1969-04-16 (2) /10 'rTOVI Meeting of 'the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queensbury Town Office Building Wednesday, April 16, 1969 Presiding: Kushner Present: Austin, Kirkpatrick, Little, Norton Cushing, Sinnott Absent: ~egular Meeting 8:0~ 1. Robert Press, Architect and Francis Turano, Project Manager appeared reo Meadowbrook Village # 3-69" Propose 462 units total with 128 units, land 2 bedroom, in first stage" 15 families per acre, 20~~coverageo Will have yard hydrants, tercerary sewage treatment plant, and laundry kiosk buildingo Tenant pay electric, owner pay gas. $140,. to $190. per month rental. Hope to start middle of May. Austin and Cushing will visit site. 20 Home Builders Assoc. members Mike Carusone, John Hughes, Robert Martin and Jeffrey Kelley appeared to discuss subdivision J:'egulations" 15 builders in their assoc:iationo Carusone was spokesman. 80 Other than Finch-Pruyn all builders in area small one or two man owners, building 10 to 15 homes per year. Feel any further requirements will price them out of business" Question: Who would be able to develop and where get money. Could bring in outside developers of a hit and run nature or stifle growth of town 0 b, Asked why transite pipe could not be used for water rather than cast irona Co Asked if the town eould not supply crushed stone for streets from the crusher at the dump, Cost $1~25 per cu. yd" d, Are concerned over time taken for permits. ec Suggest present regulations be enforced such as junk cars, dumps, etc. Questioned need of more town employees to supervise new regulations and increase in taxes because of thisû fa Feel that the present taxes are too high without a corresponding number of serviceso Feel mobil homes should have a higher assessment and so pay larger share~ 1 g, Are concerned over the increased cost of buildingo Ovar :.) years a $3Q~OOO home ;'6 up to 5:;42,000" In last 12 month~;: '(-,he averagehôme.,doa~.ts.up\',$3"OO~ . Lot cost is a factor. Feel canOt build a $I1,QêGll\o.....'OA 'ð $3,000 lot. Square foot cost is $22 here against $18 to $19 in the Albany area. Feel mass production canOt be used hefè because there Is not the market. The qrqwth here is relatively s10,"'I. ~ ' ho Buried electrical cost $3 per frent foot with minimum of 10 lot~;;. i.. ,. Small builders canno,tge.t bonci without having the face vaula in cash. ,o' j" .' Felt that 1oc:at10~ c;>~ p~blic water will control Yfhere .c:tevelo"mentwilJ. ()CCU2!'SO t"ts.wt)uld cont!'ol growth and wher.e servicesw11l ~e needeth ,,~' . k.Questtohed provision fo! recreat1én areð ènd who will ~upé~vlse t ':'m:~intâln andhbe ré~~~Aslble; f'ð!' ltAb!!! ty 0 3Ç Plówllftd pre-sefited} ',",'2-68 Rttlgê Ka'iolis' DI'séussed UsIng asbestos cement or plastic pipe instead of cast irono Austln presented a report on v~sltl()9 t.hesit.e forAus~inapd Little. Austin made âfhôt!on, . sec~ndi~1'tiyLtttle'j srid c8rri~t! to give prelimináty apþr.,va! witft;\thÎ e~çép~lon ðf, the \+$te!' system which lsnot ih'our·domainand ~tJbject to st8te'hi~hway department approval at access to Ridge Road for: final approval 0 40 Dl!!Scusseci;tf13...6C)' Meat;fowbrbok'.Vl11agéo Should"hÐve notice in paper tt"àtTWi Will discuss th!.~ at oUr next meeting. 5. Minutesøf l.at meéting aøþroved. 6. Next meeting May 7, 1969 at 8:000 Adjourned J Q 'Arthur Norton Secretary