1965-02-03 (2) Presiding' Present: Absent' Guests I l. 2. 3. It. ;. 6. Meeting #6 of the 101 Program Town ot Queensbury Plann1ng Board Queensbury Publ10 Schools Weanésday. Feb. 3, 196, at 8:00 P.M. Chairman. George J. Kushner Dean, K1rkpatr1oks Norton. Sinnott Cusb.1ng. Glass (Resigned) Sorrentino, Hekler. Boecker, Tom Shea of the Post Star. Minutes of the previous meeting were approvedo Sorren Uno reported ana meeting w1 th the people from the New York State Urban Area Transportation Stuð1es Jan. 20. 196;. They win be test1n¡ land u.se and high- wfq proposals in Ii few months with their eIecislons to be made dur1D.g the 8UmmAr of 196;. They are WOl'ld.n¡ toward a Deco 196; oompletion elate. He i8 thentore proceeding with our tranøportat1on and land use study for completion and substantial agreetDent by April or May, 196~. Kushner announced a meet1n¡ with the Warren County Soil Conservat1on District. Feb. 18. 196,. sorrentino su¡gøateð that our Boardan4 Supervisor Webster talk with the state Health Dept. District Of1'10e regarding a developer obta1n1ng preliminary approval from the Health Dept. using the. drawings that have our prel1rø'1t:'U'y appro roval. He said that my Changetrom the tinal approval draw1ng would be an 111egal plot. The proposed sulxl1v1s1on re¡uJ.ations wW$ rf!JV18Wéd. Sorrentino told us tbatthe cost of 1røprO\'ements nec- essary by these 01' other regulations can b$ covered by the FHA mortgage. We shou1ð meet,.. . the Town Board to review these re¡ulations. The date ot Feb. altth was sugges ted it this is agreéable with the Town Board. Next meeting, Queensbury School, WedneS<1q, Karch 3 at 8:00 P.M. J. Arthur Norton Secretary