1970-05-27 SPECIAL MEETING , AT QUEr.M8BURY TœN OFFICE BUILDING WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1970 "'" - 5:00 P<lM. ~~ PRESENT: PlannlD2 Board: . Monahan, Norton, stnnott, Van Wlrt, later ~ahner Town Board: D.moski, Robertson, Robillard, Solomon, later Austin Buil~iD2 IUDeCtor: George Lapes Town Attorney: Harold ICatz 1111111111111111111111111111111111'1' 1111.111111.1' 111111111111111111111111111' t t I lo S01011101\ presented Hercules request for rezone for waste', -treatMnt and oil stor- age. Metcalf and Eddy rec~ed the waste treatment which does not need zone chance. 20 Norton discussed the Lillited Pktnins Aasistance prograa.. We will, have 8 ..eet1ag with nanni. Board, Town Board and representatives of State Office of Planning. 80101lOI\ s..sted that we apply for ~e TOWn' s sbarein our budget far next yearo This should be to Soloaaon by Au¡uàto We should check ~as to providing part of this in kind (office space, ate 0) , 3 D SolOlllOl\ aaked us to recOllll8nd zonins for two parcels West of West Mountain New Road purchased from County. Property owned by Weeks and Robinson., We should talk with the.... Also should consider Ski and Sbore property as to wbather this should be re-zoned.. (Kushner came in) Board bas received petition for rec.·aoning of Ski and Shore property" Robertson stated that Northway is commercial and that Route 149 is and will develop more when it is rebuilt, sò this is iaap.ortant interchangeo (Austin came in) At present Weeks and Robinson properties are not zoned so it can be used for any th ins,s' ' :;,.' ' Suggested that the county might purcbaae the properties back for open s~e. We were cbargedto use factual tbinking, not emotion in arriving at a decisiono J 0 Arthur Horto II, Secretary Planning Board