94-678 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date 19 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. _9_4-6_713 has been completed. This structure may be used as a septic system as per plot plan specifications . - Location Cleverdale Road Owner Albert F. Chanese 13-3-28 By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. _ `� WARREN COUNTY, NEW ORK rn PERMISSION is hereby granted to a' / 'e r 4 kah t S ` r OWNER of property located at Le V e r d o I.e-'' PC) Street, Road or Ave. (----• 5v in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a5 c- ckiy---, , at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and or information hereto filed and -I approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. -Ic-- 1. OWNER'S Address is Gk I C I + I p, Ve F-o r ci 5-.) N etJ ,.)- rs-e 0 8T6.-3 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name y --_i ./V 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 1 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address I\ 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) r►— ( )Wood Frame ( ► Masonry ( 1 Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Spec�ptiorys.� � �jeA\ a 5 (rur ��No. d1° A 6t) to.41_,,,,i 3 e c ( `k c-�._ Lh Lt 8. Proposed Use I � r T r 9,5$ f 40 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES C1 / 7 19 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building a d Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration dat ) 9 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this ) Day of f r42 19 ,' SIGNED BY S/4 for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning spector •=z7l q Application for SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT T P ECEIVED Location of property for installation: C/ l/ le Ai, °d- /���.eT �, �i��W�SE PF,R IT NUMBER Owner's Name: 6 _ 07re Address: 5 //140//7 A/ .lv0/�!E FO€,O5�hkl4vJte,e-- '' _l 0ild.3 Installer's Name: CJNkc/at/W AT T✓tl5 T/Afe FEE PAID Phone #: ( ) / Q Number of bedrooms (if residential): 3 (..., e */� -&e,�y ,4,, ,r c ) Total daily flow (residential -compute @ 150 gal. per bedroom): 450 PP' Topography: F-1 Flat n Rolling F-1 Steep Slope % of Slope s' 8 a I Soil Nature: Sand n Loam 11 Clay X Other /Depth: Ground Water: at what depth? MDL 7?/4d/ TAI feet Bedrock or Impervious Material: at what depth? Ti 8 feet Percolation Test: 1 1 Not Required 11 Required/Rate 20 min. per inch Domestic Water Supply: 1 1 Municipal F-1 Well 1T1 Other ZAtie. Q?&Of..aa If domestic water supply is a WELL: water supply from any septic absorption is feet PROPOSED SYSTEM: //�� l Septic tank: /250 gal. (minimum size: 1,000 gal.) (-5-ee ',< -/a/4 ,e%�� ,4 -,t/s /4Tr��/ ) Tile Field: each trench feet. / total system length feet. Seepage Pit(s): number of / size each: ft. x ft. Size of stone to he used: # / depth or thickness feet. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) �j Q� Number of tanks: Size of each: gal. '%, /� �Q /3— 3 cl Alarm system and associated electrical work to be inspected by a certified agency. For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf o f an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements o f the Town o f Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. / Signature o f responsible person: G2�`�4w1P( �' 6- Date: ///4`9� l 4 PLOT PLAN SEPTIC SYSTEM Notice: The following statement must be "stamped" on your plot plan. This sheet of paper may be used for purposes of drawing your plot plan. After drawing such plot plan, please read the statement and sign it. If you choose to use other paper for your plot plan, the office will stamp those plans for your signature. "I have seen or observed,or believe I saw evidence of, all objects such as houses,wells,trees,fences, etc., shown on this document. I also represent that I have personally measured the distances set forth on the diagram." SIGNATURE DATE jr;S CUDDER ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS & PLANNERS ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING REPORT on PROPOSED CHANESE SITE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN t. September 15, 1994 Zoning Board Of Appeals Town of Queensbury Town Hall 531 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 CHANESE PARCEL DESCRIPTION Located on the easterly side of Cleverdale Road with 60-foot frontage on Lake George, the lands of Albert and Martha Chanese were acquired from the family of Martha(Jansen) in 1991 and comprise 0.24 acres. Boundary and topographic surveys were completed by this office in July, 1994. At present an old wood frame house and garage stand on the lot. Mr. and Mrs. Chanese intend to raze the old buildings and build a new house. Paul Cushing, Architect, a nearby neighbor, has been commissioned to design the new home whose footprint is 26'-8" x 36'-0", or 960 square feet, excluding a porch and deck. The nearly rectangular lot has a depth from road to lake shore of 174 feet. The ground surface slope is about 5.8% making the elevation difference 10 feet from road to seawall. The lake surface is just a foot below grade at the wall. There are no wetlands on or near the Chanese lot. SOILS & SUBGRADE Abundant excavation experience in the vicinity of the Chanese lot shows that poorly-drained soils exist to a depth of at least eight feet without evidence of bedrock. Our hand-dug excavations show there is no groundwater, or evidence of seasonal high groundwater, within the first three feet below grade. Percolation tests that we conducted according to the NYSDOH method yielded a stabilized result of 1" drop in 20 minutes. We know from experience that this rate is rather typical for the neighborhood of the Chanese lot, and indeed much of the land along the lake shore. ZONING The Chanese lot is in a WR-1A Zone making it a preexisting and nonconforming parcel under current zoning regulations. Area variances will be required. We believe that proposed improvements will be environmentally beneficial to the community. For example, the new home will be set back farther from the lake, and existing cesspools will be removed in favor of a new wastewater system as described below. P.O. Box 4522 . Queensbury,New York 12804 • (518) 793-1475 September 15, 1994 Zoning Board Of Appeals Queensbury, New York (page two of three) WATER SUPPLY Water will be supplied from an intake in Lake George. A pump and pressure tank will be located in the house. There is no treatment requirement for individual private consumers, but we recommend that surface waters be disinfected for domestic use. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL The existing cesspools on the Chanese property will be replaced with an adequate septic tank and mound absorption system situated as far as practicable from the lake shore. A lift station will be necessary for dosing the mound distribution system. The mound will be sited at the upland end of the lot. The design standards of NYSDOH (NYCCRR, Title 10, Chapter 11, Appendix 75-A.9(c) govern the detailing of the mound system. The elements of the new wastewater system include a 1250-gallon septic tank, 750-gallon lift station chamber, force main and mound absorption system. BASIS OF DESIGN The new home will have modern water-saving plumbing fixtures. Table 1 of the above standards allows a design flow of 90 GPD per bedroom when water-saving toilets are installed, or 130 GPD with new standard fixtures. The new Chanese home will have three bedrooms and a den that can accommodate a guest. SYSTEM DETAILS The design daily discharge is 520 GPD. The basal area of the mound is based on an absorption rate of 0.7 GPD/SF in the in situ soils. The absorption bed area is based on a mound application rate of 1.2 GPD/SF. The mound will be charged approximately four times per day at design flow (which will not occur often) by pumping settled effluent to a pressure distribution system in the mound. A manometer is shown on the drawings which allows venting and the means to exactly control pressure head in the distribution system which should be approximately 2.5 feet of water. Crushed rock (ASTM #67) serves to spread the effluent across the full area of the bed for uniform application to the filtering soils. Working drawings have been prepared with specifications on construction,materials and equipment for the proposed new wastewater disposal system to serve the Chanese residence. PLOT PLAN The locations of existing houses and garages on the Chanese lot and the adjacent sites are shown on the Plot Plan, Sheet 2 of the drawings. Setback dimensions are shown to augment those shown on the Site Plan, Sheet 1. The three existing homes are all at approximately the same setback distance from Lake George. SCUDDER Associates September 15, 1994 Zoning Board Of Appeals Queensbury, New York (page three of three) GRADING & STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The impervious area of the Chanese lot is currently about 17%. There will be no significant percentage change in the Post-Development ratio. Excepting only roof areas, the lot is covered with lawn, and will be after the new house is built. The stormwater runoff quantities will not increase; indeed there may be a slight reduction due to the limited grading anticipated. The grade on the lower portion of the lot will be raised about one foot to match finished grade on the adjoining parcels:- Finished grade contours, after completion of the project, will generally run parallel to the lake shore across the Chanese lot and those of its neighbors. FIRE PROTECTION Inasmuch as there is no public water system on Cleverdale, and no hydrants, fire protection is afforded by the North Queensbury Fire Department. The new fire house is sited on Route 9L near Cleverdale Road, about one mile from the Chanese parcel. PARKING As a rule, there will be parking spaces needed for one or two cars. In other situations, there will be space across the front of the lot for some 4 or 5 cars. ELECTRICAL UTILITIES The accompanying map of a survey of the Chanese lot shows the location of existing overhead wires. At this time we do not know whether the electrical service will remain overhead or go underground to the new house. SCUDDER Associates Engineers, Surveyors & Planners e)/, Charles H. Scudder, P.E. Principal SCUDDER Associates GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS 1) ELEVATION DATUM - LAKE LEVEL = 321.0 3 r 3 2) CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK IN ACCORD WITH PUBLISHED STANDARDS OF THE (�T`) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION AND NEW YORK STATE uu `C DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. !F/L7E.P F.9B !c 0,(/o ;oP 333.0 I 7Z7PS^O/L ALL AfOU1.ID Y , �i 3) THE RESIDENCE WATER SUPPLY WILL BE OBTAINED FROM LAKE GEORGE. THE WATER 0 _ l� PERFO�Q 45IQ SYSTEM COMPRISES AN INTAK , PUMP, DISINFECTION SYSTEM (HYPOCHLORINATOR), W N �_ �y M i�l• To So 1 = =t 4 7W_,I 545TL-M HYDHOPNEUMATIC TANK AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. IN THE EVENT OF ELECTRICAL POWER O / ♦ Q00 SEF.A Ta GRASS " '. � I.. "' };o d '" N �� �,� OUTAGE, ONLY THE STORAGE VOLUME IN THE PRESSURE TANK WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR V N moil" •��i e- �"f ° � G°t. :'!iA �! t ` rt1 DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION. Z f ` N ��Zl rG I %5'x+�0'X/op •., o �� \ CL W O !� T / PVG 4) DESIGN DAILY DISCHARGE FOR HE NEW HOME, FITTED WITH WATER-SAVING PLUMBING Q LA STDA/E 8E.0 3 -� FIXTURES, IS 4 x 130 = 520 GALLONS.- --- � q�rliFa_� � cn W J z 5) ALL PRECAST CONCRETE CASTIN S SOE FORT MILLER COMPANY, GREENWICH, NEW YORK. a w �. SET ALL CASTINGS DEAD LEVEL ON 6" OF # 67 CRUSHED STONE. CRUSHED LIMESTONE 3 x ( 2 I V OLD fS TD L/FT .ST.OT/Qt/ '�.Lr SHALL NOT BE USED IN THIS SYSTEM. W Q J Mq.y/ � 3�•0 _ - _ - -t== zz=Ip 6) CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH & IIJSTALL 1250-GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK. (n a m / SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 10-FEET FROM THE HOUSE AS INDICATED Q uj W Q lei ON THE SITE PLAN. USE HEAVY-DUTY (TRAFFIC) CASTING FOR VEHICULAR WHEEL LOADS. 1 z BUILDING DRAIN TO SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC WITH TIGHT _i W W a JOINTS, 2% SLOPE. BUILDING D AIN SHALL BE VENTED AND TRAPPED AS SHOWN. a j .\ 2 SECTION / \ D /LL 2 1- s V U J \� 'P 3/ ��° LEX LIFT STATION W MOUND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM oe1�/cEs srA�aE,e�v --� U Sh/oW/c/ /AI *30TTaM of L,47-6�.4G_5 • o'e1z.1_. /) 1) LIFT STATION SHALL BE A 750-GA-LON SEAMLESS SEPTIC,,tXNK. (A HEAVY-DUTY CASTING cn 1A1 ER� WILL BE REQUIRED IF EXPOSED T VEHICULAR WHEEL LADS.) ALL PIPE OPENINGS IN THE CASTING SHALL BE MADE WATEF TIGHT. I/ WR-1 A ZONING REQUIREMENTS LAYOUT 2) SEWAGE LIFT STATION STORAGE APACITY IS CALCULATED TO CONTAIN THE EMERGENCY HIGH WATER VOLUME, PLUS THREE TIMES THE AVAILABLE DRAWDOWN FROM THE MIN. SETBACKS: ORDINANCE REQUESTED DISTRIBUTION PIPING M1� � PRESSURE STORAGE TANK, OR MORE. FRONT 30' 75 SIIOw110� ) CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A 24" DIAMETER (MINIMUM) CAST IRON FRAME & MANHOLE SIDEYARD 20' (SUM > 50') 10' HOUSE � � COVER, ADJUSTED TO FINISHEDGRADE, FOR READY ACCESS TO THE PUMP IN THE 1' GARAGE Perm* N�IrM��t*IMMMedi�ta>II�" WETWELL. A 4" DIAMETER PVC SCREENED VENT PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON 20' .3 /a 9� 20 REAR 20' 53' TO LAKE SHORE �, THE DRAWING. Ce. PoCK (ASTM `�7) /���NG MIN. PERMEABLE AREA 65% 83% (�ajURE • DATE ) THE SINGLE EFFLUENT PUMP SPECIFIED SHALL BE INSTALLED AND SECURED AGAINST �i Tf3AGK L/UE PERCOLATION TEST DATA — MOVEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. INTERIOR PIPING SHALL BE 1 'h" DIAMETER ON 334 3 (o !o i ,SEE.D To ,?/I55 _ MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT 35' 28' SCHEDULE 80 PVC WITH A PITLE S ADAPTER AND GRAB HANDLE FOR EASY REMOVAL OF W 333— Tod' _ l:llo %• F/LTER F.9f.e/G THE PUMP FROM THE WETWELL. 0 co ' PERCOLATION TESTS PERFORMED BY CHARLES H. SCUDDER, P.E. N w a '� - � °0'�°4` o ✓�°, o;•, , 5) A 2" DIAMETER THROTTLING VALVE, EITHER BALL OR PINCH VALVE, SHALL BE INSTALLED Z 0 LOA/'!Y TOPSO/L PERCOLATION TEST PIT 1 PERCOLATION TESL" PIT 2 AS SHOWN ON THE DISCHARGE IDE OF THE PUMP. Q � }- Lu z 330 s1vDy f7LL _., "STABILIZED RATE = 1 DROP IN 20 MINUTES STABILIZED RATE = 1" DROP IN 20 MINUTES , " ,�iL �:;;�:.'.•,-'•.'::•::•.: ''; ,':.;'' '• •+ -� ._ 61 2" DIAMETER FORCE MAIN SHALL BE ADAPTED TO 1 /� DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC Q Ld ` TEST PIT DEPTH = 26" TEST PIT DEPTH = 20" DISCHARGE PIPING OUTSIDE THE IFT STATION A DISTANCE OF 6-FEET. I- cc Q 7) SLOPE 2" DIAMETER FORCE MAIN BACK TO LIFT STATION FROM A SORPTION SYSTEM. W TL/U �c/E — -- � LI > cr -_s 8) CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE M CHANICAL VAPOR-TIGHT, LIQUID TIGHT, SEAL FITTINGS m W W ON PUMP CONTROL AND POWER LEADS TO PREVENT GASES FIR REACHING CONTROL --I J E�JS%•• �i2AOG� SEA ALG !UE PANEL THROUGH CONDUITS. �� Q U J 9) LEADS FROM JUNCTION BOX SHALL HAVE SUFFICIENT LENGTH AND SLACK TO ALLOW REMOVAL OF PUMP FROM WETWELL AS MAY BE NECESSARY. ALL POWER AND CONTROL 32 2 too i WIRES SHALL BE ENCASED IN CO DUIT. o Zo 40 �o 0 WS. EGEI! 32/ 10) CONTI GCTOR SHALL CONFIRM A AIL ABILITY OF 115/230 VOLT, SINGLE-PHASE ELECTRIC SERVIf:E TO LIFT STATION. 0. M► ' CLwI LONGITUDINAL PROFILE V`k`y R PUMP AND CONTROLS L.16J H 1" = 10' LEGEND w ROCKHL V 1" = 4' an dy N Mason Rd Bay 1) PROVIDE SIMPLEX PRECAST CONCRETE LIFT STATION WITH CAST IRON FRAME & COVER W W _ WATER INTAKE LINE g (SOE CAMPBELL FOUNDRY COMPANY PATTERN NO. 9502, SEALED AGAINST ESCAPE I c°}js, z 00 �v Fielding a x 0 La ODORS). INSTALL GOULDS MODEL 3885 (WE 05H) EFFLUENT PUMP FOR D z PERCOLATION TEST PIT LOCATION ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. PROVIDE STANDBY PUMP FOR Qt11CK � a Q REPLACEMENT IN CASE OF PUMP FAILURE. INSTALL (GOULDS A3-2012) NEMA PUMP� -� � - -32.4 - - _ EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR N^ Sho,. r � C® ® '�` !L o n 4 w co MOTOR CONTROL; THREE (3) GOULDS A2-3 MERCURY FLOAT SWITCHES; ONE (11 OUVS, G 0 S °ac, c3� tort '7 t eSR, p� A4-1 HIGH LIQUID LEVEL ALARM ON PANEL INSIDE HOUSE. 00 c, acOmp`z �° o?S `� Z � 324 - FINISHED GRADE CONTOUR et La Harris Bay � a 7 Qd6° p 2) THREE MERCURY FLOAT SWITCHES (PUMP START, PUMP SHUTOFF AND ALARM), jgODq:� / p H,{man n o 3900, SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED IN THE WETWELL. , " W ' W ASSEMBLY Rd n � '/ O W Q I I POINT ' �tyyton Rd 3) A SIMPLEX CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN THE HOUSE. THEfie-=f=a w Z g J ( Rd o D PANEL SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH RUNNING LIGHT, H-O-A SWITCH, ALARM LIGHT, ALARM (, � BELL AND RESET SWITCH. a z rT1 U Z o \ o W �P 6.4kAG �S/Ew � / /o� 3!D' /¢� o ' d a MOUND ABSORPTION SYSTEM a U) d La Lu fV , X26 1 , Brayton � w • / IL N ° CN A- 1) MOUND FILL SOIL SHALL BE SANDY LOAM WITH A STABILIZED PERCOLATION RATE OF Z Lo N NORTH QUEENSBURY -T/2SOG4L_ '� I ' EMERGENCY SQUAB APPROXIMATELY 1 " IN FIVE 15► MIN TES. DESIGN APPLICATION RATE SHALL BE 1 .2 GPD/SF. Z Xo IIIEXIST/Ac1G GA,PA6E r 1 W m — (BASAL L T//� S•T ��,�t N LOCATION MAP 2) MOUND CAP SOIL AGAINST THE A TER FABRIC SHALL BE LOAMY CLAY TO SEAL AGAINST v p To gE e'4z' O , .P � SEW /"{Ci�'16 m INFILTFATIOrj OF SURFACE WATER. A SURFACE LAYER OF TOPSOIL SHALL BE SEEDED TO T/1 li GRASS V 1 LAM � IEOID � 3) MOUND SIDE SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 1:3 EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE INDICATED. o � 750 GAc N� 4) DISTRIBUTION LATERALS SHALL BE 1 '/z" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE, 24-FEET LONG, • ' - o •,il `•. T a L.S. ^ 50� WITH CAPPED ENDS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. LATERAL SPACING SHALL BE FIVE (5) FEET. .' ®Y�� ��P/ Lj O 0• 3 4 I v I EX/S%/,C/C yDUSC I 1 EACH IATERAL SHALL HAVE EIGHT (8) DRILLED HOLES AT THE BOTTOM, 5/16" DIAMETER, I I I ON 36-NCH CENTERS, BEGINNING EIGHTEEN (18) INCHES FROM EITHER END. A CENTERED ° IPTO �E 'eQ �1 PRoPasEo 43.5 W THREE-NCH DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC MANIFOLD WILL FEED EACH LATERAL. 6 '00) h aO NEW —_ Q — w W m OD WATER SUPPG r a �, a =o J R N �}• OGLK 5) DISTR11UTION LATERALS SHALL BE ENCASED IN AN ENVELOPE OF#67 CRUSHED STONE, SIX ��, ,n a 2 P to DEGlC — N N LVO /,c/TAKE _ by_ W I P7 �� Fes— 0 , �' m m I 16) INCHES UNDER AND TWO (2) IN HES ABOVE PIPE. THE STONE BED DIMENSIONS SHALL ,' a li Q ro (/o- x BE 15' K 30' x 10". °,. •.' L. _ , •. • • • •. W I 3 , ' ;�, �� 6) FILTER;:ABRIC SIDE TO EXXON GTF-125 SHALL COVER THE CRUSHED STONE AS SHOWN ON I Q J _�uj 4— -- - -- - O - MOUND 14 THE DPAWING. i V 8 69 (1:3) I \9 � W I 7) THE W)UND SHALL BE RAISED ABOVE EXISTING GRADE WITH TOP (CAP) ELEVATION = N Yl?) m I 333.0. CAP SURFACE SHALL BE CAMBERED TO SHED WATER. z fV Z�' 24•l�±► Q; I w WOOD COCK 8) THE TOE OF MOUND SLOPES (TAP RS) SHALL EVERYWHERE BE 10 FEET MINIMUM FROM O O I `0 • \ PROPE:TY LINES AND 20 FEET FRO�AII THE HOUSE. z w N i \ 1 9) INSTALL 1 '/z" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC MANOMETER (2'/z FOOT RISER) ON DISTAL END Q Q w I OF OWE LATERALTO ALLOW MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL OF SYSTEM PRESSURE BY cVn u=i • \ - - ..� �4� ADJUS`MENT OF THROT9jbW#, VAdwoo • I /74 26 11n}u)aje suo)1e31}l38ds ue sueld \ / ay}ft.l puw se pani}s oo aq}ou WATER SUPPLIES FOR THE CHANESE LOT AND eyss}uawwoamoyuMa uelidwoo F E CQPY ADJACENT LOTS OF LONG & FRITZ ON THE NORTH, AND COWAN ON THE SOUTH, ARE TAKEN FROM 'uo)}ewwexa pa}(wll inoiuo paseg w _ SITE LAYOUT LAKE GEORGE. ON-SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEMS OF 1N3NIffi30 9NIUlU19 Adn8SN33no J0 NMOl TOWN OF � _NSBURy LOTS ADJACENT TO CHANESE ARE LOCATED r e * '_° Lo 0 1" = 10' UPGRADIENT TOWARD CLEVERDALE ROAD. AFTER �11 �ti' �. N O RECONSTRUCTION THE CHANESE LOT WILL BE OF REVIEWED 13`lf / w 0 z SIMILAR CONFIGURATION. FILE C6PY 0 O m DATE !I n �- -- -- o COPYRIGHT 0 1994 BY SCUDDER ASSOCIATES CIO ELECTRICAL FORT MILLER CONTROL PANELS f/i!//lyEO_G�OE 750-1000-1250 Gallon j �► ; � `=' Q H,GH LIQUID LEVELALARMPANFLS Seamless Septic Tank _ ' -' W G'KA/VULRe fit.L �!''`' ~ .' COMPACTED O liquid A4-1,A4-1N3,A4 1N4 provides waming o1 high g qt rid level conditions { COke /N W 115V.Single Phase,60117 24" TAPERED HOLE & PLUG CO Available in NEMA I (A4.1),NEMA 3R(A4 1N3)and NEMA 4(A4 1141) IiGI :p', ,e , � ,, �► r ♦ ♦ Q :.'� r• v Includes:Alarm Hell,Fled Indicator Light.Power On Light.Olt-On/Reset (TYPICAL) / 3 SLOPE Tyo/CgL i'r' rE — N 11� CO NPACT,ED P/PE Io�c/E�i9lCf/L L r Q Switch,Terminal Stock for wiring connections ?•' •1 � � t� Does not control pump operalion 4� u`.' t TO dE CLEgV 1Av0 U.vOEe AND UJ W O '^' '• A4?oUNO P/PE AI JiSdO/f�V — Q /Y Alarm Heft and Red Irxiir;alor LIgt11 will stay cx1 until reset �/4 '� �+ .,. � --� ------ °a ° e o o•o o e Qo•�u o. wn r Requires n"tkxial Liquid Level Switch,One A2 3 or A2-7 Opereles even it pump circu9 tails(When properly installed on 4 1250 GAL C17MPAICTEO P/PE LO E (' o a aa� 4 - a'.a a s y 8 5'-3" dW�,fF/LL �..tEE.VOTE� D- � � �• o�- --- • •O ��/� separate brarx:h circuit) Cn r// W Z 750 GAL t000 GAL COM&4C7--D dE00/.VG _ M/4i1/O ETE,P VENT PIJZ-P Df TA/L 0, W "'� CDD ► 2" Uj W. 7- S. Cn Uj Q J .eh-1vcN /,1 E,4,er,,4/ ILU /A Q ,i„ V♦ ,,- •- PIC4I T/PfMCH Df T91Z • W T Goulds T s , it W Q W W A SERIES L) W ELECTRICAL 1000 GAL. J CONTROL PANELS 5 ' '` /e -81/2 C.� - � � 750 GAL_. .fl/F'EEA/ED OOEN/NG ,:� • , `� 4 5 7'- 11 TO ATblOSPHEE'E a''" W \JJ 4 0., ■ LIQUID 1250 GAL, :-• A3 2012 Simplex LFVE1 10'-2" MAGNETIC A3 Series Control Systems \� HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE CONTACTOR PIPE SEALS PROVIDED AT ALL PIPE Q CONNECTIONS SHOWN. gPPPDX _ S'MAX. ,',; "MAX r4'MAr_ /-/N 4 YE/VT A3-5034 _ _ - ------- ------ �A •: MAGNETIC - CONCRETE: woo Psi --- - -- TANK :;�:.: •�; STARTER REINFORCEMENT: ASTM A615-GRADE 60 SIZE WEIGHTS,LOS 4..�DU/LL7YA/G G1PA/�/ASTM A185-GRADE 65 ENTRAINEDAIR 50%-90% TOP MEETS ASTMC890 GALLONS Sr-A8 BOTTOM TOTAL > - -- -- _ 750 1733 6458 8191 SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE — 1000 2173 7436 9609 -- i1'= Provides automatic or manual pump operation for single Provides automatic or manual pump operations, and three 1250 2643 8443 11,08E phase systems. leg motor protection for three phase systems. _ _ _ INCLUDES BAFFLE T _ +„ oOVGLE NA/VD-s10LZ- N -- Model No. -HP Volts '-- --Model No. HP Volts— -- '� tua�/v� req,o 'WIrw 00 ' A3-2012 '/3-2 1151230 A3-5034 'h-5 208-230/460 cLE,,rn/ours N Single Phase, 60 Hz Three Phase, 60 Hz ; � Z NEMA t Steel Enclosure Standard NEMA 1 Steel Enclosure Standard `s A "<� 't' • Q Includes: Contactor, Hand-Off-Auto Switch, Run Light, and Includes:Contactor, Nand-Oft-Auto Switch, Run Light, ', - - - '- - '-/' " = Lu Z Terminal Block for wiring connections Transformer for 115V Pilot Circuit, and Terminal Block for Z May be used on '/3 through t HP pump Wiring Connections ~ % U Q 11 Separate Level Control Switch(es) required, One A2-2, Overload Protection Required. Ambient Compensated Type TYPI CAL 8 1 L DI NG DQ41N � 0 -1 Two A2-3, or One A2-7 Heaters(3 Required) Must Be Ordered Separately _ • � � Q Separate Level Control Switches required, One A2-2, `t \ Cr LLJ c Two A2 3, or One A2 7 m LU LLJ _J - _ Q U w J 27 '1e U 2s 31<' - RM Submersible Effluent SANITARY] Performance U�� `--27' curves Pumps -- METERS Ft T I /7'/V/'7OZZ (�OV rQ a - - - MODELn38$5 25 - 3 T>'PIC',4L 5`T,441D,4R o �C4r7PL3ELL /009 o/E) U) NE1 { — — — — — - SIZE �/ SA�Id /f/A A// /O/f Co �l/OT TO SCALE SYSTEM WASTEWATER ABSORPTION LONG & FRITZ W 70 - - — — - � �) (NOT TO JC'AL f� z � Z _ - — f1oi.-/T' 12 0 ,s r1 00 - - - -10 - - - - - GARAGE N U) (n 20 f 5 - - - - - - - - A a S-840-56'-3 "-E 171.12' � LLI z 0 0 - - - - — -- — — — — - PE JrzE 11.5' 30" MA E F (� GARAGE • �a 0 10 20 30 40 50 so 70 so 90 too 110 '20 OPM ,4 A/-� AREA = +/ 0.24 ACRES " to N L - __.-__-- -L------------------- .._ - _ - - - ---- --- //v/ �u Ob W L_ O 0 10 20 30 m'T �► /� rT tT I LJ L J I y u3 L-_J Q w CAPACITY p z NLLJ 0 Z N / ?y R/ 't• :► ° o0o P7./ mwcsErs PORCH � w !r s ��� n3000rrsjcacr�r� �r �.r - Jn�tvsr dtocK � COTTAGE I Z T � J X Al w LU m M 1 ONCRET H ~ 6' WOODEN DOCK O TEE o a N gv_xisr C 1 FQ G co vE- ( z ❑ N 6' WOODEN DOCK W 12" MAPLE � • � 1t�n� , 0 0 4" MAPLE 36" OAK a /! 6 TO F 6 EL E V ✓EA?P/PE ® w .t+•� f�2W,EP � w,vreoL i .vs � ,N. s .. _ • ,. 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