1965-10-06 ~,. ,...."., .,. £oleet.illg (;f t:he Ple,mÜn;r Board of t:11e Town of Q¡le€~nsb'Ury held at Queensbury Public School Wednesday, October 6, 1965 at 7:30 P. Mo Presiding: Chairman, George J.. Kushner Present: Sinnott, Norton Absent: Cushing, Laakso, Kirkpatrick Guests: Nicholson, Webster 1. Minutes of last meeting were approved.. 2. Recei.ved a letter from Supervisor Webster regarding the references in the paper of a "P1ann:Lng Gap" in COmmE!nts by the Democratic Party Candidates. This letter assures us of the Town Board and Supervisors :feeli.ngs that 'we are doing a good job and we ar(~ not .responsib1e for any "planning gap".. 3. Di.scussed the need a.nd progress toward sidewalks along ,"-'Niation Road. 4. ChaSE'., Van Sittert, Vernon Brown and Bonner app(~ared regarding Franklyn Manor #10-65. Codners recommenàa- -c.ion was to keep the entrance as shown. We therefore agreed to give preliminary approval a1thougb we do not have a quorum. The Secretary will check'\-\.'ith t.he absent members for their approval or comments. 50 Discussed with webster the need for Housing and Build- ing Codes now ana the problem of Mobil home locationso 60 Next meeting, Queensbury School, Wednesday, November 3, 19650 Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary