asbestos report DEC 0 3 '2020 x Qu" ES&T FILEOpy ( Quality` Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. PRE-DEMOLITION SURVEY REPORT- FOR ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS (ACM) Prepared for: WILLIAM BOSY P.O. Box 1 Lake George, NY 12845 at RESIDENTIAL HOUSE 53 Assembly Point Road Lake George, NY 12845 September 29, 2020 Ya QuES&T Project #Q20-3588 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Oualiiyenv.com VUE-JS&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. September 29,2020 William Bosy P.O.Box 1 Lake George,NY 12845 ATTN:Wf11nam Bosy Via E-mail: 111001&aol,com Re: 53 Assembly Point Road,Lake George,NY 12845 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Inspection QuES&T Project#Q20-3588 Dear Mr.Bosy, Attached is the Pre-Demolition Inspection Report for Asbestos-containing Materials(ACM)identified throughout interior and exterior areas included within the above-referenced location(s)by Quality Environmental Solutions &Technologies,Inc. (QuES&T). The inspection included visual assessment and representative sampling for the detection of ACM in compliance with the requirements of Title 12 NYCRR Part 56-5.1. As per 12 NYCRR Part 56-5.5.1(g),upon receipt of this report,Building Owner's must provide: 1) One(1)copy of this completed report shall be retained by the Owner for a period of"life of building"plus thirty(30)years. 2) One(1)copy shall be submitted to the local Municipality if work permits are required. 3) One(1)copy shall be kept onsite during any demolition,renovation,remodeling,repair or addition activities. The attached report summarizes the inspection protocol and inspection results for your review. QuES&T believes this report accurately reflects the material condition existing in the functional spaces at the time of our inspection. Should you wish to discuss this matter further or require additional information concerning this submittal, please contact us at(845)298-6031. QuES&T appreciates the opportunity to assist Mr.William Bosy in the environmental services area. Sincerely, Louis N. Johnson HI Technical Services NYS/AHERA Inspector/Project Designer &Management Planner Cert.#AH 08-05954 EPA Lead Inspector/Lead Risk Assessor NYC DEP Asbestos Investigator Cert.#137330 NYS Mold Assessor Cert.#MA-00532 Cc. averre(@qualityciiv.com QuES&T File 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Qualityenv.com r 4 Y � t � QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction Page 1 H. Inspection Summary Page 2 III. Identified Asbestos-containing Materials(ACM) Page 3 IV. General Discussion Page 4 V. Transmittal of Building Survey Information Page 5 VI. Abatement Required Page 6 VII. Disclaimers Page 7 Appendix A ACM Location Drawings&Photos Appendix B Sample Locations&Results Appendix C Personnel Licenses&Certifications 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Qualiiyenv.com t . A Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey William Bosy OuES&T Project#020-3588 (a,53 Assembly Point Road,Lake GeoriZe.NY 12845 1. INTRODUCTION: Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc.(QuES&T)performed a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey, in conformance with Title 12 NYCRR Part 56-5.1,on September 18,2020 for Mr.William Bosy.The survey included a visual inspection assessment for Presumed Asbestos-containing Materials(PACM)and suspect miscellaneous Asbestos-containing Materials(ACM)throughout interior and exterior locations.No previous or existing sample results or findings were utilized in this inspection. QuES&T established functional spaces based either on physical barriers(i.e.walls,doors,etc.)or homogeneity of material.Within each functional space identified,a visual inspection was performed using reasonable care and judgment,to identify and assess location,quantity,friability and condition of all accessible installed ACM building materials observed at the affected portion of the building/structure. Limited localized demolition of building surfaces was performed,as part of this survey,to access concealed surfaces. No disassembly of installed equipment was conducted as part of this inspection. ACM concealed within structural components and equipment interiors or that is accessible only through extensive mechanical or structural demolition may not have been identified as part of this survey. When any construction activity,such as demolition, remodeling,renovation or repair work,reveals PACM or suspect miscellaneous ACM that has not been identified, as part of this survey,all construction activities shall cease in the affected area. The survey included both visual inspection of accessible spaces and representative sampling of suspect building materials for ACM. Samples collected were analyzed by a laboratory approved under the New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program(NYSDOH ELAP). Samples were analyzed in the laboratory by Polarized Light Microscopy(PLM),Polarized Light Microscopy-NOB(PLM-NOB)and/or Quantitative Transmission Electron Microscopy(QTEM),as required. Sample collection and laboratory analysis were conducted in compliance with the requirements of Title 12 NYCRR Part 56-5.1,29 CFR 1926.1101 and standard EPA&OSHA accepted methods. Samples consisting of multiple layers were separated and analyzed independently in the laboratory. Certified QuES&T personnel(Appendix C),Mr.Louis N.Johnson III(Cert.#AH 08-05954),performed visual assessments throughout the above-mentioned locations. A total of seventy-two(72)samples of installed and accessible suspect building materials were analyzed by a laboratory approved under the NYSDOH ELAP. Eighteen (18)samples were analyzed using Polarized Light Microscopy(PLM)for friable materials;Twenty-seven(27) samples were analyzed using Polarized Light Microscopy(PLM-NOB)for non-friable organically bound materials; and twenty-seven(27)samples were analyzed by Confirmatory-QTEM following negative-determinations using PLM-NOB protocols. EAWROAVENTAL CONSULTING& TRAINING Page I of 7 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey William Bosy ODES&T Proiect#020-3588 na 53 Assembly Point Road Lake George,NY 12845 II. INSPECTION SUMMARY: A visual inspection was performed,and homogenous material types were established based on appearance,color and texture.The findings presented in this report are based upon reasonably available information and observed site conditions at the time the assessment was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report are not meant to be indicative of future conditions at the site and does not warrant against conditions that were not evident from visual observations or historical information obtained from others. Representative bulk sampling was performed on suspect building materials for laboratory analysis using PLM, PLM-NOB,and/or QTEM. The following is a summary of installed building materials sampled: • Ceiling Materials—12"x 12"Ceiling Tiles,Textured Coating,Sheetrock&Joint Compound. • Wall Materials—Wall Paneling,Brick&Mortar,Sheetrock&Joint Compound,Cementitious Block& Mortar. • Floor Materials—Linoleum Sheet Flooring,Adhesives,Fiberboard,Flooring with Vapor Barrier, Staircase Treads and Carpet Mastic. • Insulation Materials—Loose Fill Insulation. • Roofing Materials—Rolled Roof,Asphalt Shingles and Tar Paper Vapor Barrier. • Miscellaneous Materials—Misc.Caulking and Window Glazing Compound. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING& TRAINING Page 2 of 7 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey William Bosy OuES&T Project 4020-3588 A 53 Assembly Point Road,Lake George,NY 12845 III. IDENTIFIED ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS(ACM): IDENTIFIED ACM 53 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD LAKE GEORGE.NY 12845 (Refer to Appendix A for details) KEY: ACM=Materials containing greater than 1%of asbestos; LF=Linear Feet;SF=Square Feet;PACM=Presumed Asbestos-containing Materials; Friable=ACM capable of being released into air, and which can be crumbled,pulverized,powdered, crushed or exposed by hand-pressure. Approximate Location Material Quantity Friable. Condition FIRST FLOOR Bathroom Ceiling/Soffits, Non-ACM Sheetrock w/ACM 50 SF Yes Good Throughout Joint Compound Bathroom Walls,Throughout Non-ACM Sheetrock w/ACM 240 SF Yes Good Joint Compound Kitchen Walls,Throughout,Behind Non-ACM Sheetrock w/ACM 320 SF Yes Good Wood Paneling Joint Compound Bedroom&Closet Walls, Non-ACM Sheetrock w/ACM 400 SF Yes Good Throughout,Behind Wood Paneling Joint Compound Entry Area Walls,Throughout, Non-ACM Sheetrock w/ACM 360 SF Yes Good Behind Wood Paneling Joint Compound Living Room Walls,Throughout, Non-ACM Sheetrock w/ACM 360 SF Yes Good Behind Wood Paneling Joint Compound Pantry/Closet Area Walls, Non-ACM Sheetrock w/ACM 240 SF Yes Good Throughout,Behind Wood Paneling Joint Compound SECOND FLOOR No Identified ACM Upon Analysis of Samples Collected ROOF&EXTERIOR No Identified ACM Upon Analysis of Samples Collected Note: Sheetrock w/ACMjoint compound is assumed behind all woodpaneling wall systems throughout the first floor. Destructive sampling and removal of multiple wood paneling would have been required;house was currently active during time of inspection. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING& TRAINING Page 3 of 7 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey William Bosy OuES&T Project#020-3588 lad 53 Assembly Point Road Lake George NY 12845 IV. GENERAL DISCUSSION: All construction personnel as well as individuals who have access to locations where asbestos containing materials (ACM)exists should be informed of its presence and the proper work practices in these areas.Conspicuous labeling of all ACM is suggested to ensure personnel is adequately informed.Personnel should be informed not to rest,lean or store material or equipment on or near these surfaces and not to cut,saw,drill,sand or disturb ACM.All removal, disturbance,and repair of ACM should be performed in compliance with Title 12 NYCRR Part 56 by persons properly trained to handle ACM.Facility custodial and maintenance personnel should receive training commensurate with their work activities;as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1001. The fmdings presented in this report are based upon reasonably available information and observed site conditions at the time the assessment was performed.Conditions may have changed since that time and the findings and conclusions of this report are not meant to be indicative of future conditions at the Site.This report does not warrant against conditions that were not evident from visual observations or historical information obtained,or conditions that could only be determined by physical sampling or other intrusive investigation techniques that are outside the proposed scope of work. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING& TRAINING Page 4 of 7 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey William Bosy OuES&T Proiect#020-3588 Cad 53 Assembly Point Road Lake George,NY 12845 V. TRANSMITTAL OF BU11L DING SURVEY INFORMATION: As specified in Title 12 NYCRR Part 56 5.1 (g),information derived from this building survey shall be immediately transmitted by the building owner or his/her agent to the commissioner through the Department's Division of Safety and Health,Asbestos Control Bureau,and to the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition under applicable State or local laws or,if no such permit is required,to the town or city clerk where the building is located. V1. ABATEMENT REQUIRED: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULMYG& TRAINING Page 5 of 7 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey William Bosy OuES&T Project#020-3588 A 53 Assembly Point Road Lake George NY 12845 As specified in Title 12 NYCRR Part 56-5.1 (h)and(i),"If the building/structure asbestos survey finds that the portion of the building/structure to be demolished,renovated,remodeled,or have repair work contains ACM, PACM,suspect miscellaneous ACM assumed to be ACM,or asbestos material,which is impacted by the work,the owner or the owner's agent shall conduct,or cause to have conducted,asbestos removal performed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor in conformance with all standards set forth in this Part. All ACM,PACM,suspect miscellaneous ACM assumed to be ACM,or asbestos material impacted by the demolition,renovation,remodeling or repair project shall be removed as per this Part,prior to access or disturbance by other uncertified trades or personnel. No demolition,renovation,remodeling or repair work shall be commenced by any owner or the owner's agent prior to the completion of the asbestos abatement in accordance with the notification requirements of this Part...All building/structure owners and asbestos abatement contractors on a demolition,renovation,remodeling,or repair project,which includes work covered by this part,shall inform all trades on the work site about PACM, ACM,asbestos material and suspect miscellaneous ACM...Bids may be advertised and contracts awarded for demolition,remodeling,renovation,or repair work,but no work on the current intermediate portion of the project shall commence on the demolition,renovation,remodeling or repair work by any owner or agent prior to completion of all necessary asbestos abatement work for the current intermediate portion of the entire project,in conformance with all standards set forth in this Part." Prior to conducting demolition or construction work at the building,all ACM affected/impacted by such activities shall be removed utilizing a licensed asbestos abatement contractor and NYSDOL/EPA/NYC certified personnel prior to construction/demolition activities. All work conducted should be in accordance with all legal requirements, including but not limited to U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants(NESHAP)[40 CFR Part 61],New York State Industrial Code Rule 56 Asbestos Regulations(ICR 56)and Chapter 1 of Title 15 of the Rules of the City of New York Regulations,as applicable. Advance notification of the asbestos project to the USEPA,NYSDOL,and NYCDEP may be required. All suspect building materials not sampled during this survey should be considered ACM until these materials are sampled and analyzed for ACM in the laboratory. Concealed ACM:In addition to the ACMs identified at the site, there is a possibility that concealed ACM may exist at the subject facility.As such,if any concealed suspect ACM is encountered during future construction related activities,the work should immediately stop. Prior to resuming the work,the suspect ACM should either be 1)Sampled by an appropriately-certified asbestos professional and submitted to an Approved NYSDOH ELAP laboratory for asbestos analysis or 2)Presumed to be ACM(PACM) and removed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor for disposal in accordance with all applicable regulations. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING& TRAINING Page 6 of 7 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey William Bos Y QuES&T Proieet#020-3588 nu 53 Assembly Point Road Lake Georse,NY 12845 VIL DISCLAINMRS It should be noted that the information contained within this report is based solely upon site observations and the results of laboratory analysis for samples collected by QuES&T. These observations and results are time dependent,subject to changing site conditions and revisions to Federal,State and Local regulations. QuES&T warrants that these findings have been promulgated after being prepared in general accordance with generally accepted practices in the abatement industries.QuES&T also recognizes that inspection laboratory data is not usually sufficient to make all abatement and management decisions. Due to the potential for concealed Asbestos-containing Materials(ACM)or other regulated materials,this report should not be construed to represent all ACM or regulated materials within the site(s). All quantities of ACM or other regulated materials identified,and all dimensions listed within this report are approximate and should be verified On-site. This inspection report is not intended to be used as the sole basis for soliciting pricing for asbestos abatement. An abatement plan,specification,drawing and/or Variances should be developed to identify scope,timing,phasing and remediation means&methods for any asbestos project. The Linear and/or Square Footages(LF/SF)listed within this Report are only approximates. Abatement Contractor(s)are required to visit the building(s)in order to take actual field measurements within each listed location. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING& TRAINING Page 7 of 7 QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. Appendix Av ACM LOCATION DRAWINGS & PHOTOS 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Oualityenv.com 53 ASSEMBLY POIfNT ROAD, LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 - INTERIOR t ro u, "t co 0? N K N Walk Out Roof Deck o } m xz 0 0_ to 6 >,ai m o' a rn O `o E o 3aU in L9 Y Q y J N"I Bedroom CBedroom S o o '^m N w'rrn>z e Closet Closet Closet c 05Lf o i m 0o NOS W >U K LL �p W �Y io C X O N d I U 3 Bedroom v � 3A C m Bathroom c > a 9 d~ ° z oo a f0 aIn y,in M0. Wn Closet N N ' N t'i a a a ONSecond Floor-ACM Locations ACM LEGEND:(see report for details) **Drawing Not to Scale** No Asbestos-containing Materials This Drawing Is not Intended to be used as the sole basis for sollciting pricing for NOTE (ACM)identified upon PLM&QTEMIPLM ASB-01 asbestos abatement. An abatement plan,specification,drawing and/or variances should be developed analysis. to identify scope,timing,phasing and remediation means&methods for any asbestos project. 1 53 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD, LAME GEORGE, NY 12845 m INTERIOR In -o Ln O W N �• ,� 0!N Enclosed Porch m x z o z ?. E co ai ai — rn 2- a -a D w ::;.. 3 :�•s ,11t dJ N 1 Q Y m m u1 J _ �:Livin Ro •tt•. . b �rK chef[= ••T. u c rn ut� m A nw •ti vi N O� C UI •i V) v— `SJ •`J.• ..f�C�„, �•••,h`i` •l/ ,�:J:�7�JC"JWti' '�• � �C 7=N Obi Closet ``� II Bathroom > M .vr ,r, .II`.;.,.:'., ✓.. Pantry 'W c v �'^u^, CY [ } 0 3 � "l ;' •; :�, ;.s;i:'.}<�:.':':�:ti�i'J': �?aft? v! 6edroofn }'x ` !s`;: :4 Entry;: r,.;:;<`•. %;v:% a• : C O O y Q a J N N W a d C ►, a 5 Enclosed Porch p N Q a` a, p ® N First Floor-ACM Locations **Drawled Not to Scale** ACR1 LEGEND:(see report for details) A 2 SB-0 This Drawing is not Intended to be used as the sale basis for soliciting pricing for N. Sheelrock W/ACM Joint Compound Walls&Bathroom asbestos abatement. An abatement plan,specification,drawing and/or variances should be developed '" Ceiling/Soffit to Identify scope,timing,phasing and remediation means&methods for any asbestos project. 53 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD, LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 - EXTERIOR in M� N W p y N Ca Wall Out Roof Deck 0 az; a z m a) T rn C) o To aU E a v Y N N Y J Ln J 2nd Floor Roof T^ C W 2 Qqo aO vl �" vi NOl Canopy u z LL in.. Roof wH�`Wa u cif n C m Cy� a m e 'w U 1st Floor Roof � a �aLL N 3 >~ a°n zm c c In m pa Nn d 2 N d Enclosed Porch Roof N 0 a '`N a o, N C g�, � o ® N Exterior-AGM Locations ACM LEGEND:(see report for details) **Drawing Not to Scale** No Asbestos-containing Materials This Drawing is not Intended to be used as the sole basis for soliciting pricing for NOTE (ACM)identified upon PLM&QTEM/PLM ASB-03 asbestos abatement. An abatement plan,specification,drawing and/or variances should be developed analysis. to identify scope,timing,phasing and remediation means&methods for any asbestos project. 4 QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. ACM Materials i i z .Y. t Pantry/Closet Sheetrock Walls behind Wood Paneling t I l Outside Panty/Living Room Sheetrock Walls behind Wood Panels 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert ff 49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Qualityenv.com QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. R �- :L :.4s` ^ice•,'. Living Room by Staircase Sheetrock Walls behind Wood Paneling '_ —_--t-L•}i}lki,— _; f�l xj.t�+�' if lr?� I `��_'. �1....-t( I k'. s� Living Room Sheetrock Walls behind Wood Paneling 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Qualityenv.com VuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. i - i Living Room Sheetrock Walls behind Wood Paneling � �.l -.i". - '�'•��is fj �.'°" �' i7.'-'. - _ - ?i 1i .x' - 3 43 } 7Ow �� a,.``:::j� - - _— .k;" -_ x?` -•s' - tea:-�kc:'==�' Kitchen Sheetrock Walls behind Paneling 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Qualityenv.com QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. i ram_ Entry Room Sheetrock Walls behind Wood Paneling Bathroom Sheetrock Celing/Soffit&Walls behind Paneling 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Qualityenv.com uE S&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. rviri- Bathroom Sheetrock Celing&Walls behind Paneling F 7; F E V. 51`r Bathroom Sheetrock Walls behind Paneling 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Qualityenv.com QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. s h a q " _ l `4 7 Ne q �M - - 5 -t }'3E �G y ` i ry`fin Bedroom Sheetrock Walls behind Paneling 1 St �i �`- � ?r i-� : [ f� gx Ilk Bedroom Sheetrock Walls behind Paneling 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJJCP DBE Certified www.Qualityenv.com QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. Appendix B: SAMPLE LOCATIONS & RESULTS 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.0ua1it3renv.coin 53 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD, LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 INTERIOR Ln"t m N "t N 000 Walls Out Roof Deck o >• c} 'a xz 0Z tp corT z El_oo E UOJ �U Y Q Y J m J N Bedroom CBedroom � o u rym NLn N 0101} b Closet Closet Closet cl.d l I � cw`YNa�n N C C X C1� N6LL 1 En 3 Bedroom #lav Bathroom c > y 9 ®atv ;~ I, � z co M N 'in N Ln to o. ` Zo Closet o ° 01 rJ Q a uo tow 'd d C N M O a G N Q a V ACM LEGEND:(see report for details) ® � Second Floor-ACM Locations Positive ACM Sample yy **Drawing Not to Scale** SL—01 This Drawing is not intended to be used as the sole basis for soliciting pricing for ® Negative ACM Sample asbestos abatement. An abatement plan,specification,drawing and/or variances should be developed to identify scope,timing,phasing and remediation means&methods for any asbestos project. 53 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD, LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 - INTERIOR Ln m't p 00 N d N Enclosed Porch o-�> ®#22 E f00 ai a z rn 3 ai F-J A 6 01 rn a E `o m �U Y CU Y #9&#10 � in Room #16&#17 #15 Kitchen #2&#11 C ® #26&#27 u p #20&#21 #3 #1 ,�. rn W•�Ol Y e) 12&014 aL 1.1 Vl C =N N Closet Bathroom ® r 1 > LL Pantry Fr'M w m a 024&#25 ® m w V N C C C X C IN #4&#7 Bedroom #6 Entry c T a j~ 7 Go 0 611 Eno a e n r°' do dJ m N ,N oN U a CD N ~a a C Enclosed Porch #® m ON First Floor-ACM Locations ACM LEGEND:(see report for details) **Drawing Not to Scale** ® Positive ACM Sample CT —02 This Drawing Is not Intended to be used as the sole basis for soliciting pricing for SL asbestos abatement. An abatement plan,specification,drawing and/or variances should be developed to Identify scope,timing,phasing and remediatlon means&methods for any asbestos project. Negative ACM Sample 53 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD, LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 - 'EXTERIOR Ln W� co co #35&#37 934&936 N N OIII) Z r+! F} Wall Out Roof Deck • 0 a°z O o` � L EQ �W Y y n J 2nd Floor Roof 4029 � o uu' C C1 N tip N al Oi 0\Y {O C Oy Z01 n] 2 033 .� mc�cdx a� 1st Floor Roof a.maLL #30&#31 ,n #28 # T CO m a y 9 LL; Z co .0 G a. Enclosed Porch Roof #32 5i 14 e', P a w a 0,3 „N w o a c a m in ON Exterior-ACM Locations ACM LEGEND:(see report for details) ** L Drawing Not to Scale** Positive ACM Sample �T —O� This Drawing is not Intended to be used as the sole basis for soliciting pricing for asbestos abatement. An abatement plan,specification,drawing and/or variances should be developed to Identify scope,timing,phasing and remediation means&methods for any asbestos protect. ® Negative ACM Sample w EMSL Analytical, Inc. EIIHSL Order: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: http://www.EMSL.cpm/manhattanlab@emst.com Project ID: Attention: Quality Environmental Solution&Tech Phone: (845)298-6031 1376 Route 9 Fax: (845)298-6251 Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Received Date: 09/22/2020 11:48 AM Analysis Date: 09/26/2020-09/28/2020 Collected Date: 09/18/2020 Project: Q20-3588/WILLIAM BOSY/53 ASSEMBLY PLANT ROAD/LAKE GEORGE,NY 12845 PRE-DEMO ASB SAMPLING Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3588-01 Description 1ST FLOOR,LIVING ROOM/KITCHEN,ON SHEETROCK CEILING-TEXTURED CEILING 032017543-0001 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 White 1.90%Fibrous(other) 98.10%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198A NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-02 Description 1ST FLOOR,LIVING ROOM,ON SHEETROCK CEILING-TEXTURED CEILING 032017543-0002 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 White 1.70%Fibrous(other) 98.30%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-03 Description 1ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,ON SHEETROCK CEILING-TEXTURED CEILING 032017543-0003 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 White <1.00%Fibrous(other) 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198A NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-04 Description 1ST FLOOR,ENTRY AREA,ABOVE SPLINED NAILED-ON CEILING TILES-INSULATION 032017543-0004 Homogeneity Homogeneous. PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Brown 25.00%Cellulose 29.00% Non-fibrous(other) None Detected 40.00%Glass 6.00%Hair PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB. Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-05 Description 1ST FLOOR,CLOSET AREA,ABOVE SPLINED NAILED-ON CEILING TILES-INSULATION 032017543-0005 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Brown 20.00%Cellulose 38.00%Non-fibrous(other) None Detected 35.00%Glass 7.00%Hair PLM"NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198A NOB Not Analyzed Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 ASB_193;r_0G0ir_0001 Printed 9/28/2020 12:17:45PM Page 1 of 9 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: M http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Analyzed Non-Asbestos Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 35B8-06 Description 1ST FLOOR,BEDROOM,ABOVE SPLINED NAILED-ON CEILING TILES-INSULATION 032017543-0006 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Brown 10.00%.Cellulose 15.00% Non-fibrous(other) None Detected 75.00%Glass PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-07 Description 1ST FLOOR,ENTRY AREA,12"x12"NAILED-ON,SPLINE SMOOTH-CEILING TILE 032017543-0007 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/White 1.10%Fibrous(other) 98.90%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198A NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-08 Description 1ST FLOOR,CLOSET AREA,12"X12"NAILED-ON,SPLINE SMOOTH-CEILING TILE 032017543-0008 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/White <1.00%Fibrous(other) 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-09 Description 1ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,ON SHEETROCK WALL,NAILED-ON SPLASH GUARD- PANELING 032017543-0009 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Brown 95.00%Cellulose 5.00%Non-fibrous(other) None Detected PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-10 Description 1ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,ON SHEETROCK WALL,NAILED-ON SPLASH GUARD- PANELING 032017543-0010 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Brown 90.00%Cellulose - 10.00% Non-fibrous(other) None Detected PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198A NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-11 Description 1ST FLOOR,LIVING ROOM,CEILING-SHEETROCK 032017543-0011 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Brown/Gray 12.00%Cellulose 30.00%Gypsum None Detected 58.00% Non-fibrous(other) PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 ASB 198,r 0005_0001 Printed 9/28/2020 12:17:45PM Page 2 of 9 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QU ES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: ., http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk'Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3588-12 Description 1 ST FLOOR,BATHROOM,WALL-SHEETROCK 032017543-0012 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Brown/Gray 10.00%Cellulose 55.00%Gypsum None Detected 35.00%Non-fibrous(other) PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-13 Description 1ST FLOOR,BATHROOM,ON SHEETROCK CEILING/SOFFIT-JOINT COMPOUND 032017543-0013 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Gray None 15.00%Ca Carbonate 2.70%Chrysotile 4.00% Mica 78.30% Non-fibrous(other) PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-14 Description 1ST FLOOR,BATHROOM,ON SHEETROCK WALL-JOINT COMPOUND 032017543-0014 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Gray 5.00%Cellulose 15.00% Ca Carbonate 3.80%Chrysotile 76.20%Non-fibrous(other) PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-15 Description 1ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,ON SHEETROCK WALL-JOINT COMPOUND 032017543-0015 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 White None 97.00%Non-fibrous(other) 3.00%Chrysotile PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-16-Brick Description 1ST FLOOR,LIVING ROOM,FIREPLACE-BRICK&MORTAR 032017543-0016 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Red 65.00% Non-fibrous(other) None Detected 35.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-16-Mortar Description 1ST FLOOR,LIVING ROOM,FIREPLACE-BRICK&MORTAR 032017543-0016A Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Black 20.00%Ca Carbonate None Detected 4.00%Mica 21.00%Non-fibrous(other) 55.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 AS13_198x_0009_0001 Printed 9/281202012:17:45PM Page 3 of 9 EIVISL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: M http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3588-17-Brick Description 1ST FLOOR,LIVING ROOM,FIREPLACE-BRICK&MORTAR 032 0 1 7543-00 1 7 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Red 80.00%Non-fibrous(other) None Detected 20.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-17-Mortar Description 1ST FLOOR,LIVING ROOM,FIREPLACE-BRICK&MORTAR 032017543-0017A Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Gray 25.00%Ca Carbonate None Detected 30.00%Non-fibrous(other) 45.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-18-Sheet Flooring Description 2ND FLOOR,BATHROOM,FLOOR,ON WOOD-LINOLEUM SHEET FLOORING, ADHESIVE&PARTICLE BOARD 032017543-0018 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Beige 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Beige 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-18-Adhesive Description 2ND FLOOR;BATHROOM,FLOOR,ON WOOD-LINOLEUM SHEET FLOORING, ADHESIVE&PARTICLE BOARD 032017543-0018A Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-19Sheet Flooring Description 2ND FLOOR,BATHROOM,,FLOOR,ON WOOD-LINOLEUM SHEET FLOORING, ADHESIVE&PARTICLE BOARD 032017543-0019 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Beige 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Beige 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-19-Adhesive Description 2ND FLOOR,BATHROOM,FLOOR,ON WOOD-LINOLEUM SHEET FLOORING, ADHESIVE&PARTICLE BOARD 032017543-0019A Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other. None Detected Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 AS6_198x 0009_0001 Printed 9/28/2020 12:17:45PM Page 4 of 9 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSLOrder: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: http://www.EMSL.r-om/manhattaniab@emsl.com Project ID: 'test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk(Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3588-20-Flooring Description 1ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,FLOOR,ON WOOD-FLOORING&VAPOR BARRIER 032017543-0020 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Gray 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected Final Residue<1%of original subsample TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Gray 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-20-Vapor Barrier Description 1 ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,FLOOR,ON WOOD-FLOORING&VAPOR BARRIER 032017543-0020A Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-21-Flooring Description 1ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,FLOOR,ON WOOD-FLOORING&VAPOR BARRIER 032017543-0021 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Gray 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected Final Residue<1%of original subsample TEM NYS 198A NOB 09/28/2020 Gray 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-21-Vapor Barrier Description 1ST FLOOR,KITCHEN,FLOOR,ON WOOD-FLOORING&VAPOR BARRIER 032017543-0021A Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198A NOB 0 9/2 812 0 2 0 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-22 Description 1ST FLOOR,REAR ENCLOSED PORCH,FLOOR,ON WOOD-CARPET MASTIC 032017543-0022 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-23 Description 1ST FLOOR,FRONT ENCLOSED PORCH,FLOOR,ON WOOD-CARPET MASTIC 032017543-0023 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Yellow 100.00%Other None Detected Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 AS0_'19Sx_0009_000-1 Printed 9/28/2020 12:17:45PM Page 5 of 9 . EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: M http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3588-24 Description 1ST FLOOR,BATHROOM,ALONG TUB/SHOWER PERIMETERS-CAULK 032017543-0024 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-25 Description 1ST FLOOR,BATHROOM,ALONG TUB/SHOWER PERIMETERS-CAULK 032017543-0025 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-26 - Description STAIRCASE,ON WOOD STAIRCASE TREADS-RUBBER TREADS 032017543-0026 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected Final Residue<1%of original subsample TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100:00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-27 Description STAIRCASE,ON WOOD STAIRCASE TREADS-RUBBER TREADS 032017543-0027 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected Final Residue<1%of original subsample TEM NYS 198A NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-28-Block Description EXTERIOR,CRAWLSPACE FOUNDATION WALL-CEMENTITIOUS BLOCK&MORTAR 032017543-0028 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Gray 15.00%Ca Carbonate None Detected 3.00% Mica 22.00%Non-fibrous(other) 60.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-28-Mortar Description EXTERIOR,CRAWLSPACE FOUNDATION WALL-CEMENTITIOUS BLOCK&MORTAR 032017543-0028A Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Gray 20.00%Ca Carbonate None Detected 4.00%Mica 26.00%Non-fibrous(other) 50.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 ASD_998x 0009_0001 Printed 9/28/2020 12:17:45PM Page 6 of 9 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032017543 . 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 CUst®rner ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: M http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3568-29-Block Description EXTERIOR,CRAWLSPACE FOUNDATION WALL-CEMENTITIOUS BLOCK&MORTAR 032017543-0029 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Gray 20.00% Ca Carbonate None Detected 35.00% Non-fibrous(other) 45.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198A NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3568-29-Mortar Description EXTERIOR,CRAWLSPACE FOUNDATION WALL-CEMENTITIOUS BLOCK&MORTAR 032017543-0029A Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 09/26/2020 Gray 25.00%Ca Carbonate None Detected 3.00% Mica 17.00% Non-fibrous(other) 55.00%Quartz PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 3588-30 Description EXTERIOR,OUTSIDE BATHROOM,ALONG WINDOW GLASS PERIMETERS-GLAZING COMPOUND 032017543-0030 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2026 White 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-31 Description EXTERIOR,OUTSIDE BEDROOM,ALONG WINDOW GLASS PERIMETERS-GLAZING COMPOUND 032017543-0031 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 White 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-32 Description EXTERIOR,FLAT PORCH ROOF,FIELD,BOTTOM LAYER,ON WOOD UNDER WOOD& METAL ROOF DECK-ASPHALT SHINGLE 032017543-0032 Homogeneity Heterogeneous ' PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/Black None 100.00%Other <1%Chrysotile Sample ID 3588-33 Description EXTERIOR,LOWER PITCH ROOF,FIELD,BOTTOM LAYER,ON WOOD UNDER WOOD& METAL ROOF DECK-ASPHALT SHINGLE 032017543-0033 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198A NOB 09/28/2020 Brown/Black None 100.00%Other <1%Chrysotile Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 ASD_198:r_0009 0001 Printed 9/281202012:17:45PM Page 7 of 9 EIVISL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: M http://www.EMSL.com!manhattaniab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3588-34 Description EXTERIOR,2ND FLOOR,PORCH DECK ROOF,FIELD BOTTOM LAYER,ON WOOD-TAR PAPER VAPOR BARRIER 032017543-0034 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00% Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-35 Description EXTERIOR,2ND FLOOR,PORCH DECK ROOF,FIELD BOTTOM LAYER,ON WOOD-TAR PAPER VAPOR BARRIER 032017543-0035 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198A NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-36 Description EXTERIOR,2ND FLOOR,PORCH DECK ROOF,FIELD TOP LAYER-ROLLED ROOFING 032017543-0036 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 3588-37 Description EXTERIOR,2ND FLOOR,PORCH DECK ROOF,FIELD TOP LAYER-ROLLED ROOFING 032017543-0037 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 09/28/2020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 ASD_198x_0009_0001 Printed 9/28/2020 12:17:45PM Page 8 of 9 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032017543 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: QUES51 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: M http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material The samples in this report were submitted to EMSL for analysis by Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via NYS ELAP Approved Methods.The reference number for these samples is the EMSL Order ID above. Please use this reference number when calling about these samples. Report Comments: Sample Receipt Date: 9/22/2020 Sample Receipt Time: 11:48 AM Analysis Completed Date: 9/28/2020 Analysis Completed Time: 9:05 AM Analvst(s): Christopher Cernansky PLM NYS 198.1 Friable(10) Migena Shehu PLM NYS 198.1 Friable(8) Maye Yassin PLM NYS 198.6 NOB(27) Hongyan Ran TEM NYS 198.4 NOB(27) Samples reviewed and approved by: James Hall,Laboratory Manager or Other Approved Signatory NOB=Non Friable Organically Bound WA=Not Applicable VCM=Vermiculite Containing Material -In New York State,TEM is currently the only method that can be used to determine if NOB materials can be considered or treated as non-asbestos containing. All samples examined for the presence of vermiculite when analyzed via NYS 198.1. -NYS Guidelines for Vermiculite containing samples are available at http://www.wadsworth.org/labcertlelapcerttforms/VermiculiteintedmGuidance_Rev070913.pdf EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis.This report relates only to the samples reported above and may not be reproduced,except in full,without written approval by EMSL.EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations.Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. Samples were received in good condition unless otherwise noted. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification,approval,or endorsement by NVLAP,NIST,or any agency of the federal government.This report may contain data that is not covered by the NVLAP accreditation. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical,Inc.New York,NY NYS ELAP 11506 Initial report from:09/28/2020 08:27:35 ASS_198x_0009_0001 Printed 9/28/2020 12:17:45PM Page 9 of 9 Order•ID: 032017543 QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIO 1S&TECHNOLOGIES INC. BULK SAMPLE FORM CLIENT:WILLIAM ROSY SAMPLED BY.LOUIS N.JOHNSON ill ADDRESS:PO BOX 1 DATE SAMPLED: 18-Sep-20 LAKE GEORGE,NY 12845 CONTACT:WILLIAM ROSY ANALYSIS METHOD.PLMINOBIOTEM as Required PROJECT ID: 53 ASSEMBLY PLANT ROAD,LAKE GEORGE. TURN-AROUND nME: HOURS NY,12845 PRE-DEMO ASS SAMPLING 5 DAYS PROJECT#:020-3588 OTHER SAMPLE# LOCATION SAMPLEDESCRIP77ON COMMENTS LAB# 3588-01 1st Floor,Living Room/Kitchen..on Textured Coating Sheetrock Ceiling STOP 3588.02 1st Floor,Living Room,on Sheetrock Textured Coating AT Ceiling FIRST POSITIVE 3588-03 " 1st Floor,Kitchen,on Sheetrock Ceiling Textured Coating 3588-04 1st Floor.Entry Area,Above Splined Nailed- Insulation on Ceiling Tiles — _STOP 3588-05 list Floor.Closet Area,Above Splined Insulation AT Nailed-on Ceiling Tiles FIRST POSITIVE 3588.06 1st Floor,Bedroom,Above Splined Nailed- Insulation on Ceiling Tiles 3588.07 1st Floor,Entry Area;12"x 12"Nailed-on, Ceiling Tile Spline Smooth STOP r ; AT r?IRST 3588-08 1st Floor,Closet Area,12"x 12"Nailed-on, Ceiling Tile PPS rrk Spline Smooth . 358"9 1st Floor,Kitchen,on Sheetrock Wall, PanelingI`— Nailed-on'Splash Guard grop 3 AT - FIRST - 3586-10 1st Floor.Kitchen,on Sheetrock Wall, Paneling POSILNE Nailed-on Splash Guard CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEE LAST E) � � SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 2- 2d RECEIVED BY. DATE: PAGE 1 OF 4 Page 1 Of 4 OrdePID: 03-2017543 QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL.SOLUTIONS&TECHNOLOGIES,INC. BULK SAMPLE FORM CLIENT:WILLIAM BOSY SAMPLED ay..LOUIS N.JOHNSON tit ADDRESS: PO BOX 1 DATE SAMPLED: 18-Sep-20 LAKE GEORGE,NY 12845 CONTACT:WILLIAM ROSY ANALYSIS METHOD:PLMINOBIQTFM as Required PROJECT ID:53 ASSEMBLY PLANT ROAD,LAKE GEORGE. TURN-AROUND TIME: HOURS NY,12845 PRE-DEMO ASB SAMPLING 5 DAYS PROJECT#:020-3588 OTHER SAMPLE# LOCA77ON SAMPLEDESCRIP770N COMMENTS Lab# 3588.11 1st Floor,Living Room,Ceiling Sheetrock 358842 1st Floor,Bathroom,Wall Sheetrock 3588.13 1st Floor,Bathroom,on Sheetrock Joint Compound Ceiling/Soffit 3588-14 1st Floor,Bathroom,on Sheetrock Wall Joint Compound 3588-15 1st Floor,Kitchen,on Sheetrock Wall Joint Compound STOP 3588-16 1st Floor,Living Room, Fireplace Brick&Mortar AT (Separate by Layers) FIRST r POSITIVE ? c9Y i 3588.17 1st Floor,Living Room,Fireplace Brick&Mortar ! I t�A�CH (Separate by Layers) LAYE�t - t -) r7STOP 3588.18 2nd Floor,Bathroom,Floor,on Wood Linoleum Sheet Flooring,Adhesive& �, SAT Particle Board rjRST (Separate by Layers P051TiVE BY" 3588-19 2nd Floor,Bathroom,Floor,on Wood Linoleum Sheet Flooring,Adhesive& Co EAC-H Particle Board LAYER (Separate by Layers) STOP 3588-20 1st Floor,Kitchen,Floor,on Wood Flooring&Vapor Barrier AT (Separate by Layers) FIRST CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEE LAST PAGE) SUBMITTED BY' DATE: r r RECEIVED BY: DATE: PAGE 2 OF 4_ Paae 2 Of 4 Order2D: 03-2017543 QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS&TECHNOLOGIES,INC. BULK SAMPLE FORM CLIENT:WILLIAM BOSY SAMPLED BY:LOUIS N.JOHNSON III ADDRESS:PO BOX 1 DATE SAMPLED: 18-Sep-20 LAKE GEORGE,NY 12845 CONTACT:WILLIAM BOSY ANALYSIS METHOD: PLMINOBIQTEM as Required PROJECT ID: 53 ASSEMBLY PLANT ROAD,LAKE GEORGE. TURN AROUND TIME: HOURS NY,12845 PRE-DEMO ASS SAMPLING 5 DAYS j PROJECT#: Q20-3588 OTHER SAMPLE# LOCA77ON SAMPLEDESCRIP77ON COMMENTS LAB# POSITIVE 3588-21- 1st Floor,Kitchen,Floor,on Wood Flooring&Vapor Barrier BY (Separate by Layers) EACH LAYER, 3588-22 1st Floor,Rear Enclosed Porch,Floor,on Carpet Mastic Wood STOP AT FIRST 3588-23 1st Floor,Front Enclosed Porch,Floor,on Carpet Mastic POSITIVE Wood 3588-24 1st Floor,Bathroom;Along Tub/Shower Caulk Perimeters STOP AT FIRST 3588-25 1st Floor,Bathroom,Along Tub/Shower Caulk POSITIVE Perimeters 3588.26 Staircase,on Wood Staircase Treads Rubber Treads STOP AT FIRST 3588-27 Staircase,on Wood Staircase Treads Rubber Treads POSInvi r✓ STOP 3588-28 Exterior,CrawNpace Foundation Wall _ Cementitious Block&Mortaq --T AT (Separate by Layers) N �, FIRST ry •-, POSRIVE, <y_ BY 3588-29 Exterior,Crawispace.Foundation Wall Cementitious Block&Mortal r i �i EACH (Separate by Layers) LAYER co r - 3588-30 Exterior,Outside Bedroom,Along Window Glazing Compound. �' STOP Glass Perimeters AT CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEE LAST PAGE) SUBMITTED BY: DATE: RECEIVED BY: 114A DATE PAGE 3 OF 4 Page 3 Of 4 OrderTD: 032017'543 QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS&TECHNOLOGIES,INC. BULK.SAMPLE FORM CLIENT:WILLIAM ROSY SAMPLED BY: LOUIS N.JOHNSON 111 ADDRESS:PO BOX 1 DATE SAMPLED: 18-Sep-20 LAKE GEORGE,NY 12845 CONTACT:WILLIAM ROSY ANALYSIS METHOD.PLMINOBIQTEM as Required PROJECT ID:53 ASSEMBLY PLANT ROAD,LAKE GEORGE, TURN-AROUND TIME: HOURS NY,12845 PRE-DEMO ASB SAMPLING 5 DAYS PROJECT#:020-3588 OTHER SAMPLE# LOCATION SAMPLE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LAB# 3588-31 Exterior,Outside Bedroom,Along Window Glazing Compound FIRST Glass Perimeters POSITIVE i 3588-32 Exterior,Flat Porch Roof,Field,Bottom Asphalt Shingle Layer,on Wood Under Wood&Metal Roof STOP Deck AT FIRST 3588-33 Exterior,Lower Pitch Roof,Field,Bottom Asphalt Shingle POSITIVE Layer,on Wood Under Wood&Metal Roof Deck 3588-34 Exterior,2nd Floor,Porch Deck Roof,Field Tar Paper Vapor Barrier Bottom Layer,on Wood STOP AT FIRST 3588.35 Exterior,2nd Floor,Porch Deck Roof,Field Tar Paper Vapor Barrier POSITIVE Bottom Layer,on Wood 3588.36 Exterior,2nd Floor,Porch Deck Roof,Field Rolled Roofing Top Layer STOP AT FIRST 3588.37 Exterior,2nd Floor,Porch Deck Roof,Field Rolled Roofing POSITIVE Top Layer cm �1-' •N cru r— CHAIN OF CUSTODY(SEE LAST PAGE) 1 SUBMITTED BY: RECEIVED BY; Af A DATE PAGE 4 OF 4 Paqe 4 Of 4 QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies,Inc. Appendix C: PERSONNEL LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS 1376 Route 9,Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Phone(845)298-6031 Fax(845)298-6251 NYS MWBD MBE Cert#49952-2006 NYSUCP DBE Certified NJUCP DBE Certified www.Oualiiyenv.com IIlEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM-April 01,_2021 Issued April 01,2020- �f �±21,r}Fo�}• CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pumitant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York-State MR. JAMES HALL NY Lab Id No: 11506 EMSL ANALYTICAL, INC = 307.WEST 38TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10018 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved subcategories and/or analytes are listed below. Miscellaneous Asbestos In Friable Material Item 198.1 of Manual- EPA 600111M4I821020 Asbestos in Non-Friabla Material-PLM Item 198.6 of-Manual(NOB by PLM) Asbestos in lion-Fdabta Material-TEM Item 198.4 of Manual Asbestos-Vermiculite-Containing Material Item 198.8 of Manual Serial NO,: 61413 Proporty-of the New York State Department of(iimith, Certrftcates are valid only at the address shown,must be corsp(ruously posted,and are printed on secure paper.•Continued accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)405-5570'to ' verify the-laborato ys accreditation status. Page 11 of 1 9/22/2020• - Temporary Rules for Licensing&Certification-New York State Department of Labor September 22, 2020 111:10 am lnformaation on Novel C®roMvirr S Coronavirus is still active in New York.We have to be smart. Wear a mask and maintain 6 feet distance in public. GET THE FACTS > (h ttps://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home) e Home(http://www.labor.nygov) Safety and Health workerprotection/safe health/DOSH MDEX.shtm) Temporary Rules for Licensing &Certification Temporary Rules for Licensing&Certification This page lists temporary rules for license and certification renewals and exam postponements. (All dates ate Subject to Changes due to ongoing COVID-19 response.) Note: Initial written exams for Crane, Operator,Blaster, or Pyrotecb.nician have been temporarily suspended. We anticipate resuming exams September 1,2020. You will receive an admission notice about 3 weeks prior to the test. Check back here in case of further schedule changes. Applications to Renew Your Crane Operator Certificate of Competence At this time,written tests conducted by the Department of Labor to renew your Crane Operator Certificate of Competence are postponed. If you have a Crane Operator Certificate of Competence,your Certificate is extended by 60 days.You will receive a letter confirm-ing this extension. If you have submitted your application and fee but do not receive an extension letter,please contact the License& Certificate Unit at(518)457-2735 or by email at License&certificate@labor.ny_.gov(mailto:License&certificate@labor.ny_.gov_ Applications to Obtain a New Crane Operator Certificate of Competence Practical exams necessary to obtain a new Crane Operator Certificate of Competence are currently being scheduled regionally. You will receive an admission notice about 3 weeks prior to the exam. These exams are not postponed at this time. Check periodically for updated exam information including possible postponements. Exams are currently scheduled in the Utica area in August and Buffalo,NY in September. Applications to Renew Your Blaster Certificate of Competence In the event that the training required to renew your Blaster License is unavailable, your License is extended by 60 days provided you have submitted your application and fee. You will receive a letter confrnning this extension. If you have submitted your application and fee but do not receive an extension letter,please contact the License & Certificate Unit at(518)457-2735 or by email at License&certificate@labor.ny gov (rnailto:License&certificate@labor.ny.gov)-. Applications to Renew Your Mold Assessor or Mold Contractor License Mold Refresher Courses are available at this time. Information on approved training providers is available at littps://Iabor.ny.gov/workeLprotection/safe health/mo1d/a -roved-mold-training- -roviders.shtm (llttps://labor.nygnv/workeiprotection/safetyhealth/mold/approved-mold-training-providers.shtm)_ Applications to Renew Your Asbestos Handling Certificate https://,ANwi.labor.ny.govlworkerprotection/safetyhealth/temporary-rules-licenses-certifications-exanis.shtm. 1/2 9/22/26,! Temporary Rules for Licensing&Certification-New York State Department of Labor Any person who has an Asbestos Handling Certificate (ill any category) whose certificate(hard card) expired December 31, 2019 or later may continue to work using their existing cards until November 30, 2020. Check this notice periodically for updated information about your Certificate's validity. Any questions not answered on this page will be answered by staff at the]License&. Certificate Unit. Call (518)457-2735 or email lLicense&certificate a laborj y gov(mailto:License&certificateClabonny https://wvm.labor.ny.gov/workerprotecfion/safetyhealth/temporary-rules-licenses-certifications-exams.shtm 2/2 3/2812019 t32Gnow jj NEW YORK STATE CERTIFICATION Empire State Development's Division of Minority and Women's Business Development grants a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) pursuant to New York State Executive Law, Article 15-A to: Quality Environmental Solutions & Technologies Inc. Certification Awarded on: March 28, 2019 Expiration Date: March 28. 2022 File ID#:WBE-49952 t4jiJl7L'�.... https://ny.newnycontracts.com/FrontPage/DiversityMain.asp?XID=6724 111 3/28/2019 62Gnow New York State Department of Economic Development 11Ci 633 Third Avenue New York New York 10017 Tel 212 803 2414 i Us 1.1Lss fir_ 'a (i 1)'7k?,?it Web Site:www.esd.ny.gov/MWBE/html March 28, 2019 File ID:49952 Quality Environmental Solutions&Technologies Inc.will be listed in New York State's Directory of Certified Businesses with the following list of codes for products and services: NAICS 541620: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES NIGP 91843: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING https://ny.newnycontracts.com/FrontPage/DiversityMain.asp?XID=6724 2/2 a New York State—Department of Labor- Division of Safety and Health License and Certificate Unit State Campus,Building 12 Albany,NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE. Quality Environmental"Solutions&Techno_logies, Inc; :::-FILE NUMBER: 99-0018 LICENSE NUMBER: 29085 1376 Route 9 ; LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED " DATE OF ISSUE: 01/17/2020 Wappinger Falls, NY "12590 EXPIRATION DATE: 01/31/2021 Duly Authorized Representative-Lawrence J Holzapfel:= . This license has been issued in accordance.with applicable provisions Of'Article 30'of the Labor Law of New York State and of the New York State Codes,Rules and Regulations,"(12 NYCRk"Part-56). -it is;"subject to suspension or revocation for a(1) serious violation of state,federal or.local laws with regard•to the conducfof ari:asbestos'project,or(2)demonstrated lack of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or;asbestos,material: This license is valid only for the contractor.nained:above and this license or`a'photocopy must_be'prominently displayed at the asbestos project worksite. This license verifies that all persons.employed liy the licensee on an-asbestos project in New York State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate;-appropriate for the type of-work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. - Eileen M.Franko, Director SH 432(8112) For the Commissioner of Labor '(, Tl-E r!f iV Y0.RK-'LEi?i,KT :(_;f QV - _�i5[3E5TOS.CFRTI�ILr';IE.-: �t<Y.S i' '. LOU S N JOHNSON Ill. CLASS(EXPIECES). `C ATEC(06,"M Q NSP(C16j%C) E MQPl4661 20) H RA (, �J20) . 19G h1UST:BE C. RR{ED`UI!`, SBCST:�S.PROJECiS- " H81f 1111]111 W110011111 I19 IF FOUND RETURN TO: EYES 13LU NYSDOL - L&C UNIT �m = HAIR BLN ROOM 161A BUILDING 12 o BGT 5' 10" STATE OFFICE CAMPUS o ALBANY NY 12240 CI a OSHA 11-602012360 w� iwAd la t ' tt+.ttd RZu.vouaa , This card acknowledges that the recipient has soccMUly completed: This card issued to: Louis Johnson III Paul Rodriguez 9/2812 0 1 8 Trainer Name Date of Issue Trainingln5tilutc 800-44M742 JA J C9 GduwGonCenters outreach.keeneosha.corn OSHA recommends Outreach Training Courses as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers.Participation is voluntary.Workers must receive additional training an specific havards ofdteir job.This course completion.card does not expire. Use or distribution of this card for fraudulent purposes,including tt� False claims o['having received Gaining,may result in prosecution a URI under 18 U.S.C. 1001. Potential penalties include substantial •r criminal fines,imprisonment up to 5 years,or both. a- To veriry this training,scan the QR code with your mobile device. V-Vtr Rev.112016 OSHA 'J Loul5 Johnson III Tra r nc C:;,;,,—, -0 6 I-LELO-a hill\ ..........al, and health ril 7-irkrt,Participation it olDlItAr.y.%%orl,rri mutt recei%e additional traininr.c) lw(if'r 1,.,a r its ur it,tor j.h.This ot—mo pl,flaj r.,,j dart not c.pi— Im.set u.tr—1.sit,m WASTE MANIFEST ...........................................................................t......f., •..,....: - -................ ....i..................................................................... ...:�...�..�.�...... Manifest No. - a o I IS I' 1111 '11111iilll Generator Name_.a<itL►141,0*_606 ._._ __ -___ __._.____ Phone Mailing Address � I, Waste Generation Site Address_ 55ih_✓�y !•_.i? j_..-`_ �--__�- ��j =�.._IVY, 1Zf�`ZS ...........................................................................;...................................................................................-...............................-................................................................................. //11.." Transporter Name.G—fA_S�IL._!4 _-lam(-1�s� _^_.-_.____._-____.__ PhonelS_._ �' 0 Transporter Address _/�9___ ?!____�— .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,.....-._.......................... ..... Disposal Site Name _�� � ! �__��� .._____.___ � /�'/ _ __ Phone Disposal Site Address Z `f`�__ �5 _/? Cs`xIN 51/a rT �y /4f_- APPROVAL NUMBEfi f DESCRIPTION OF WASTE CITY. � UMITS I CONTAINER49 ' ' i / ! ----------- i ! 1 i i i Comments/Handling Instructions I hereby certify that I am authorized to sign on behalf of the Generator.I certify that the above named material(s)are not considered azardous and do not contain free liquids as defined by CFR Part 261 and Part 260.The material has been properly described,classified,packaged and grope dition for transpWinacrdance with applicable laws and regulations. arne(pr(nted).._ _ _1���_____—. Signature_. _.��C�rr� _�1_ Date IN I I hereby certify that the material described abb e was pick p o the 9.to and at tI cation listed above.The material was transported without incident directly from the generator to the disposal facility named abov r too the et of wl d �f�t %,s[ described above is contained in this load. Driver Name J- f _ _/r •r /% _ ,f�� __�__ _..__._ License Plate No,/State Driver Signature-,. —� �✓ . cam_ __— Date Discrepancy-- -- ----- — -- --------- ------ --- ----- - -_ .. __ _ — _ _ _- --__-- I hereby certify that the waste material indicated above has been accepted for disposal and to the best of my knowledge,the foregoing information is true and accurate. Authorized Agent _ _ , _ _y\_ __ Signature -----C .__ U �� _.___ -__-._ Date_A_ �_� D .................................................................................... ................................................................. ..`.................. ....................................................,....I......................... ten.u...i�..,t�ai r....., v..r�,.,.,.r........,......r,,.... _ n:..i•.n._.....i__r•_..... r..ia.r-._,.....�,_-�•_....