1964-08-05 v Hf,;::¡t:LLg of thri--!;}lann1n.g Board at the TO\\i11'-6f Q1..l0,nC,sDlll':i held at QueensbtÅ“y Public School Wednesdays AL1gUst5, 1961+, a.t 7:30 P. Mo) P:re'~:tding : Kushner Cushing, Dean, Kirkpatrick, Norton, Simmond s Glass Mr Ed Grant5 Mrs. McIlvaine (ne\\Spaper reporter) PreHEmt: Abs~mt: Gue ;;t;: 10 Approved minutes of the last meeting. . 2,. C'),sh1ng showed proposals for letterhead. Chose one. Kirkpatr1.ck moved and Dean seconded that we have the letterhead printed with the Supervisors name included as well as the names 01" the Planning Board members. 30 M!"" Grant presented a proposed development south of Pickle Hill Road. This would include ån air strip with future development along this air- strip. The feeling was that he could proceed with a. plan in greater detail for us to consider for preliminary approval. it" Next neeting, Wednesday.. September 2, 1961+ at 7:30 P.M. at Queensbur'ÿ SchoolCl Ad ¡!ourned t'or 701 program meeting. J. Arthur Norton Secretary