1964-08-05 (2) Hee t:¡'ng ./;2 ot the. 701. 'Program Tatro. of Queen.sbu.ry Planning BOård QUGe.~bury ÞUb1ic8èhools Wcdnesdar. Aug. 5.'1964 at 8:90 P.M, P:í's::1iding: Che.1rman.. Geol-ge J." Kushner P:!.'esenta ¡JUS1~i Dean. Äirkpa'trick" Norton" Sinamond'~l~ Sorrentino and'~ek1er. a;Lass Absent: Gi.lest: Mrs. HoIlvainG (newspaper reJ?ortèr) l. Approved minutes of the lást meeting. j .. .,. . ~ 2. Sorrentino presented binders :lor êach ·'Plal1IÙ.1),g and. TO\ffi BOÐ.~d memb$r. ,. 3.So~ent1no presented a .7)r~t, at the 'prjpb$ed ba.s.~'map for, us . ·to obtain: corrections front.Tow surveyor . Van Du.sen &'1d .()ach ·member ò:t our Boärd.Sonen.tino w111 obta1n .1ntormation on Countr.State, City.. Town. 'School and Utility h01dingsi The rev1sedbase map will1:>e 'presented at the next Ð1eet!ng. , . . l~.SurVey teams will ~.vel'. the town to maké an existing la.'I1d use map. Addlt1onal1ri.tormatlon will be obtairted from ao1'1à1 plwto- grapb,s. 5. Nextmeat~,· QueënabUrySehool. Wed. Se:pt.. 2nd at 8 :QO P .1<1. Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary-