1964-12-02 (2) Heating 1¡4 of the 701 Program To\-m of' Queensbury Planning Board , Que.(insb~yPQì;i>:ï4.c -Schools .1vednesday,J Dec.. 2,,,,]964 at. B :00 P .-M'. Pres1d1ng:Ch~1rmanf GeorgeJ. ltushner Present: Cushing, Dean~ Glass. Kirkpatrick. Norton Guests: Sorrentino. Hekler, Roecke:r:t McIlvaine, J O!LTl Sinno t t I. Þlinutes of the previous meeting were approved. 2" Hekler reported that the con tracts 'tiera signed. 3v Sorrentino presented the following: s. Land use map showing how town has developed. vie r:hould encourage the Tm\m Board to obtain tax. maps as soon as possible. bo Slope map showing areas of over lO~ slope and of sw'ampo This includes about 38% of the to\tIDS area. vie should study the possible use of the land" Re- creation is a suggested use. c. Geology Nap - \ie should encourage the Tmm. Board to push for a geological study of \larren County," ~'¡e should also try to obtain through the Town Board a soil study of the tm'in. This would be very use- ful for zoning layout. Kushner will checlt \Jith the county agricultural agent. d. A 35-page preliminary draft of Physical Resources and Lemd Use Analysisg This is a catalog of lvhat is. tie should study and report our commen ts and cofrect1ons. e. A map of the Existing Road System. We should suggest that the Town Board adapt this as the offic- ial road map of the Town. Kushner ".¡ill discuss this with Supervisor Webster. f. A map of Proposed Planning Districts. This shows the town divified into 12 districts for convenience of' the Study. tie should study this f"or possible re- visions" 4. 511 -2·~ Sorrentino will nresent final land use map and preliminary Subdivision Regulations at our next moeting. Next meet1ngt Queensbury School~ \iednssday. Jan. 6 at 8:00 P.M.. ,,~ð journeà J. Arthur Norton Secrets:uy