1969-10-01 MEETING OF T~ 'LANNli'ß BOARD OF THE "XOWI......A)F QUEENSBURY held ð'\t QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING Wednesday, October 1, 1969 Pr-esf.d:lng '" 0 :> (> " " ... c' ... " " " " .) c " " '.' ,,<> 0 ""George Kushner Present" " (> 'J <> Ö ,,(> ... ... "" c' " c' " " n-. " '" 0 c <> " '.' Austin, Kirkpatrick , Little, Norton J Sinnott t\bsent.o" "''' c, ,. ~"" '.' ,>"., " .> (>" 0 "(> " 0 " " J 0 ,.Cushing Guests., <' '> "" '_ Q "".-,,, (> <> ',>,' (> " """ ,,",," "....> Phillips J Keller ~~ *'*'·)i.·***';'¡'*****·******it-*****-1f-************iC·*******·**, f**·jt-*************ij·*{(·*.~ .~**** ftegular 5es!iion 9:10 Po fJ~ 1, Varlan(:E's acted on as follows:... #128 = Howard White" Columbia and Holden Avenue; gas ~;:ank5 above 01' below ground" Action "" plsa~pr~Et as no :eeason showg" Motlon tnade by S,innott, seconde by R"irkpé,~·tlfick and {:ax'riedo Sun Oil Company, Corinth Road; expansion existing non=conform!ng use gas stationQ as this is within 50% rule. Motion made seconded by Little and carried" #131 - Robert Rudy. Route 9, So & Hn Stamp Store; Nassivera appeared for them and explained that more land cannot be obtained and cannot provide parki.ng and hold side yard set back. Action - A(:)prove as prac;tical difficulty and reasonable use or própertyo Motion made by Little, sec. onded by Austin and carried. #129 - by one bay of Action = ArPXove byR'irlè"pa tr ck. .. #132 ; White Advertising, Off Northway by City Dump; Want over- size bi1lboardo Action - DisapÄrove as no reason this 1cannot comply" Motion made by ust~n. Seconded by Norton. and carried" #133- Martinåale. Farm-To-Market Road; Wishes to change floor... :covering store to apartmentso Martindale appeared for t.ì1is.. Action ... ðErroval subject to revisi.on of plans to show 600 Sq-Þ Ft" mIn mum per apartment in accordance with ordinance. Motion made by Norton. seconded by Sinnott, and carried. #134 - First Nat.ional Bank, Queensbury Bran¢h. Quaker Road; wish to expand drive-up facilitieso Norton presented. under 50° front set-back but more set-back than present building_ Action ~ Aeprovalas addition will have more set-ba~k îhån existing buIlding. Motion made by Sinnott. seçonded by Kirkpatrick; Norton abstained. and carried. 2, Kushner announced the 31st Annual New York State Planning Institute to be held October 19. 20~ ~21 at Spring Gleno Adjourned at 9;30 for Executi.veSe-ssiono Re-convened at 10:000 5. Variance #130 - Parsons on warehouse use variance. Action - Disapprove as we feel there are other areas better suited to this use. Motion made by Austin. seconded by Little and ~arriedQ On set-b~ck - ~c~io~ Disapprove as we feel that the 50' requlred can be held w1thoutñ~nder- ing use of land. Large Scale Commercial Development #8-69. Action - R~jected as in- . sufficient detail shown. We need proper setbacks. lãñdscaplng, 8. trafflC pattern. Motion made by Austin. seconded by Little 8. carried. Next meeting November 5. 1969 at 8:00 Adjourned at 10:05. 30 4. Jo Arthur Norton, Sêcretary