1965-05-05 l'¡:&le';--; 'H:' O.lf' ,..1r.^ '::Plr"'U'1"'I nu ~,1A..,,&> "-hì!"' r;'o.·....., ~,"" Ql'Lconsb" ,.~c, ~,.!...':;¡b, . ' ¿'":~~,~.",,, _-"~"~"".&J''''~I.''¡~',~,.~J..' :fw;,. ,c;.' ~J., I~'¿.! '~~!." ~ ,;'" -l'l.r'.{ . 1 '.~' _.,,,¡,'-'h~,) &t; . .." ' , ,t,1. c",," ..;. ,-,.-,., ',' --.,., ".. ",' , ..~~~<msÞ ...'. '1;" ," O¡¡,ªOlð'0J., vledl.lesãa~rr, l,ía~, l~ at 7:30 1;,. y:·t. ( .~) ~ ,'it ~ Pre~;idL11g í·, . Chairman, George J. Kush.'1er ~", ~ \ Present: Kirkpatrick" Laakso~ S:L.'1f.1ott; Cushing. Deen Absent: Guest;s; Nanni:¡~5 Reið ~ Gran:t, ilanPuSGl1:¡ ~rebster! lficIlvédne of the Post-5taT~, 1.. Hinutes of last meeting were approved. 2. Marll1ix presented Westland SectioD #10, #3-65 revised to our suggestiono Kirkpatriclt Ir,sde a. motion 1;0 give final approval, Sinnot seconded~ carried. 31» Mannix presented t'iestla:nd Section #9!!J #16-61t.. Norton made a motion to give preliminary approval, Kil~patrick se.conded ~ carried. L¡..;) Reiclpresen'ted Sect:ton 3 of Rolling Ridge Estates #'5-65 consisting of 12 lotsQ Held for study. Laakso Bl1lå Sinnot ~Jill vislt the development. 5:. Gre.nt presented Ridge 118.1.'1.01' i¥2-65 Q Laakso made 8. mni;ioD to glve final approvals KirJ:<:.:pa.trick soconded, carrledf> 6Q Recessed until after 701 Program. 7ø Norton read copies of letters fTom Supervisor Websterð a) letter 'to tlhecler., ¡'EH College Green J;{Þl-65 asking for a. conference wièh h:tm on his starting 2 houses \1T:lthmlt Planning Board Approval. Webster reported to us that he has talkeÇl u:ith \fueeler th"ld tYheeler will not ntart any other construction until 1.¡e have approved his plÐ.n¡;.. . b) Letter to VanDusen, re: Lester Priv~ #8-64 stating that this development has not been approved by the Planning Board a~d the to~m C,~li10t accept this as a town high\lTay C' c) Letter to :Karl Sandj/ TreasureX' of the Glens Fall::! Insurance Compan:íT 11 asking for a 3 m(>n th extension 'to the option for the proposed Bay Road Site for the 'rown Office BtUJ.di..Tlg 0 ~< "' ð) Letter to the Adiron.dack Tra1lways. reI bus service to the Queensbury anð t{orthway Plazas am Q,ther areas of the Towo 8. Next meeting, Queensbury School. Wednesday.. May 19. 19650 Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary .