1970-06-08 EXE MEETING OF THE ~NNING BOARD OF THE TOWN ot QUEmSBURY ',HELD AT ,~ QUE~BURY TœN OFFICE BUILDING" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 5:00 PoM.. Presiding...............Kushner Presento................lCirkpatrick. Monahan, Norton, Sinnott, VanWirt 8uestso.................Walter Robinson, George Weeks, Liapes, Huested, Tichenor XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EXECtn'IVE SESSJN Ski and Shore, Weeks & Robinson, forming County owned properties., Weeks would like his property zoned C-3; Robinson would like his zoned R-30 Round table discussion. Sinnott felt that the County should buy back Weeks and Ski & Shore at their priceo Kirkpatrick feels County would not buy back., Residential would still cause sewagE problems. Van Wirt felt sewage systems if properly operated would not create biological pollution but would create nutrient pollution. Many peo.ple against coamercialø Monahan felt Glen Lake people concerned with pollution. Must atop somewhere. Felt the County should have advised the Town Board and Planning Board of their plans to sell.. Kushner suggested we rec,.-ewtð re-zont'Dg and 8uggestnd the county purchase back at: keep land open.., Van Wirt - What is proper use of land? Kirkpatrick - Have to put in sewers in a few years, then it- can be residential. Van Wirt -, Pollution not enough reason to zone residential., rtshner - Also, esthetic pollution., Van·Wirt - If had not been County property what would zone have been? R-3 Kushner - Not want cOl8l8rcial at every interchange any IDOre than at street cornerl Van Wirt - ,Would be only one on West fro. S,chroon Lake down to Albany area." Feels serving the intercbauge~ld be reasonable use of the land'. !obtion by Kirkpatrick, seconded by Norton to recOIIIAend that the Weeks and Rob ins or properties be zoned R-3 and that the Ski and Shore property be c,haaged from C-3 to R-3.-, We also suggest that the County investigate the possibility of purchasin~ these properties back so they will remain in tbe present undeveloped stateo Next meeting,.July l, 19700 Meeting adjournedq .}" Arthur Norton, Secretary QUEmSBURY PLANNING BOARD ~ /..... .. \