1964-07-08 (2) l-ieeting #1 o£ the 701 ProGram Town of Quøenabury Plann:1D.g)Board Queensbury Publ1c Schools Weðnesday, Jttly a. 1964 at 8:00 P.M. Pre,siding : Preaent I Guests. 1. 2. 3. If.. 5. 6. Cha1rman, .George J.. Kushner Dean, Glass, K1rkpatr1ck, Norton, Simmonds \4/i')iam Sorrentino of CÐI\deub, Fleissig & Assoc. Darw1n F1elð & Harol<1 Kau1fuss of the H.Y.S. Commerce Depuetment, Paul E. CuA1:)1r'1g, Jr. Field outlined the 701 program giving us a copy of Schedule "Au Scope of Se~ces which 1s a part of the contract. Sorrentino i. working under a letter of authorisation for the tow to incuré costs. The State will sign the contract atter the Fed- eral Govermnant has s1gned which '6111 be about 30 days atter the letter to 1ncure costs. The Official Meeting for the 701 Program was tentatively set at the first Wedneådq of each month at 8:00. \íe can hanðle other buainess prior to this t1mla. Karl Hekler will be the representative of the state and will attend eacþ official meeting. A copy o£ the m1m1tes should be sent tc ~ - Sorrentino presented a schedule of work to be covered at each meeting unðer this program. We reviewed this and found it sa tistactory. F1e1d suggested that the PIA1"t\1ne Board do its homework between 88Gb _eting 80 we can keep on schedulê. Sorrentino will prepare press releases tor 118 to release when thie shoulð be done. The meetings shoUld· be open to the public with the Town Board and the Press invited ".",;hat meetings where 1n!t1al proposa1s are presented r.or the first t1me should be closed. 1he Town Board should attend meetings 6, 13. 18 and 21 11' possible. Next meeting. Queensbury' School. Weðnésday. August; at 8:00 P.M. Adjoumeð J. Arthur Borton Secretary