1970-07-01 MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENS BURY HELD AT QUE~SBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING · WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1970 ' Presiding.o...........................George Kushner Present.................oo............MOnahan, Norton, Van Wirt Absent.................oo............oKirkpatrick. Sinnott Guests......o..o........o..........o..Liapes. Phillips. Keller, Austin McIlvaine AAAAAAi*A.i*.A'AAAA~AAAAAA.A*'.AAk*A~**A**..A.*A*.****.AAAA~AAAAA REGULAR SESSION 8:40 10 Minutes of last meeting approvedu 2. Variance 1166 - New York Telephone Company - R. E. Tardif appeared. Wish to expnnd building on Route 9-L near Cleverdale. Need Variances of front, side. rear yards and area. Motion by Monahan, seconded by Van Wirt, and carried to APPROVE as practical difficulty subject to approval of North Queensbury Fire Company. 3. Variance Il67 - Girard. Assembly Pointo Wish to create three (3) lots of one parcel on which three build!._ are located. Kusbaer pointed out this would create non-conforming lots which is specifically prohibited by the ordinance. Motion by Van Wirt, seconded by Norton, carried to disapprove on this basis.. £>0 Variance 1168 Harris Bay Develop8l8Dt Corporation - Route 9L - Wish i. sign Variance. Alan Rhodes of Clark, Bartlett & Caffry appeared with Dave' Stewart and showed the sign they wish to use and pointed out that this con- fo~ with Lake George Park Co_ssion specifications, w~ld replace a prior aignof less attractive appearag.~e. and will be loqated20' further frØD1J:'oad~Motion by Norton.aeco1.1.~8d; by Monahan. and carrieci. tQ approve aathi" would be 1888 nonácQnfQrmins~an the old sip,,1ifould create a bet.:'dsbip and obstruct parkiag 1f pl,.c:~d to set,.back ~q,",~I'8JDeQt. and con- foms to Lake George Park CO"Qspeøifications ~ 50 Va~ianc. 1169 ~Dunkin' Donuts, Uppel' Glen Street, Rout~.'9.Th~si8 reYisiou toprevioua appli~tiÓD. Þlla1.pb Lauro, Case ~rl_, and Ed Wardwell appeared 01) this ~ This should be c~idered as one lot .. tbi. wil~ be leased. Only variances needed are fat' l~t widtþ and aip set-.b4cko Motion \' by Mnlahan, .second~ by Van Wi:l:'t: aQ,dc:",rried t~ approve a,. practical diff~ lcu.lty as no more width is available and neighboring bul~dlngs, wòuld obst1;'UCt the siptll 6. DeSant1. .Blg Boom Road -. Wish to cb~ge R..3 to M-'l zcme~ Involves DeSantis Enterprises Inc., Meadow Run DeveloplDe1i1t Corp.. Contour C:o.!I" In~~, Roland E. & Ora Lo Bardin. Letter from Tbo.sHeath for Fi~ch Pruyn & Inter1l" national Paper, joiut owners of adjoining property statec1tbey do not wish to be re~ed but do not object to the other property bèing,t'ezQQed. Alan Rhodes appeared on this"! Tabled. ., 70 Jetf Kelly and Jack MaDDix appeared for 12:~70 ,- West Lane, Section l2 ,- Sub-.divialon. Discussed rightOllof....ay.. with developers haviQg IW' objection to rigbt~of-way8 show as loug as neighboring developments. would not be detrimental to Westland~ Pre11.tnary approval bad been granted previouslyC1 80 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Burch, Jr. discussed -. Subdivision 13-70, Burch Road. These lots would be sold with the umerstanding that the purchaser woui~ need approval from the Town Board fora mobile home... Iobtion by Van W{rt, seconded by Monahan and carried to give preliminary approval subject ot approvals of Health Departme,ut. Highway and Water Depart_nta and subadssion of protective ,co","enents before final approval can be granted!, Adjourned for txecutive Seesion 10:20 pom. Re-convened 10:2Sp~.. 9. De Santis Enterpriaes cbange of zone. Motion by Van Wlrt. seconded by NortOR, and carried for r~endation of approval to the TOWI.'l Board to chase the pioperties of DeSantis Enterprises and Meadow Run Development Corp. to M-1 but not Bardin or Contour Company properties'aa they wOuld be too narroW, to provicJe proper light Industrial Developaae1\t lO. Next meeting August S. 1970. Adjourned 10:35. J. Arthur Norton. Secret1œy