1970-10-07 EXE MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE Ta-lN OF QUE ENS BURY HILD AT QUI_JURY TtMf orrICK JlU!U)DfQ , CC'!ODR 7, 1970 Presidf.aa . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . Georp ICuehl1er Pr.s.t 0 . . 0 0 . . . . 0 0 . . . . . I.1r1tpatri~k, Mellon, Sinnott, Norton AbS4lll't ......'... to 0 .. 0 0 0 . :tboahan Queøts' . . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 ø . . Phillip., Liapes 'A&A&'A&A~AAA&'AA~A'AAAAAAA&&&&A&A.AAAAAA'AAAa'A&AAA&A&a&&&AAA&&~aAAAA 1. Minutes of l..t _etiDa approved. 2. Reviewed the fo11owlaa which will '* acted on later: Veri_ce I 180 - McDou id~ - Sip relocation SoP 0 I 22 Huris Bay Ðe.e\opIeGt Corp. - Boat Stor..e Expansion of Non-coa.fonf.Qa uae · lusb Market 3. ~bner reported on diacuasiOl1 OD LPAP with Vandervoort. Ro f1ads until after July 1, 1971 but .bould pt .pp1ication in by Jan. 1, 1971. We sbould iDteni_ coaau1UDts, pick ooe ... atat lild.ted scope of services. Vaclenoort.., att~ ..t ~t1Dao Sugest C.-deub. Plelss1ø .. AlIOC. ...... Klunder (layf.n~_t.l CoDIIult1Da Service Aa~) aad Cr...ll Maociat.. ArcbitecÞ. We ahcJuld cOWl'vpdallilll of Ma.ter na. c_ 10 up to .3,000 WId_ tbis proar-· 4. ØorthÌf., 'le_ - _. IaildiDa for State ... o.f AtbaD)' pnHlltad 'by~. s. Have all app&'Oftl. OG I 2-70 W..t1aDcl 8actioa I 12 80 caD 11". flu1 approval. 6. Letter received froIa Wan:'. CouDtJ PI",,,,,, Board with their r..olu- tioD I 10 reøardila¡ revi_ policJ fOl' their Boucl. We should sead copt.. of our recDw...s.tf.ou OD It_ COlli.. uader their jurisdlctloa. 7. Received copJ of letter f~ lata to Liape. r_reSins rewlvt.aa 1llu.iDatiDl sips wbicb.Deed .pecial p8rll1t. If rewlrin¡ only theapecial peød.t DOt "88Md. 8. MjouraecJ 8:00 for rapler _tiDa. R8CODveud 9:20 90 Df.scuased Stat. ... Appl1catioD - Mellon aad SiDDott to look at and report OD. Adjoumed 9:30 .J 0 Arthur Norton. Secretary