1968-03-06 E~; t·~, ) j, / .~),\, "'·'¡"1' on ,q' ).__~..<£-" t.ð,,~ ¡>. . ¡~ ~- . ì.. /~ Me .,\~ Held -at Q,u.eel1Sb'iJ.;¡~Y '1'o~n. Jffic*?: lcUn,g \\Ðdnci}8day t Áa;!:'c~h 6 t 1968 at '7 ~ 30 P.. Presiding.; George Kuål1ner Preeel'l't;: Austin, C'I.18hing, K;&\reh., Kirkpatrick,. l~ortcm Absent: Sinno 't t G'¡';l.~st ; SolOMfl11ì, Jim ,{eller, 2..13" ():f A., Dean, 1ewpaper Heplu,"teJ:' .. 1. M'i1':fUtI!ß of 18,$t m\!eting were appri{j'f'ed~. 2.. J!d'! KelIGY appeared re: EllsW'ð'rth \~¡eßtland Section #11 111-68.. Ka.l'ch and Kirkpatrick will T1s1', 15ight" Kirkpatrick made i1, mi)tj.@n t(ï gi Yfl pr~Üim1nary a:pproval l!Jubj f:H.:~t to fa:vorable I'í!port on the s:i.te vtait, Norton !!ItH'HJ1'lded, carried.. 3.. J()hll Hughes appearGJd regarding a. P:f_opot\ed student hou8ing a.nd apar't:ment coçlex west of Ba,yRoad,.. Tb,iæ¡ property seems. to bí):rder tln1 an R...5 diatrict..He wa,ß refeI'reóto the Town Board tl) :rfJquéßt this z(oue changc$. 'Ihe complex would have 2 etudent hi)ufling buildings with bedroom, bSl.thø study and ki tchen ar~!e.5 8,nd ,iIjj,pout 6 gQrden apartmentshoUI13ing 11 to 6 families. },'eeling w:J.ßtl1atthll8 1\...5 could go to Ï¡! 'a,lker Lane" Hughes would n(bt wl:!hthe access r'¡)ü,d to be a town highway.. Cuah:lng wIll etudy ð,)deB for prop08ed. oute ide B'Bcond :floor ba,loonyaccesfS to rooms. 4" A!l~tln presented ;:i reque!Jt !orapa:!'tmentlJ back of Zayre Dept. 8·ç1,jr~.. 'I'hel~ prOp6rty i8 in R.-4 l!u"1d C-3 ~one8. Henry ¡¿et;,-nei" iI' t11eir attoI'ney. If rezone t.Q R...5, t~hey.ould replace tx'ees af! butteI' and ut!!e 50' øetbßcltto E·..4 zcøn.e at exj,ating de'Yeloped p::opertY'. They propose appr:oximately Hbuildingsp 1 and 2 bed- roomø renting at ~pl~~5 - ~17511 The C",,3 zone would be 17. 36 ~.t1. and the R... 5 would 1><e 15.44 '1; A. . 50 EJu~eh a.nd Ku.shner will raTieJ'l. apartment appl icat,ione and poes i- 'ble locations for additional R-5 Z€)ne8. Variance request ff028 ~!Vn1e 'tablerd. 6... Vn;d.ance ìi030 Q,ueensbury Central Vol.. li'ire Co.. Norton vade a. motion to approTe &t&96 1 & 2 aß sÌlown and approve Þtage 3~ !Subj~c't to the 8aJ.ne· 22' 8~t 1¡)~f.ck ehown for ;:<.:ita.ge 2 at!! no evid- '!!n¡:~e· <at practica.l difficulty was eBtabliehed for not being ahle to obta.in th:is 6etback" AU8tin seconded ! carried. 7. KJ\Tch repôrted on the pump l~l&nd aetback for Humble Oil on Corinth road.. Zoning ordina.::1oe stateB 20 t :ror pump islands aud the dl"awlngfS ØhO'Wll 2:> to,) .thare is no vi.olence.. 8., 9.. 10. 11. 1..) tV. 13. 1-, ~.' f O) "I:,. I 'l'hose at.tending reported on the m.eeting e¡f Town of C¿ueensbury, City @f Glens ]'alll5, Village of South Glens .1fa,lls and Town of ,~reau Planning Eoards. KUfjhner reported tbere Will be a. meeting of the area Planning Boa,rds 1å.rch18th at 8:00 at the Town of MoreaúOf"fice Build- :ing at which CouncilmanRr;~bertBon ."111 report on the Town of Q;ueensbury water daTEO. opmft¡'1te. Planning Board members and town officials are inTiteð.. A requee.t for B. zoning change, by pempseyðrdU. S.. Catheter was forwarded by the Town Board. Tabled until next meeting to let all members Ti~it the eitè. Auetin presented reTieèò. sign ordinance recommendations. Cushing made a motion to'. pr'8sent this to the Town Board as our recommendations, K.irkpatrick seconded, carried. ..~ufJtinmade a. mot.ion to recommend tha.t the Town Board adopt the! State Building Code a.n,d the State Housing Code, Cushing seconded, carried. Next meeting, Q.ueensbury Town Office :Building, Wednesday, April 3, 1968. Adjourned ~ J. Arthur Norton Secretary