval be given. Dean seconded, carried~ 2.. The i1dirondack Che,pter of New York Mobile Home Association was ~epresented by Kenneth Fisher, Chairman, Grace Seaver and Clarence Grooms. Their comments were as follows: L. (a) Feel the mobile home owner and mobil home court owners is being discriminated against. (b) Asked if an existing court could be added to. Answered- can be if follo\.¡ ordinance. (c) Concerned about separate toilet facilities, 6 months of unoccupied use, fees, Board of Appeals for Varience. Answered - we are studying theseo (ö) Felt that a lot in a court of at least 35' x 100' would be acceptable. 3. Kushner reported on our 701 program application. Housing and Home Finance at New York City has 3 departments to pass on our application. Planning and Budget departments have cleared. After legal clears it goes to a coordinating officer who allocates funds. Sent to Washington where it is routinely stamped then to Congressman King who can make public announcement. Then back to regional office which releases funds. Should be through by June 1st, Ju1Y 1st, the latesto ~. Kushner reported that Sorrentino will attend the next meeting to which we wish to invite him. 5. Kushner reported on the Lake George Zoning Hearing. General discussion with a few legitimate gripes. 6. ,.., ( . 8. (a) . (b) '-..... ~ Discussed' the spot zoning by the Lake George PÐ.rl{ ,CoIDmission. Ninlmum acreage at lOO with 2/3 of ........! value property OitmeX's signing a petition l'equired for ~on1ng. Mos t res tric ti ve ~oning will app1.y:, if' existing or new 2O!1ing is passed. Suggested that we number developments submitted by consecutive numbers followed by the last two year numbers. DiscusSed the mobile home ordinance. Feel we should tie dotm areas in which a Board of Appeals or varience can act. . Decided to use our ordinance in general as follows: Revise Part 1.. omit Part 2. use 'part 3,4,5. & 6 with some parts òf the Town of Moreauts Ordinance. . . (c) Simmonds will put this toge,ther for us to study and set up final draft at the next meeting. ' 9. Next meeting Wednesday, May 20, 1961f. at 7:30 P.M. Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary