1970-04-01 EXE MEETING OF TIlE P¥NNi,NG BOARD OF THE TOON 'OF QUEENSBURY-Y' tL1f~ HELD AT QUEÈNSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING WlllŒSDAY. APRIL,I.. 1970 Presiding........................George Xushner Pre.eo.t.........................Littl.. Kirkpatrick. Norton, Monahan Absent...o 0....0.......'........ ..SiDnott, Van Wirt Guest...........................Phil1ip8. Keller. , , , I I , t t I I I , , I , ~. t I I ".... . t I . , . t I I. I I' I II' I II I I , I , 1,1 , , I I , I , I , I It I , I , . I II I I I I , I I I , IXICUfIYl laSICIf-7: 15 l.. Dick~, D1rectOl:" of .....~, Cl:ead.l1 Aasoc:l.ate., Architects discWlsed aub-ctiY1aioD reøu1at1oa8 ... ot:ber plaDD1aa .spects for our town. Office ot the rt-t..1W CoorcU.aatioD projection above Queenabury doublin¡ 1ra populatioa betlle. 1960 aM 1980. " In our aub-M.visiOD nplatiou we' ahould haw provisions far conc1œd.neum sad cluate d...loplllllta and proY1aiou for open apace. W. -should work with the '1'... IoaI'd aad other Bouda 1a th. developa_t of thee. regulations 0 Tbe plaœ.er abou1d belp develop .~~f .tratt.oD proc.ecIur.. In cODMCtion with thia 10011141118 4....lOfWl1At of tome and flow chart. for pzojecta thru the varioue boaÞle and ~u of the Town J Allo diaeuaaed oebel'..... W. abould bave . planners ...1atøc. 1De.!lud1na the folløwiDa:- Up date ZODiac Ontt1MDC. ta 11ae witb the MUter plan with clarification of jUl'~.d1Qt1oft oa c'QßI~ial aM .1Muatrf.al 1a. .cal. dev.lo......t., _bile høeø.. alp OI"bwace ... 1ft l1¡bt of. what bu ~Qured .1~~·,tbe ord11U11\Ce wa'cIe'V'elo.pt4. .', . ... ,'...,:.....' Thf#.'h.te ba. a proar- far LiJdt;. Pl4$.D.Qifta Msistance"op....atate futUt,ed,."S.th local ahue of 1l6· ot thtI·c,øst. Money .bouldbea_11~l. to get &Q application 1Q eoon. W. c:ou1d_:tart on 81\ area of "'stconcern and apply .to the State at the ... tiMwith our payment. credited toward our share. AncÞthèr ..rea t. the review, re-.cod1fication and reri.sionofall ordinances-,~ Zol\f:ng. Mobi,1.' boIIe. si&M. etc., . .." "', , . , We "ould coatactJim Vaad.."VOOr:t.oftbe,Otf1ce of PlaDningCOord'1Mtion to rev$.aw tb1.progrø witb U8 anct ,tbeTown Board, . ICuatmer'ftll do tb.is. 20 MiQ1.lte.of·the Pebruary _tq &ppJ'OvecI. No -tins w~ hel,d iAMarèb., 30 g.111_ pree.teeS S.P., 118 ~ Toa:riDItoa-.They wish to drielo, « \!t!tc)ne ' quaJ:'Z'Y.,c~h1D& cøaçnte. aadb1ackeopopel'atiOD South oftb~ Airport in an M-lzol1e.'Wequaation d.triMnt tò 4.,200 of the Zo~ns Ord~nanceo Will act ? .onJ.,¡¡ te,:, 0. '. ' , ., 40 Kel,ler pre...ted S.P.., #19 -=-. Ski and Shore' ~ Wish to loca.te filling station at G~rney,Lane, West Mountain Road and: Northway access lane 0 , Will act on latf!r. " 50 Kelle.r presented Variance 1153 .. Wardwell. d"bo8o, United.:Rentc:>Alls4 Wishes to relocate and remove buildings on Upper Glen Street? . This shows leasing an 80'x140' parcel on Glen Street for another use~ which~il1 create an 11~200 sq" fto lot no~ the 40.000 required by OrdiD!inceu We s:ee no basis for approval\) \-lill act on later" <)" Keller presented Variance #154 - Van Valkenburgh ."".. Insuffic.ient information" Will act on latern 10 Kcller presented Variance 1155 ~,Boychuckð This is ð three part application :f:01'.' thræe signs on one post on Quaker Road for Boardmans jI Queensbury F\:t1..'niture, Æ::irAd F.zdrbanka Furniture:,) ~1fg,. We questioned the use of three applÜ:ations Rind fe,~l this is one sign; present sign on building ~.s in violation aud no manufacturing is perm:i.ttad in this zoneo, tlill Bet on later", 86 Kel1ør presented 50% expansion from Maillej Luzerne and Connecticut Avenueo Wishes to expand garage and used rJar business 0, tril11 act on later () 90 Keller presented 50% expansion for Freihofer Balcery ont:ronin Road" Will act on later 0 . 100 Phillips asked us to review ~ proposed addttion to Quaker Villa~e for Regan and Denny" We discussed the extension of roads if this might; be under the cove~ed drive thruareas~ Adjourned at 8~45for regular meetingc Reconvened at 9;370 ' tWU~NING BOARD - April Ip 1970 ~ continuedo llo Variance #153 ~ Discussed this further as to access past the future devo elopment parcel as well as problems of traffic ¡i:t1d development of land in back of proposed United RentøAll buildingo Will act on later Q 120 Variance #154 ... Reviewed this in light of further informationo 130 Variance #l56 - International Brotherhood of Pulp» Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers 0 Propose apartments on land on Aviation Road in back of the churches 0 Will act on 1atero Adjourned at 10:00 for regular meetingo Jo Arthur Norton, Secretary "