1965-01-06 1 ! Høeting 01' t;1~> Plann:i.n.g Board of the Town a.f Queellsbury g.e~...a.t Queensbut'l'PttÞ1.1c School \vednesday. Jan. 6. 196; at 7:30 P. M. Presiding: Acting Chairman. ;¡. ArtbtJr Norton Present: Dean, Kirkpatrick. Sinnott Absent: Cush1nl. Glass. Kushner Guests: McIlvaine. GGruso 1. Minutes of last meeting were apJ>roved. Received College Green #1-6" Wheeler Developer. otf Bay Road near Cron1n Road. Tabled for study. Garuso presented EUsworth Westland Sect. #8 tor Final approval. 1C:f.rkpatr1ckmoved that we give final approval. Deàn secondeð. Motion carried. Next mèet1ng. Queensbur:v SOhool. Wed. Feb. 3. 1965. 2. 3. 4. . Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Sécretary