1970-09-02 ,- MEETING OF TH~ PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENS BURY I HELD AT II QUŒENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDOO SEPTEMBER 2, 1970...WEDNESDAY PresidingoooO~Go.o.o..oo........oGeorge Kushner Presentao.o.&ooooo...ooooo.....ooMbnahan, Norton, Sinnott Absento..oOQ.ooo.G.o.ooo~ov.o.o.oKirkpatrick Guestsøoo.ooo...oooo..o.oo.......oLiapes, Keller, McIlvaine ******"J.,*~Wr****iri....;:*'A Ide 'It. **** ****'kA*k**********...'ffl'k********************:C~ **~, *** REGULAR SESSION 8:30 ---- 10 Minutes of last meeting approvedo 2. Variance and Special Permits:- SoP.. 120 "" Sun Oil Company "" Corner Quaker and Dix E> Northeast" Reisner appeared" Kushner said this is a bad intersection and has been recommended for correction in the Master PIano Should plan so this can be done later without added cost. Reisner agreed to hold until this could be discussed with {-¡arran County Highway Dept. He feels the lot is large enough to hold the construction back. y,...."":.. Variance :/I 170 .... I.eonard DuFour'" Sunnyside North ... Garage to be 20' e not 30' from Ro 0.. Wo Motion by Monahan, seconded by Norton. and carried to recommend}PPROVAL as practical difficult Yo Variance I 171 0 Jacobs = Inside Edge Ski Shop, Bay Road ~ Sign 15' from RQ 00 Wo on property lineo MOtion by Norton, seconded by Sinnott. carried to recommend DISAPPROVAL» as insufficient reason shown to grant thiso Variance #112 .. Lucia.. Bay Road .. Bottle & Glass Shopo Motion by Sinnott, seconded by Norton and carried to recommend DISAPPROVAL as this would be a use variance which is not permitted. Var1.ance I 173 - Komp - Assembly Point... Garage 15' from Ro 00 \.10 Trees would restrict conforming locationo Motion by MOnahan, seconded by Sinn.ott, c.a:t'1:ied to recoamend APPROVAL á\Ð practical difficulty 0 Varia~~e # 174 ~ Spector .. Lower Warr~ Street - Divid~into two properties if 30' not 40' side yard then comrming lots., Motion by Norton, second- ed by Sinnott and carried to :~,:?;r'R()""'Eo -- Va.riance # 175 w.> Reith "" Sunnyside North... Wishes Variance for 1096' not 5' siéle yàrdo Sold lot to Willets with camp and 'built on new lot two year~ ago 0, Claims error by contractor anci new survey show less side clearanceo Wil1.~ts appeared and was concerned over 45' long roof draining on his property and causing probleD1$of ..,b9ut and septicsyst,eœ. If he trys to remedy his problems it will distruþ',Re1tb buildingo Clld.liISstakes could be seemo Riccio, across street,.elaims Reith is on right....ofeoway<-. Motion by Sinnott" seconded by Monahan and carried to APPROVE ..aubJect to public hearing and looking into defects and problems created." ,. , Variance I 176 - Frasier Minit Car Wa,sh .... Upper Glen Street .. Sign location because of road wideningo Charles, Attorney and Frasier appeared for thin" ~.onahan made, a motion, seconded by Smnott and carri.ed to recommend APPROVAL because of road wid'eningo Variance I 177 ... Red Fez.. Route 9 .... Wish two signs 4txS'. close to property line advertising menu and bourso, Motion by Norton, seconded by Sinnott and carried to recommend DISAPPROVAL as insufficient reason shown and there is enough property to conform. Variance # 178 - Pattee ø Clark Street e Swi~ng pool in back yard too close to property line and houseC/ Only possible locationp Motion by Sinnott, seconded by !t>nahan and carried to recommend APPROVAL if no objection from neighborso (Continued Page 2)