1965-04-07 r·1eeting of the Planning Board of the Tmn:l of (~tlGellsb~1r:ÿ " '. held. at Queensbury PUblic School Wedriesday~ April 7.196, at 7:30 P. M. ¥inut(;)s Qf .ls.s·t mee.ting were ( approved.. Ed Grant presen tad Ridge Nanol' 112...65. vall have usual 1"e:str1ctions. ïalk1ng' 8:bout #'16-18~OOO housf3s. Wesugges1;ød a bighel" price house to go wi th Ridge Headows.· Kirkpatrick moved to give prelimi.'t1a.t'Y approval~ Dean secop.ded., carr:ted.. ". 3-~ 5""' Jack Mannix presented El1si,1orth ~?10 #3f6541 Quest- ioned 'the 2-1001 spUrS1/" 'He felt these could have temporary turn arounds.. Cushing moved to gi va pre- liminary approval sUbject to ~le.ter departmt:mt approvJ~l. Sinnott secondedn carried.. 4.. Jack Hannix.. prèsentèd Ellsworth #9r; #16-61:,. Hold- ing for study. Presiding: Present: Guests: 1. 2. 3. Qha1rman!,t George J. Kushner Cushit"'lg. Dean~ -Ki.'t'kpatricl~.e Sinnott SÇ)rrentino:) Webster:s Turner! VanDusen 5.. l-1arty Geruso. ot, the Rec;r:eat1on Commissionf'- Xney are. aiming at tha 12-17 age group ror summer recreati.on. Younger ailes and up as baby sitting. The To~m Board has had offers ~or recreation 1æld areas and soma ideas on purchasing land", They are holding on these -and would like our suggestions.. Suggest, that soms'of city watershed property might be used :for recreation use.. The county may release some of their holdings W'fd.ch ðOuld be usec1 for re- . area tion. The RecI'ea tion Commission is thinl~ing o~ municipa.l poo],s -maybe 1 or 2 ,stratigj,ce.ll~t located fOl~ bike or walk-in use e> We should keep the Recreation Commissj.on :i.nf'ormed of OU¡'" ideas and suggestions and they 1,-rill inform us!}> ------'---- 6.. Charles Dumn presented Haviland Parlt ï¥1....·65. This is pnrt in the city and pa:rt in the Town. Haybe ga'l; wa'cer and set-rage from city by .fee. In prelim;.nary stages and ,,!ill :return with more information. ? ~¡abster said the Board has appointed Oliver L.~akso to our Botæd.. He is President of Kamyr .and lives at 2 Buena Vista. 8. \1ebster \'1111 send out check lis1; for our bank of Town ordinances. 9. Web~ter suggest~J we ask for approval of Wutcr Department before we give final approval on pla.ts in the water district. 10. Discussed two sites for the Town Office Building Aviation RoadA across trom High School - 4...1/2 {"2-ac{'rS e.cres" cost $ö."OOO \o!hen purchased. Bay Roa.d 3i te .. NJ£ corner of Bay and Haviland Road 'ilant $10þooO for site. Feel ca..11. sell Aviation Road site. The building is baing built for office space not to furnish public meating Dlace. Aviation Road site can have the use of the schools for larger groups. Kushner feel:3 this is hlgh~.vay and commercial center. Bay Road s~. to has more land 11 is !le~er the geographic cen tar of' the town, will he the eul tural can tar wi th Ad irondack Communi ty College. Haviland Road is main f' armland area of town but thts lmid would not remain f arm land long. The Insurance Compafl..y O\'ffi.S the other two corners and have expressed the desire to keep a compatable use to the Town Hall and College" Sorrentino said we should consider tha.t we aJ,'e build- ing the towns image as well as tO~fi1 officesø Tables for study at our next meet1..'1g when wo will have Sorrentino's ~p1nion and can make a recommendation as to sj.te if we so desire. 110 neat roaetinga Queonsbury School, Wednesday April 21$ 1;650 Adjourned Jo Arthur Norton Seoretary