1964-10-07 r Meetlng cst the Plann1n¡ Boud ot t.be !0'Wn of Queens1:JuJ7 beJd at Queen8bury P\11:41o School Wedne8d*¥. Ootober '1. 1961t- at 7.30 P.M. Pr.e8itJiDa I pre..t' Absent. Gueetas Cba1nI8n. Oeor¡e KWIbner Cush1ng, Dean, Glasa. Kirkpatrick, Norton, S1lDmonda Webster. Tw1cbell. HÚ&b.., VanDueen . 1. M1nutes ot last -Un¡ WeN approved. 2. We wen aåeð to nbDd. t qU..UOD.8 tor use 011 the apeo1a1 ceDSWI. RGt8ft'Sn¡ tb1a to SoneDUIto. 3. Mchell N\'1fted !v1owooð #12-Ðt 1D. .....,. He1&hts. He w.1U aulll:l. t pre 11 .-loU)". . '1+. _hea ftbad.tted n..s.. t~ pN]~"O-e", ....&1. G1Ma ~.a _ OU8b1ftg aeooetleð the motitm tbat .- d". PN11m- . 1nøy approval subject to the Supu1ntebd.t of ~8 approval at 2-;0' entraD.oee or 1-'7'- entraooe. Carried. ;. A letter froøa ¡kane. Attorney 1'8' Mrs. Hovey-ward. 'l'h11'f:1 St. Will awa1t ~ 1nto$tlon. . 6. Theoonetnctløn ~t. ahow a ho'&1M be1nc built in Lester Dft. f8...61t.. we have not bMn. ·elltøð tor pre11tn1"ary approval 011 th1a 78t. 1)1scusaeð vMtber 1 bouse 01' lot wou1ð· 1od1cate a subðlvla1on. It.... .telt 'that s.r theJte vas a po- tent1al tor over tOUr lots tbat it 8bo1J1 !be' approved a8 a subdlvla1cn. . . ' 1. Reviewed the Aa..b1l' Point appl1cation tor . Residential Zone. !be 8en.. of tbe meets.n, va. that we approve. 8. Bev1Wel1 the coneot1ou by the !own BoaJrd 8Dð VanDusen to the Daae Map. 9. Next _tinct Queene'bury SoboÞl, Wednesday, Nov. "'. 1961t. AdJoameð J. Arthur Norton Secretary