1965-08-18 ,:;r""e-¡'~""'" "f t'le -Þ''''''I''',''''-;'''g TI..."".,....:i f" th ~\..,.... .J"''''}'..)''~1'''''' #1 ....¡ _.~.......",¡.." ..loA.. ..'-;...tG.1 'U!.. 0_ e ~ .,. . Xi; 1!. .1.1:1 3:1; j.j¡r. John SinuoUs Summ,er Wednt?Jeda.y, August IS; 1965 at , Town of Q,uÐe~.Bbu:·('y Home 7;30 P.. Mo Presiding: Chairman, George J. Kushner Present: ' Dean, Kirkpatrick, Laakso, Sinnott, Norton Absent: Cushing Guests: 1Tc¡ne 1. Minutes of last meettng were a.pproved. 2. It was suggested that we have~a preamble to our subdivision regulations giving our objectives. We should also encourage access between developments o:r~ future developmen.ts. 3. Discussed #8-65 Amea Roa.d Relocation. Afiked the secretarJr to suggest larger lots as this is the last vacant land in Q closely Ìlui.lt up area. Dean. made 8 mO'¡~ion to this effect~ LaB,keo seconded, carried. : 40 Reviewed Reid #5-65~ Kirkpatrick made a motj.on to give finalf using the street, name HeidsvicVI Lane in pla.ce of West View Lane, Dean seconded, oarried. 5. 6.. Norton presented Rogers #9-65 apartments prcpoEed for the corner of Cronin Roa.d and Meadowbrook Road" Q,u€istioned how this would fit into the concept plan Which is not flna1ized~ the fee~- ing of the Town Board as to aoceptance o£ the sewage disposal . plant and where the swamp land ,is in relation to this. We 'should have a map showing how the rest of the property would now be developed. Discussed indust,rial potential of the town. Laa,kso fel tthat any industrial park should be community controlled rather than priva.t.~. Industry is looking for good liTing conditions, reasonable real-- -- estate prices, good transportation (land~ air, water). we will be competing with Albany & PIattsDurgh. We haTE: nice wintere , and summers and are within about 4 hours by road of ~ontreal, . New York and :Soston. We should decide what type industry we want.. WhfJ,t this type industry wants and then try to provide what they want and need. ? Reviewed the proposed relocation of the North portion of West 1i!ountaj.D Road by thø county. We felt thie would not impede bur f,roposed connec·tion to Farm to -Jarket Road. We are general:,y in agre~ent with tbis proposal. 8.. keeping the protective covenant shows residential but tnis ie not Road and possible north side would Discussed H:U.lc:r.est Problem in in force. Ol-œ'- c:Hmcept plan final. South side of Aviation probably be comnercial. Next meeting, Queensbux7 School, Ad~)ourned Wednesday, August 25, 1965. J. Arthur ~orton Secretary 9. /