1969-11-05 (2) \ MEETING OF THE I~ING BOARD OF THE TOWN UF QUEENS BURY held at QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE Bur LDING Wednesday, November 5, 1969 Presiding .o"oooo"o~oooo.oo.ooo"George Kushner p:ç(~~:ento 0 coo 000.,.." 0 Coo 0000.0.00 oAustin, Little, Sinnott Þ~sent.,ooooooooo.ooooooooo..ueoooKirkpatrick, Norton GucstsooooooooooooooooooooooooooKe11er, Phillips *¡t:t'::~·;·/:·~~;';':"l~..',-:,4~· :__~ .)~¿~;~'t:~,::..', ~~:1,*·l;4',~".;,,¡·;;..'ci<.·..'(';·:*..t:~"4f~.\"'1:~"~':*1::·.~~"..,,~~:***..'t**'k4~*.*'¡t*-}:*,**~'r'¡:* *~·:**":C~','";;'~*.¡;...':..~:i(**** EXECUTIVE SESSION I. Minutes of AU~tst 8, and September 9, 1969 n~etings approved.. 2. V.S'.riance ,#:136 and 'Special permit Ill} for the Sun 011 Company who w'lshes to remove gas station on Upper Glen Street and Glent-7ood Avenue and build a ne'~'1 one. Special use periuit 'and a,ide set.'·~back va,riance neededo 30 Var.iance :ff.ll~2 ... Galloway'" Sign variance on Farm"'To-Market Roado 40 Special Pe~tnit 113 .. Vo Fo Wo wish to use building for private club at Luzerne and Richardson Streets. 5. Varianc~ #135 - Glens Falls Savings & Loan sign at new location. 6. Vtu:iance #131 ... Vaughn ~ Foundation in on River Street wishes :.et..back variance" 70 Variance #138 - Atwell ... Sign West Mounta~ Roado 80 Variance #139 "" Carrolls - \l1ish to add to" fr.õn,t of existing buildingc 90 . Variance #140 "" Jeckel - Wish to use building, on Everts Avenue for light manufacturing wholesale operation, retailin8 of snowmobiles, trailmobiles and mini..bikes 0 . , 100 Variance #141 ~ Sears - Wi~hes to,~uild .ga,rage to hou$~ trucks and equip~ ment on Harris Streeto '( . Adjourned 8:50pomo . ' " ! !. , ' , . . ,J 0 David Little Secretary-Pro<=>tem