1968-11-06 Meeting of the Pl~_.ing Board of the Town of GenSDury ~.. ~ held at Q,ueensbury To'lj'ffi Office Building \Ùednesday, 140vember 6, 1968 at 7,;2;0 P.. ...E. Presið.ingz l~orton Present; Absent: Guest: Áustin, Kirkpatrick, Little Cushing, ":::ushneX'f Lirmott Keller bxeCl-.!~j.ye S~~J3_ion 1. Keller presented VariancÐ 1/66 CU1I1I!lings and Go. for Zayrc_ Wa.nt approval a.s before. \',"e approved before. Will act 01'1 later. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Keller - Variance ,¡57 9 Agnec Hozel] e &; Elizabeth :LaJ?oint.-Bldg. corner of 2nd. and .Jain Lt., \:~est Glens Falls ~ wa.nt to add ffiGt2-1 units on seconó floor of existing building which was built with this in mind. l~o comrnent. Vdl1 a.ct onl<?"tel'. - Kel1er- Variance ;,/68 - Ltephen Lapham - Glenwocd & :Bay -Remodel ba.rn to use as bookstor~.. 1;0 comment. Vvïll act on la ter. .'("".'ller - Vari~"".·ce _,'.'·6"" - l·'.JY-·iL..,e.I:"loor " . r' 1 R.;¡ é:>....J =.."...... "'-Ki '" Ijover~:ng - 'i,ua.{er .. C2.l,..t wish to move sign &; put in new one.. Vdll act on la.t~~r. Keller - Variance ¡f69 - V,oodbury - V,lshes to build a building for Goodyear Tire on Glen St.. next to his Jumber y<.!,rd. ViiI:!. discuss' further and act em later. l:tel1 er - Varianc(')ff?O .. Upstate ]'urni ture ~. ({,v.alw!' lload - to relocate present sign <.:, E'f'Hmt B, new one em !:milding. will be oversize.. ¡]~a'bled for more information.. plan Sign .. " r¡. Keller - Special Permit /!6 - :Dotlr ~lartin - \~ï shes to build a (;amp~:r trailer court on old railroad right-of-way north of J?arrr.-'l'o-Jarket Road, sewa.ge disposal would. be to the 80uth of Farm-To-htarket Rca,<..l, approx. bO sites 25" x [~Ol. 1'abled. g~gµ¡ar 1~~:~j;_ing GUðSt,S ~ Keller 6: Irving Dean, I\.eporter 1. ::.I5.DU.. t0S of last meeti.ng approved. 2. :DorY' ':'Iartinappeared I'o: Camper 'frailer Court.. L:rill feD': Yiô.:ter. b~rvvage hookup for each site.. I:aundry, store, toilet, Bho'v\i~r building.. Q.t.H:~8tioned as to whether in C-3 or E-2 zone. Tabled. Martin F. Gerueo, Jr. appaated for George ßoyohuck - Unstate :b'urni ture. In 0-3 zènfh '\~ill have assembling Qf c~binets, eta. in rear of building. Wishes sign 4' high x 80' long sa.ying Queensbury :hurniture.. Expects to uee by Feb. 1969. Wants more information on sign. Geruso agreed to tab!ling 60 he could get the information. Charles Tissinger, Jro: appeared re: Woodlawn Park Seetien #3, '/5-68. Austin reporting for Austin a.nd Kirkpa.trick found no objection. Austin made a motl.n to give preliminar,y approval, Kirkpatrick seconded, carried. Austin made a motion to give final approval subject to the receipt by the secretar.y of the ~ater, Highway, a.nd Health Lepartment approvals, Áirkpatrick seconded, carried. Iforton presented a letter from L. Philip Bideau who is plannlng a :fish farm on Pickle iiill i1oad. Has started a tank, has con- servation department - approval and wants to know if this ia a per-mitted use. Tabled. tlc.e. Variance #65 - Pri~ Floor Covering - Austin made a motion to give approval, Little seconded, carried. Variance ¡f66 - Cwmnings and Co. - Little made a motion to approve as the eigns would be in general harmony with the rest of the area, Austin seconded, carried. Variance if67 - Rozelle and LaPoint - Austin made a motion to return with no comment, Kirkpatrick secended, carried. Varianoe #68 - Lapham - ~irkpatrick nade a motion to return with no comment, Little seconded, carried. 100 Variance #69 - Weodbur.y for Goodyear - Tabled. Austin and Little will contact woodbury to discuss. 4.. 5. 6. 8. p -,:;... 3. 7. 9. 11. Variance q70 - Upstate ~urniture - Boy.huck and Geruso appeared and explained the constl~ction of the sign and the use of the building.. Tabled :for aotion latero 12. L. Philip Bideau appeared re: Lake George ]'ish ~~a.rm. He ex- plained his plans of raising minnows and troüt hatohing for sale whelesaleo No emplcyeee;W11l be family operated. ~e feel this is a per.mitted farm Ufeo The Secretar.y will write to the Town Attorney giYing our opinlen and aSking for his concurrance. 13. Variance #70 - Upstate Furniture - Austin made a motien to approve as this is in general harmony with the rest of the Little seoonded, carrie do area, =~- ,. 14. Speciàl permit ~b ~ ~rtin - Cushing and liorton will investigate. 15e Norton announced a Seminar epøn~~red by the detropGlitan Planning Board ~ov. 20th at 8:00 at Adirondack Community College for members of Planning Boards, Town Boards and Zoning ~oards of Appeal and others interested, with ~exander ¡~drich, executive director of the Hudson liiver Valley Commiseien as the speaker. 16. ~ortÐn announced that literature obtained at a reoent Planning institute would be available for members useo 17. Next meeting, December 4, 1968, at 7:30 P.~. Adjourned J. Lavid Little 5eoretarYt Pro-tem.