1967-02-01 #-/ ',." . } , :, :f f~ Meeting " of t~h.e "i; la.nning Bcuar of Queensbl.1ry '. d OUMnabury wn Office Building Wednesday, Jrebruary 1, 1967 at 7 :30 I'. M. Jlresiding: George .Kushner Present: ""Sfidj Cushing, D$boski¡ Norton, Sinnott Absent: K:lrkpatriek 1.. Apprmred minutes of lest meet.trig. 2. Welcomed Fred Austin·as a member to rep~ace Oliver Laakso. .).. Cushing reported on Orban Renewal programs. a~ All programs require a 1A1orkable program. .l. ,Cooes and Ordinances B\Ülding, Housing, !'J.umbirH¡, Electrical, Fire 2 ~. .Comprehensi ve Con'IRun:l ty Plan. Zoning and Subdivision Régulations 3.. Neighborhood Analysi:3 Condi tion of 11.9, ete.. · 4.. Administratíon nia':at.ion " Town Board,- should hire Planning Consultant. 5. Flnancinq " By Local Government - set up for ent.ire ¡lrog:ram , . cost.. . 6", Reloca t:ion Pro 1. Citizens Partie1 ion Comrait.tee - A4v1s'ery b. ~~ guides set up b:f Dept. of Housing óc Urban Development. in New York City will help set up forms. Meeds Yearly Renewal., Have a year to set tip 'Workable p-~o9rám if not now in . force. c.. . rams Available .' nomic Develo,pn\èn"t. Agency - State COJIInerce Dept. '1'0 provide job rtunities -Honey for land acquisi tion £0, st.ry.. ". 2.. Office of '~conom1ç Opportunity - Career development. 3. Advance Land Acquis1 tioD - Survey tr7:act for commer- 'cial or- recreation feasi'b111 ty - If ðeveloped then town pays back. 4. Urba.n Renewal - we probably do not~have enough den- sity for this - too large area for the number of people. ... . . To qualify - SO% b\U.lè1ing structurally unsounã and 200/0 det.r1mento ,Health, et.e. . 5. Large a.rèa as a . l1stration proj ect - not muoh done yet. ..... .,.- ~... .;~ ,7 :,r> (2) 6. Demoli t1r.:m Grant. Program - All in an area dem- olished. , 7. Rahabilitation - Total of 20% of buildings de- trimental to Healt.h, et.c. d. Pel t. wé should encou!"aqe the Town Board to enact. Codes and Ordinance." needed, including Zoning and Su'bãivision Regulat.ions. IS. Demboski and Cushing t.o see who t.he best person or ;persons we should get tò~talk to us on these pro- grams. Suggested: Ray Martin, Roger Hallenbeck of Crandell Associates, Mike Quinn of BUD. We should 1nvi te the TO\fft 80ard Members to these talks. 4,. Discussed t.be progres.' of Zoninc¡. We hope this will be enacted soon. If ,'there is a problem w11:h the work load of tbe Town At.tor.ey to put the ordinance in legal language perhaps an outside attorney should be hired to do this. 5. D:iscussed possibility 9-f wor1d.nQ. wi th other rnunlclpal- i~t.ie8 ön sewage disposal along Lake George. 6. Capital Improvements -felt. we .should not push t.hi. u)'1til we' have action on other of our proposals. "1. D:tscussed pos$J.blli ty of asking Fire Companies in to a maetlnq t:íoreview their plans and boundr!es. perbap. can shift boi1¡jdries so not loose potential in~e. 8. JOlabner will review t.hese suggestions wit.h Supervisor Wœbat.er. 9. J(tus1mer reported t.hat-be preaenteâ the Comprebensi ve Plan to the Town Board and the news meaia. 10. Next. meeting, Queensbury Town Office Bul+dix.g, March 1. 1967. Adjourned J. ATthur Nòrton Secretary ,