1969-08-11 HERRICK OSÇORNE, P. Eo TEL. NA 3-4141 COUNTY SUPT. WARRENSElURG, N. Y. 128815 <'VVa'tun County fbEpar¿tnunt of dli9hu:ra!J~ SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFIOE SUBJECT; August 11, 1969 MEMO TO: Arthur Norton FROM: Fred Austin A special meeting was held at the Town Hall, Friday, August 8, 1969 at 5:00 P.M. To consider the applications of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Moynihans Liquor Store at the Queensbury Plaza. Presiding: Present: Chairman Kushner David Little Arthur Norton Paul Cushing John Sinnott Fred Austin Rep resen ta.t i ves of. 1) Queensbury Pl aza 23) Kentucky Fried Chicken ) Contractors involved ~~Scussions centered around ways to ~.ke proposed construction more attractive. art The following three motions were made by Austin, seconded by Sinnott and passed unanimous ly . l} To recind resolutions passed at the last regu~àr meeting which had dealed only with the Liquor Store. 2) Recommended approval of the variance request regarding set back from the new right-of-way for the Liquor Store and Kentucky Fried Chicken. 3) Approved as an addition to a large scale convnerical development the pro,osed plans, subject to: a) Scored block construction. b) Connection of buildingswith.."al1 of similiar construction to conceal service entrances and trash receptacles for both businesses. - TEL. NA 3-4141 HERRICK OSBORNE, P. Eo COUNTY SUPT. WARRENSBURG. N. V. 128815 <'Wa't'ten County fb£þa'ttl11£nt of dl0hwaY1J- SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFIOE SUBJECT: August 11, 1969 - 2 - c) Shrubbery plantings in front of entire structure facing inter- sections. d) No non-conforming signs are included in this approval. ;Z , A motion to adjourn was carried by majority vote. S trJ¡ø Respectfully, FA :ca' cc:· Jim Keller Roy Phi l1ips ·r~&. _