1968-08-07 ",.. ..,.~f'''- --,. i' -;".: Meeting of the r)lanning Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queensbury Town Office Buildinq Wednesday, August 7, 1968 at 7:30 P. M. Presiding: Kusbner Present.: Austin" Kirkpatrick, Little, Norton" Sinnott. Cushing Absent: Guest: Ferguson, Keller Executive Sess;Lon 1. Ferguson presented CD Daggett Vending Service "'t West.erh Avenue aod Paul Street. Wishes to add 630 Sq.Ft. to present building appro~imately 3600 sq.ft. Existing non-conforming use in R-4. Discussed and will take action later. 2. Ferguson had a visit from Louis Feigenbaum representing Norman Beneck's Quaker Realty, reI approximately 300 x 500 lot in a C or M-l district for a retail building in front and dis- tribution facilities for servicing route trucks in the rear. We feel we would like more information and the secretary will ask M:r . Feiqenbaum to attend our next meeting. 3. Keller:pr~sented #44 JeRay Restaurant... Variance for'sign. Will remove present roof signs and present road sign with new sign going on old post and a new post. This is about 20' to road and total sign is over 50 sq. ft. Discussed and will take action later. 4. Keller presented #45 Howard Johnson" Aviation Road, DeSantis Variance for relocating sign due to state taking land. He has until Sêptember 6th to remove or the state will. Discussed and tabled for later action 5. Keller presented #46 Alphaus Motel Q Route #9, Scbweikhart. Same problem as Howard Johnson. Re~lar Meetina Guests: Keller Q Irving Dean, Reporter 1. Minutes of last meeting wer~ approved. 2. Welcomed pavid Lj. ttle as raw member replacing Karch. -1- \ " 3. Dean Howland appeared, reI development on Ridge Road #2-68 Ridge Knolls. Has 63 acres, plans to develop 36 lots anéi.i:'8 future golf course. Will develQP own water system from lake. Is concerned over control of wat.er where road borders his line on the sout.h after town is deeded highway and before town water is available. Will have protect.ive covenant and minimum 1600 sq. ft.. lot.s, 3/4 to 1 acre. Austin and Lit.tle will visit. the site and report back. 4. Daggett - Motion to approve Inðde by Kirkpatrick, seconded by Sinnot.t.. carried. 5. Variance #44 JeRay - Motion to deny as no practical difficult.y or extreme hardship shown made by Sinnott, seconded by Kirk- patrick.. carrled. 6. Variance *45 Howard Johnson - Motion to aþprove as, long as same or greater set.-back is maintained, inade by Aust.in, seconded by Kirkpatrick, carried. 7. Variance *46 Alpbaus - Motion t.o approve as long as same or great.er set-back is maintained, made by Austin, seconded by ,Lit.tle.. carried. 8. As both the previous variances are due to State taking land in the Aviation Road and Route 9 wideninq and as we uriderstand t.he signs in the right.-of=-way must be removed by September 6th, and as both t.he Planning Board and the, Zoning Board of Appeals must review the following resolution was presented by Austin.. Seconde<J, seconded by Sinnot.t and carried: Any request for sign variance on Aviation Road or Rout.e 9 requested due to the stat.e taking land for widening of these roads will have the automatic approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Con- forming uses are to rema in conforming: 2. Non-conforming uses are to be no more non-conforming. Requests for sign variance not meeting these conditions will be revieWed by this Board. 9 . Adj ourned . Executiv~ Session 1. Sinnott reviewed a petition presented to the Town "Board rei Chest"", nut. Ridge. We have received not.hing from the Town Board. 2. Aust.in present.ed copies of' t.he proposed sign ordinance and we reviewed some points. Will st.udy and discuss at. next meet.ing. Next meet.ing, Queen~bury Town qffice B1.1ilding, Wedneséiay, Septemþer 4th, 1968. J. Arthur Norton Secretary