1969-12-03 (2) MEETING OF THE ~PLANNINà' BOARD OF THE TOWN r QUEmSBURY I.. HELD AT " QUE ENS BURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING WEDNESDAY:> DECEMBER 3, 1969 Presiding o u 0 " Q (, ú ø 0 0 0 " " 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 " 0 0 "George Kushner . PrescDtooooooo,ooooO'00000000000000ðOAust1n, Kirkpatrick, Little, Norton Absento<>.",~"ó'OOItOOOOCíOOOOOO<>O.Ooo,!ooSinnott Gueets.ú.oOti.Cíooooú~0"oo.ocúOooooooóoKel1er, Phillips, Demboski 7:;'i::~',; ,,;~..'{i~ ..:,; ",?,; ". ~~"¡,. :'¡~'f": ~':* '/::;¡'..:";t.·*4\'~·~"'J~~1(-¡':'·;.";·J-;~~"¡:~',,..:;':"'J':~':*"'''''''rk"¡-:')"c_':*··l.:~"":(ict¡,':i-:~·.:*,'¡t****"l~*'.,T-:~t~"¡.~::'4t::***1i:*,,;;~__':*,*'i"Jc'!-:**-J~,;¡~~!:'/( EXECUTIVE SESSION -.r-- -,- -~ 10 Hin:utcs of the last meeting approvedo 2. Variance #144 ~ Conklin ~ Wishes to build four (4) apartments on second floor over his business building<> We see no reason to grant this" 30 Variance #145 ~ Hessler ~ Northgate Plaza <:> Wishes to relocate sign ~ Will act on laterQ 4" Variance #146 = Alexy = Riley Point - Cleverdale ~ Wishes to build addition closer than 30~ to property lineo Will act on latero 5. Veri¿mce #147 "'" Glens Falls Car ltlash, Inc ó "" Sign Variance and Special Permit #15 = Gas pumps in front of buildingo Will a.ct on later" 6" Variance #148 .,. First National Bank'=' Que ens bury Branch .."" Sign 10' from right of way" Special Permit #16 "" Sign revolving" Will act on latero 7" Variance #149 - Judge Sign Corpo ~ Kantucky Fried Chicken = Queensbury Plaza" Will act on latero eo Qua.ker Vi.llage #5<=>69 "'" Zemanek... Discussed and tabled for regula!: meetingo 9 \) SleiglH: = #7-69 Mountain Vial Sub-Divisiono Discussed and will a.ct on 18. te:t' . Adjourned 8:45 pomo Reconvened - 9:20 pomo ., . " 100 Sleight #7~69 = Discussed and will act on latera 11.0 Sleight #6~69 ~ Evergreen acres Section #30 Discussed and will act on l.a.terQ 12c Quaker Village 15=690 Reviewed and will act on latera Adjourned 10:100 S 3, Arthur Norton, ,ecTetary MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE T01ffl OF QUEENSBURY HELD AT QUEENS BURY Tam OFFICE BUILDING WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1969 Prcsiding.oo.o.øooooo~J. Arthur Norton Prcsent.'Ge..o~ooooo..Austin, Little. Sinnott Absent~....",o.o..~o.o.oKirkpatrick, Kushner Guestsocoo.o~o~ooo.oo.Solomon ************~~**~**~~*********~~~**~~~~**********~~*********~i******mt~~* REGULAR. SESSION ~ùaker Village 15-69 ~ Little made a motion, seconded by Sinnott and carried tc approve with screening indicated including that between the south deive and thE brook. Adj ournt3d " J 0 Arthur Norton, Secretary